John McAfee is one of the greatest Americans to live in the modern era and has sadly committed suicide or more likely was suicided by the U.S. Government. It is very sad that America lost one its last true rebels. His rebellious streak and his outspoken disdain for the Feds and the media made many happy moments for myself and other freedom loving Americans.
I remember McAfee Virus Scan when I was kid. Personal computers were still very new and as a young kid I knew that viruses were very bad and very dangerous. I was thankful everyday that my McAfee virus scan went through my computer and blasted any virus threats. People don’t seem to worry about viruses that much any more but in the early 90s computer viruses were something that the whole world worried about and were very scary indeed.
John McAfee caught my attention when he was on the run from the Belize government for an alleged murder. The story was fascinating as John McAfee was running through all South America calling the media the whole time. John McAfee was some kind of modern adventure hero on the run from a corrupt banana republic government, it was great to watch.
Later John McAfee ran for the liberation nomination for President. His campaign was great and could have changed the whole libertarian party. John McAfee’s campaign adds gives a good feel for how great John McAfee’s campaign could have been.
Unfortunately, the Libertarian Party nominated Gary Johnson again, who am sure is a nice person or whatever but is not even close to a true libertarian and is actually very boring. John McAfee would have been the most exciting libertarian candidate ever. Can’t have that though, we need to have politics boring and dull. Gary Johnson was sure the man for that.
Later, John McAfee became one of the biggest crypto currency supporters in the world. He became famous and beloved in the crypto space. So, the feds targeted him for destruction by claiming that he was using crypto to dodge taxes. Most likely this was made up and the U.S. government wanted to make an example out of him as it does to so many of it political enemies like Ross Ulbricht and Julian Assange. So John McAfee did the only thing that John McAfee could do. He went on the run. Actually, he was on a boat, so I guess he sailed. He managed to evade authorities for years until last summer he for some reason decided to take a flight in Barcelona. Well, he was nabbed after that.
The saga of John McAfee finally ends last week when John McAfee was suicided in jail. I don’t really know for sure if he was suicided but his wife thinks so and so does the Great Leader Alex Jones.
John McAfee also believed the obviously true theory that all social media has been designed for mind control.
When John McAfee was not speaking truth, he was having an awesome time shooting guns with Alex Jones
Here is a great documentary on John McAfee. It is a must watch. Seriously, just click and watch the video. It was tough to find.
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