9-11, When the Portal to Hell First Opened

Of course I am talking about the 9-11 false flag conspiracy that was committed by Mossad and the CIA, not the crazy Arab conspiracy that our government and media promote.  The government 9-11 story is so full of holes, that so may people believe the official narrative still after 20 years demonstrates the power of propaganda, media control, and the ability of the human mind to ward off what is too traumatic to take in .  Of course it not easy too admit that we have traitors in our mist.  It is not fun.  I don’t enjoy knowing these things and enjoy telling about these things even less.  Despite the fact that this is a very uncomfortable truth we can not let our emotions overwhelm us.  We, as a people, need to take the truth head on because this is the only way we can save our civilization.

I took time to reflect on 9-11 today because there were so many downstream affects that have affected my life and the lives of people around the world.  One was that I joined the military, largely in belief that we, our country was under attack from an outside enemy.  This is why many people joined.  If a war was going to be fought, I and many others like me decided that we would be the ones to fight it.  My military service eventually concluded with a deployment to Afghanistan.  Finally, I was able to go to war and fight. My deployment was not what I envisioned when I first joined the military.  I saw many things that made me loose faith in my country and its mission.  I saw how we, The American Military, was basically on occupying force propping up a corrupt government.  We would see it everyday.  Moreover, the incompetence of our own military leadership became apparent as well.  Worse, The American Military was lying to the American people about the progress in Afghanistan.  Being deployed with the infantry, we trained the Afghanistan National Army and Afghanistan National Police.  Every month we sent reports that the Afghan military could not fight and was almost impossible to train to any kind of standard.  I knew everyone was running into the same problem.  The Afghan military was simply untrainable.  This was in the most Westernized city in the country, Kabul, so I knew the provinces were much worse.  Of course the generals ignored such reports and told Congress that great progress was being made.  After the Afghan government fell within ten days in 2021, of course the soldiers and Marines on the ground were proven right.  Not to belabor the point but this is how 9-11 directly affected me and my life.  Many people were not so lucky.  I may have lost my faith in American Government but many others lost their limbs and lives to the misguided war in “Graveyard of Empires.”

Around the same time that I was deployed to Afghanistan, I started researching more obscure topics surrounding American history.  After the 2008 financial crisis I dived deep into economics to figure out what was going on.  It is easy to forget now, with new and greater manufactured crisis arriving all the time but 2008 greatly shook the country and me personally because I thought I had a fairly good understanding of economics.  The 2008 crisis proved me wrong.  The more I read, the more rabbit holes I found.  The Lewis Carol reference seems very apropos.  My reality began to turn upside down.  The whole monetary system was a rigged game to benefit the rich bankers and the well connected.  The whole military industrial complex was not to protect “our freedom” but the Petro Dollar, basically the currency and life blood of the American Empire.  Everything I thought that I knew was basically wrong and I had to start learning everything over again.  Of course, the major event.  The big one that changed everything was 9-11.

Of course it is hard to believe that such a conspiracy was possible.  This is often the objection of most people when encountering such information.  Of course they are right.  It is hard to believe.  There are two parts to this objection of course.  One is how could people within own government have the ability to pull off such an operation and how could they cover up such a huge operation?  Two is how could people be so evil?

The first question is a technical question.  Despite being hard to believe and seemingly implausible, such an operation was pulled off and covered up. Or like the Senator Bob Kerry said when asked, it was a 30 year conspiracy.


The second question is philosophical.  Maybe even spiritual.  The nature of evil.  How does such evil exist?  This is something that every human being has to grapple with when encountering evil.  Often it can lead to emotional and spiritual trauma.  We simply cannot not believe such a world can exist.  But exist is does.  I will have to explore this question more in the future but the solution to this spiritual crisis is for each individual to find their own meaning and own spiritual connection.  Humans are designed by God or Nature to be spiritual beings.  To ignore this, to fall into spiritual despair is part of what could be called the “Satanic Program”.  God exists and finding God within ones’ self and finding meaning in the universe is the solution to spiritual despair.

There have been many great articles written on 9-11 today and this week from free thinking websites like LewRockwell.com and Unz.com. There are also many documentaries that have been produced on 9-11.  They are all very much watching.  The first one that started waking me up was Architects and Engineers for 9-11 truth.


A longer and very power documentary is September 11th : The New Pearl Harbor.  This documentary goes into great detail and refutes the claims of the “debunkers” who mostly appear to be CIA assets, or at least willing liars.


As the years have gone by more and more research has been directed towards the Israeli connection.  This theory has proven controversial but this is where many of the current researchers have concluded that a large part of the plot was orchestrated.


Our country and our civilization obviously has some great challenges ahead if what I and millions of others believe is true.  That 9-11 was orchestrated by people within the highest levels of our government.  Now is the time to face up to the truth.  It has been 20 years.  The same people who did the 9-11 hoax are the same people doing the Covid hoax.  Time is running short but I am confident that God is on our side.  I am confident that truth wins in the end.  I believe that we can truly enter a great new age when we expose the evil in our midst and our civilization will be able to grow in a NATURAL way.

Here is to all the fallen on that day.  Especially the first responders who went in to save lives and were betrayed by their own government.  May God bless their souls because I know they are in Valhalla right now.




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