Who is Q?

There is a lot of stuff in here so I will let the viewer decide.  This basically sums up what the Q Anon people believe.  I do think there are very bad people in very high places but are there good guys in a secret war with them?  To be honest it seems somewhat unlikely to me but I have started to warm to the idea bit for the mere fact that the power structure is afraid of these ideas.

  It is interesting how hard it is to find any Q Anon stuff on the internet anymore.  The censors are going into overdrive trying to supress this Q. So why would the “powers at be” try to supress Q Anon so much if there was nothing there?  Is it not a foundational idea of democracy that all sides have a right to engage in the realm of ideas?  If the public has to be protected against ideas, what does that say about democracy itself?  Youtube and Big Tech have completely censored any Q Anon material, therefore, for the sake of posterity, I would like to post a bit here.


I wish I had more but some of the previous things that I have seen have already been wiped from the internet.  I will keep looking.





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