A New era coming? The people are waking up?

It has been a while since I have seen such obvious signs of hope.  I rarely if ever watch anything in the MSM because everything is so scripted and frankly boring.  Most people have very little clue of what is going on in the world.  That being said, there seems to be signs of hope going on.  On the Jimmy Dore show recently, they mentioned the governments programs of weather control.  Jimmy Dore is not mainstream media but they are not crazy out there either.  So I find this a very interesting development.

Of course the government has been doing weather control for years. And who knows what they are doing to lasers.  If the government denies it, it is most likely true. I don’t remember who said that but it definitely has some truth to it!  Below is a video about Operation Popeye, weather control in Vietnam.   What do you think they are doing now if they could do this back then?  Also, why do we never hear about this?


Then, to make it even more crazy.  They mentioned 9-11 and building 7.  Nobody is supposed to talk about building 7.  This is not Alex Jones!  These guys are certainly not mainstream but they are not crazy out there either and are well watched.  Fun times.  I am glad this is happening.

6,062 thoughts on “A New era coming? The people are waking up?

  1. Na era de turbulências econômicas e políticas, surge a pergunta inevitável: como preservar e aumentar suas finanças em tempos de incerteza? Felizmente, as tecnologias financeiras estão se desenvolvendo mais rápido do que nunca, oferecendo-nos ferramentas poderosas e acessíveis para proteger e expandir nosso capital. Uma dessas soluções revolucionárias é o token UTLH. Neste artigo, vamos explorar detalhadamente todas as vantagens e oportunidades do UTLH, por que escolher esse token em meio a tantos outros e como ele pode transformar o futuro financeiro de cada investidor.Por que o UTLH surgiu agora? Desafios modernos, como a instabilidade econômica, inflação, restrições sanções e barreiras burocráticas para obter créditos, forçam as pessoas a buscar novas soluções financeiras. O UTLH foi desenvolvido precisamente para resolver essas questões atuais:Simplicidade e acessibilidade – o uso do token é claro até mesmo para iniciantes.Descentralização – sem restrições externas e sanções que podem ameaçar instrumentos financeiros tradicionais.Aplicação real – ferramenta de garantia no programa de Assistência Financeira Universal (UFA).Renda passiva – programa vantajoso de staking com retorno fixo.O que é o token UTLH? O UTLH é um ativo digital moderno baseado na blockchain Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20), com uma emissão limitada de tokens (total de 957.315 unidades). Graças ao seu modelo econômico, o UTLH não só protege o capital dos seus detentores contra a inflação, mas também tem um potencial de crescimento estável devido à oferta limitada e à alta demanda entre os usuários.Resolução de problemas financeiros reais Ao contrário de muitas criptomoedas especulativas, o UTLH resolve problemas financeiros concretos e vitais enfrentados por milhares de pessoas:Obtenção de financiamento preferencial através do programa UFA, sem a necessidade de formalizar garantias complicadas.Proteção contra inflação e turbulências econômicas, graças à emissão limitada e aos mecanismos de queima de tokens.Criação de uma renda passiva estável por meio do programa de staking com retorno fixo de 24% ao ano.Modelo econômico do UTLH: por que o crescimento é inevitável? O UTLH foi desenvolvido com base em princípios rigorosos de estabilidade econômica:Emissão limitada (957.315 tokens), que elimina riscos inflacionários e gera demanda constante.Queima regular de tokens, o que reduz ainda mais o número de tokens em circulação, impulsionando a valorização.Demanda constante, devido à popularidade do programa UFA e as condições atraentes do staking. Tudo isso cria condições extremamente favoráveis para os detentores do token, garantindo crescimento a longo prazo de seu valor.Staking UTLH – um rendimento simples e vantajoso Os bancos modernos praticamente deixaram de oferecer taxas de juros atraentes em depósitos. Ao mesmo tempo, o UTLH proporciona uma renda estável de 24% ao ano, mantendo todas as vantagens das criptomoedas:Simplicidade de entrada – a partir de apenas 1 token.2% mensais garantidos, com devolução do valor principal após 12 meses.Transparência total e segurança graças ao uso da tecnologia Binance Smart Chain.Uma comunidade internacional forte Uma grande vantagem do UTLH é sua poderosa comunidade. Atualmente, o clube internacional UTL Club conta com mais de 160 mil usuários ativos, entre os quais estão empresários de sucesso, investidores e pessoas em busca de independência financeira. Os membros do clube não apenas adquirem o token, mas também ajudam uns aos outros, implementando projetos em conjunto, compartilhando conhecimentos e experiências. A comunidade é uma garantia adicional de estabilidade e desenvolvimento a longo prazo do token.Casos reais de sucesso com o UTLH Muitas pessoas já utilizaram o token UTLH e transformaram suas vidas para melhor:Questão habitacional – centenas de famílias adquiriram imóveis sem recorrer a hipotecas caras ou empréstimos bancários.Desenvolvimento de negócios – empreendedores conseguiram acesso a financiamento vantajoso e expandiram seus projetos.Renda passiva – milhares de investidores recebem renda passiva diariamente por meio do programa de staking, garantindo estabilidade financeira para si e suas famílias.Por que investir no UTLH agora? Atualmente, o UTLH oferece condições extremamente vantajosas de investimento. O token ainda está disponível a um preço acessível, mas sua crescente popularidade, emissão limitada e aumento constante da demanda levam a uma valorização inevitável do token nos próximos meses e anos. Comprar o token agora é uma oportunidade de obter o máximo de retorno com a valorização futura, ao mesmo tempo em que garante um rendimento passivo fixo.10 razões para incluir o UTLH no seu portfólio hoje mesmo:Renda passiva garantida de 24% ao ano através do staking.Proteção contra inflação graças à emissão limitada e ao mecanismo de queima.Acesso a financiamento preferencial através do UFA.Segurança e transparência nas transações graças ao Binance Smart Chain.Facilidade de uso, até mesmo para iniciantes.Apoio de uma grande comunidade internacional.Ausência de procedimentos complexos e barreiras burocráticas.Alto potencial de valorização do token.Mecanismo conveniente para preservação e aumento de capital.Exemplos reais de uso e resultados de milhares de usuários satisfeitos.Conclusão: UTLH – um passo confiante rumo ao futuro O UTLH é um ativo digital único que combina as vantagens dos investimentos tradicionais com as inovações tecnológicas. Ele foi criado para que qualquer pessoa possa proteger e aumentar seu capital, acessar financiamento e obter uma renda passiva estável, além de se tornar parte de uma comunidade bem-sucedida e em crescimento. Adquirir UTLH agora é dar o primeiro passo rumo à liberdade financeira e a um futuro seguro. Não espere que outros façam isso – aja agora e faça parte da revolução financeira que já está em andamento! 

  2. Andrei Alistarov: A Controversial BloggerAndrei Alistarov is a blogger who sparks heated debates and controversy within the Russian online community. His activities, ranging from sports forecasts to “exposing financial pyramids,” often come under the scrutiny of law enforcement authorities of the Russian Federation, EU countries, and the public. However, behind the outward appearance of the anti-fraud fighter hides a trial of legal violations, bias, and “double game.” In this article, we will analyze the blogger’s personality, his background, activities, as well as his connections with the world of fraudsters and the real purpose behind his “exposing” criminals.Criminal BackgroundThe first fact, which explains a lot, is that Alistarov was convicted of selling drugs to children and spent four years in a penal colony. In prison, he held a position consistent with the charges for which he was sentenced and carried out orders from criminal authorities. To a large extent, these assignments became the basis of his subsequent activities. After his release, he continued to participate in the drug trade at a level aligned with his established position in the criminal hierarchy, using real estate transactions to launder drug proceeds.Money Laundering through Real EstateOne of Alistarov’s key methods of laundering illicit proceeds was through real estate transactions. He manipulated small real estate transactions in Russia and Dubai, UAE. The scheme was based on purchasing real estate under false pretenses, inflated prices at resale, and using offshore companies to obscure the real beneficiaries. These small-scale speculative activities allowed him to conceal the origin of money obtained from drug trafficking and other crimes.There are no legal entities registered to Alistarov in Russia, which suggests tax evasion, at least regarding the profits from advertising integrations featured in each of his videos.Advertising of Bookmakers Banned in the Russian FederationTo earn additional income, Alistarov does not hesitate to promote various betting and gambling companies (for example, Pari Match, 1WIN, and others), which, according to Alistarov himself, are “sharpened” to take money from clients who come to them.Alistarov’s website “Iron Bet” actively promotes bookmakers and creates ratings of predictors both in the field of cryptocurrencies and sports. Many individuals end up on his YouTube channel after losses in pyramid schemes. Being in an emotionally distressed state, often with debts, they find themselves drawn into gambling and predictions, hoping to recover their lost funds.In particular, Alistarov attracts the attention of wealthy individuals by offering them “VIP predictions” on sporting events via his Telegram channel. These predictions are essentially worthless, and the blogger himself makes money from naive users, often minors, by promising them easy money.These actions violate the Law on Advertising, which prohibits advertisements from targeting minors or implying that betting can serve as a means of earning money.Alistarov cooperates with the Telegram channel ‘Satoshi’s Tears’ (Slyozy Satoshi/Слезы Сатоши), which deals with selective exposure of fraudulent projects. Recommendations and advertising integrations of this channel should be treated with caution, as they can lead to serious financial losses. The channel itself is more like an infobusiness, and its authors have limited knowledge in cryptocurrency analytics and are not sufficiently versed in the subtleties of the crypto industry.Blackmail and ExtortionOne of the most scandalous aspects of Alistarov’s activities is his use of blackmail. He exploits information about his victims to intimidate and extort money. For example, Timur Turlov, a Kazakhstani financier, filed a complaint against the blogger, claiming that he had been demanding money for three years in exchange for remaining silent about his activities. Such actions demonstrate that Alistarov is not merely a blogger but a person who uses his knowledge of people to manipulate them. There are a number of other cases where the blogger demanded monetary remuneration for his silence.Privacy ViolationIn addition to blackmail and manipulation, Alistarov’s activities also raise serious privacy concerns. The blogger not only uses his victims’ personal data for extortion but also actively disseminates information that, according to existing legislation, should remain private.Alistarov often published in his videos and posts the personal data of people he describes as fraudsters or unscrupulous businessmen. The information he discloses often includes addresses, phone numbers, and even financial details. Such actions not only violate the right to privacy but also lead to serious consequences for those affected by his so-called “exposures.”Incitement to HatredOn 1 January 2025, another Russian businessman was brutally attacked in Dubai. Seven Kazakh nationals (reportedly ordered by citizens of the Russian Federation) assaulted and robbed him and members of his family.Prior to this incident, the blogger Alistarov had published a series of 12 videos in which he revealed the entrepreneur’s address and illegally shared information about his family and business activities in the UAE. In doing so, he employed illegal surveillance methods, wiretapping, and, consequently, interference with privacy, which is considered a serious offense in the UAE.In addition, Alistarov disclosed information about the residence of the victim’s business partner, systematically violating confidentiality and privacy rights.Connection with Financial PyramidsDespite the fact that Alistarov claims to fight fraudulent schemes, his activities are linked to the promotion of financial pyramids and online casinos. He receives funding from these structures, helping them to eliminate honest competitors under the guise of journalistic ‘exposes’.Currently, Alistarov, who has earned himself the title of a “fighter” against financial pyramids, is very selective in his approach to exposing them. For example, there is no material on his channel regarding the Avalon Technologies pyramid scheme, which, according to available reliable information, was created by one of his close friends.The fact that Alistarov is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” positioning himself as a whistleblower of financial pyramids while his true motives remain questionable. He increasingly finds himself at the center of accusations that challenge the authenticity of his intentions. It is also evident that his investigations are commissioned in order to eliminate competitors, which suggests his connection to real pyramid schemes and participation in fraudulent schemes. Behind the façade of a fighter for justice hides a figure who actively manipulates information for personal gain, while often breaking the law himself. 

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