A Requiem For the Jabbed

“So, Now You Are Vaccinated Against COVID-19. 

40 Trillion Packages Of RNA Have Been Injected That Induce Irreversible Changes
In Your Blood Vessels.

Now What?”


If you were somehow bamboozled by propaganda in the internet age of all times and had the very strange urge to let the government inject you with mysterious genetic material and now regret it, this is the time to take corrective action.  You have no time to waste.  You have now put yourself in the “very high risk” category.  You need to treat yourself as if you now have major health problems even though you might not have noticed anything yet.  Doctor Mercola discusses some strategies towards the end of the interview.

(Most of the info in the interview will be scary for those who taken the vax, you should still watch it, but if you can’t and just want to skip to the end for solutions, whatever, just do that.)

In addition here is more info on how to help protect yourself if you have already been vaccinated.

From my point of view, vax or no vax, but especially if you are vaxed, you need to prepare yourself mentally and spiritually for what comes next.


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