American Moon

Did the United States really go the moon?  Well I used to believe that we did along with a bunch of other fairy tails that our government has told us.  Now I don’t believe that we have and to me it seems obvious that we have not and it would have been crazy for the United States government to live broadcast such a risky expedition with such a high likelihood of failure to include live broadcast death from the astronauts.

American Moon is a very interesting documentary going into many problems with the images of the moon landing.  And there are many.  I find many of the argument very compelling but the most compelling to me is the shadows.  How can there possibly be shadows going in two different directions if the only light source is the sun?  Obviously that is impossible but it is very clear in the photos that the shadows are not parallel but are in fact going into different directions.

Watch American Moon and appreciate how somebody (most likely Stanley Kubrick) pulled of the greatest hoax of the 20th century.


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