American Pravda

American Pravda series by Ron Unz is a spectacular tour of the history of the United States over the last one hundred years.   The term “American Pravda is based on the Soviet Union publication Pravda which everybody knew during the Cold War pushed Soviet Propaganda.  Ron Unz goes through many events of American history and demonstrates through very thorough research that many of the historical events that we are told about are complete lies and the media and the government have covered up hugely important events.  The American ruling class has created a narrative, a way of viewing the world, a lens which Americans view themselves and their country.  Of course, this view creates a sense where America is a force for good and is always on “the right side of history”.  The America Pravda series blows this out of the water.  Recently Amazon banned the printed version of American Pravda originally published on Ron Unz’s website.  We truly live in amazing times where a digital book burning has seemingly come out of nowhere these last couple years.

Here is a link Ron Unz’s response to the digital book burning.

Here is a link to Ron Unz’s American Pravda series, a must read

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