The greatest monetary crisis in human history is fast approaching. The world will completely change as we know it. We will be entering the realm of the complete unknown and nobody has an idea what will come after. Maybe it is lucky that the masses have no idea what is coming.
I often wonder how many people actually think about what money is. Do they know that modern “money” (actually currency) is completely based on nothing? Do they know that every currency in the world is fiat? Do they know that the definition of fiat is “by decree” and that all currency that is used today is used because it is illegal to use anything else? Do they know how much wealth is stolen from the masses every year through inflation? Do they know that historically every currency based on nothing has collapsed, that this has happened thousands of times? Do they know that the debts of the U.S. government cannot be paid and that the government will just print the money? Do they know that this will end in monetary and economic collapse?
I don’t think most people think about money at all and when I try explaining it most people’s eyes glaze over. Most people respond to whatever moral virtue is being signaled on social media or the TV. They surely don’t know that the virtues that they “choose” to support are carefully crafted by a secret elite behind the scenes. This is why people support all these ridiculous moral causes that do not threaten the establishment but instead are created for the sole purpose of dividing the masses. BLM, weird tranny stuff, gay stuff, women’s supposed oppression, and now ridiculous face mask virtue signaling. These are all strange issues meant to stifle any traditional culture, create a whole new set of “virtues” to replace traditional values and religion, and to create division. Most importantly, they do not threaten the globalist power structure in any way whatsoever. BLM is the perfect example of this, it pits poor blacks and college educated white women against middle class police and their working class supporters. All the while trillions of dollars are being printed off, enriching the billionaire class while the middle class is getting destroyed. It is very important to ask what is being reported on and what is not? What is in the news and what is not? This question is key to understanding how the masses are manipulated. The news is not exist to inform. It exists to deceive, to misdirect, to cover up, and most importantly it is there to manufacture consent.
Now is the time to prepare for what is coming. Having food is important but it is also important to be prepared in other ways as well. This financial system cannot stand. One look at the derivative bubble should give one pause on how massive this bubble is. There is no way that this can end well.
The markets are also obviously in a bubble as well. Maybe the central banks can keep the markets up with money printing until all ends in a horrible economic destroying “melt up” but we are in obvious bubble territory. Caution is highly warranted in markets that are over extended to this degree.
Remember what has been the base of all history. All money was once tangible and had value in itself. Every else has been a substitute.
X22 continues to do good work. I think he is already partly banded from YouTube and I am sure will be completely banned soon enough.