Can Currency be Revalued Over Night?

As governments keep inflating their respective currency supplies we will have some choppy times ahead.  Eventually, the dollar will have to be revalued.  Eventually we are going to see  the dollar lose its international reserve status.  Eventually the U.S. government is going to have to default on its debt or inflate its way out.  Either way, the global economy is going to be in turmoil.  Mike Maloney explains how to position yourself for this inevitable event.


What happened in Scotland?

As governments drive their respective countries into ruin we are going to see more and more pushes for Independence around the world.  Even thought Scotland’s secession referendum failed, it is a great to see this push for liberty.   I believe that Scotland will be independent in the not too distant future.

Look at these Rascals!

Truly, what an amazing picture.  All the living secretaries of state taking out the first shovels for the “United States Diplomacy Center” (talk about George Orwell Double Speak) at its finest.  All of them in one picture really brings to mind what a bunch of criminal psychopaths have been running U.S. foreign policy.   I am not exaggerating, I am talking about criminal psychopaths.  Here Madeleine Albright claims that the deaths of 500,000 children in a Iraq were worth it.   Here was John Kerry anti war activist and now slave to Government-Industrial War Machine. Colin Powell’s famous speech to the U.N. where he pointed out WMD sites was a complete lie.  Colin Powell at the time had overwhelming credibility among the American people which the Bush Administration used to drag us into disaster. Henry Kissinger is a war criminal and a lap dog for Rockefeller globalists.   Need I mention Hillary?


Nomi Prins on USA watchdog

Nomi Prins is a fantastically intelligent woman. In this interview she goes into how banking became so intertwined with government.  The banking industrial establishment has been protected by the government for a long time and it is a complex history that you will NEVER get in your history text books.  Thank you Nomi Prins for shedding light on the topic.


Peter Schiff on the benifits of failure

Peter Schiff makes the point that when the U.S. government does finally hit rock bottom, it will be a benefit.  The sooner the better, otherwise the economic errors will continue to accumulate the day of reckoning that much worse.  Peter Schiff also points out that when our economy finally does sort out its problems and the government is drastically reduced by necessity, we could have a bright future ahead.  Schiff points to both Germany and Japan after World War II as economies that recovered quickly after complete economic destruction.   We are in a much better shape, we still have all of our infrastructure.  I would add that America also has an entrepreneurial spirit that will aid in our recovery.  Peter Schiff’s short interview below.


Tom Woods

Tom Woods opening speech at the 2014 Mises University.  Tom Woods is one of the leading proponents of Austrian Economics today.  His humor and style allows him to bring across Austrian economics to a much wider audience than would be expected considering that most people consider economics a boring topic.

An interesting point that Tom Woods brings up, no one in the liberty movement is talking about the Chicago School of Economics, all the enthusiasm seems to be with the Austrian School of Economics. In my opinion, this is great. The Chicago School has never really gone after the Federal Reserve.  In the opinion of Milton Friedman, the Federal Reserve did not inflate enough during the Great Depression!  The Austrian School holds the complete opposite opinion, not only did government inflation of the money supply prolong the depression but the inflation of the money supply from 1925 until 1929 caused the stock market boom in the 1920’s that eventually led to the wall-street crash.  To the Austrians, booms are inevitably caused by manipulation of the money supply, and in turn, always lead to a bust.  The Chicago School does not hold this view.  They are almost totally Keynesian when it comes to the Federal Reserve.  This is difference between the two schools of thought is massive.   If we believe in liberty, we can not ignore the Federal Reserve.  If we believe in intellectual consistency*, we cannot ignore the Federal Reserve.  Only the Austrian school of economics has been consistently critical of the Federal Reserve.  We should all be grateful that this school of thought still exists, otherwise there would have been no intellectual criticism of the disaster in 2008 and the future disaster that is coming.


Tom Woods at Mises U.



*Even though the Chicago School is free market on most topics, it totally ignores the monopolization of money and banking of the Federal Reserve.   The Chicago school is rightly critical of monopolies and cartels except for the biggest cartel of all, the Federal Reserve.