Cop Assualts Air Force Captain for not Knowing Neighbor

The Air Force Captain dares to ask if he is being detained.  Police do not like this.  They do not like being questioned.  They expect the public to capitulate to their demands.  They expect people to cower before their authority.  This Air Force Captain expected that the officer would behave within his bounds of authority and act professionally.  That is how the military works.  This is not how the police work. The police view every citizen as potential threat.  They do not view themselves as operating “in the law” or “serving the law”.  They believe that it is the police and legal system versus everyone else, as classic “us versus them mentality.”  For the police, the law is something that restricts them, not something that they supposed to serve.  I doubt that few police actually have ever even thought of what law really means in a philosophical sense.  Law has traditional meant the natural order of the universe. Human beings are supposed to act in accordance with it.  Our legal system is supposed to be an expression of it. Today, law is perverted and made to be the law of man and today’s corrupt police forces are the result.

Good job for this captain.  He did the right thing.  He did not let this police officer run roughshod over his individual rights and he also did his duty by bringing public attention to the issue.  Hopefully, one day, all police will be required to wear lapel cameras so that they will be accountable to the public.


Purify your the air in your home

Dr. Mercola gives some great tips on how to purify the air in your home with house plants.  Inside the home is usually much more polluted than the air outside.  It is important that indoor air is kept healthy so that we can stay healthy.  Dr.  Mercola suggests the plants listed below as the most effective for cleaning household air.

  1. The Feston Rose plant
  2. Devil’s Ivy
  3. Phalaenopsis
  4. English Ivy
  5. Parlor Ivy
  6. African Violets
  7. Christmas Cactus
  8. Yellow Goddess
  9. Garlic Vine
  10. Peace Lily

Full article here.


From Wikipedia: “Consciousness is the quality or state of self-awareness.”

I have been thinking of consciousness a lot lately.  I have been thinking of how hard it is to “wake people up”.  Most people simply do not care about what is going in the world or the reality they live in.  Most people want to focus on their own problems and what is going on in their own lives.  Most people will defend their construct of reality almost to the death.  I understand why.  To question our own reality can be a very challenging process.  It can feel like death.  To give up on one’s faith in the pillars of humanity can be daunting.  To learn about the history of False Flag Terrorism, to learn that a whole economic system is based on an illegal banking cartel, and to learn that your own government is willing to test chemical weapons on American Citizens is physiologically painful.  We don’t want to believe these are true.  We don’t to believe that we were lied to.  We do not want to believe we were wrong.  I used to truly believed that American foreign policy was a force of good throughout the world.  I believed that we were making a difference.  Both experiencing it firsthand and extensive research has forced me to change my views on this.  In no way are we supporting freedom and liberty throughout the world.   In no way are we making the world a better place.  The American Military is a war machine pure and simple, no more, no less. The ruling classes use this machine for their own interests.  They have no respect for the people that serve in the military.  They think that men and women that serve in the military are a bunch of ignorant brutes to be used and expended.  A good example of this is Henry Kissinger‘s statement on the topic “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”  Henry Kissinger meant what he said by purposely extending the Vietnam war for years killing thousands for political convenience. As for myself, a man that originally wanted to make a career in the military, learning about this kind of information is still shocking, it seems like my whole life has turned upside down.

What is the answer?  What can a person do?  Forgot what one has learned and pursue the same course as before?  After all, people don’t want to hear what you have to say.  Many people will think that you have gone crazy.  Many people will hate you for it.  You risk becoming a social outsider.  I think that the true path may lay within ourselves.  For those that are “awake”, we must take a deep look within ourselves.  What stuff are we made of?  What are we willing to sacrifice in the pursuit of truth?  What does morality demand of us and are we willing to do it?  Only recently have I reflected deeply on these topics.  I have not come to a conclusion yet but I think that we must consider human consciousness.  We must raise our own consciousness to gain the courage we will need to pursue and spread the truth.  We must raise the consciousness of others so that they will be willing to listen

Here is an article on consciousness that I think people should read.  I grew up Catholic,  I was an atheist in my early to mid 20s and in the last couple years or so I have really started to reconsider the nature of the human condition. I believe that scientific evidence exists that our universe might potentiality be more complex than a simple Newtonian model.  I don’t believe that simple neurons firing in the biological human brain can explain the vast tapestry of human existence.   There are many ways to approach this topic and I plan to write future articles on this.

Architects & Engineers – Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

What happened to Building Seven? Most people have never heard of building seven.  Most people have no idea that a third building collapsed on September 11, 2001.    Some 1500 architects and engineers have an unconventional view of what happened.  At minimum, the collapse of Building Seven is somewhat of a mystery.  The National Institute for Standards and Technology has refused to release the data on this event.  All the data regarding September 11th and building 7 should available to the public.    Watch the video below and research the topic some more if you are so inclined.


What the Hell is going on with the Nevada Rancher standoff?

1.  Why the hell does the Federal Government own 80% of the land in Nevada and Utah?   This land should be given back to the respective states or auctioned off to the people to pay off the national debt.

2.  The federal department tasked with protecting endangered species only has a 1% success rate?  Unbelievable!  Actually, sadly,  it is sort of believable.  Only the government can get a away with such a pitiful  track record.

3.  The government actually euthanizes these endangered tortoises by the hundreds but won’t let cattle graze on the same thousands of acres of wide open land!?

4.   Not surprisingly at all, federal thugs attack one of the ranchers family members for filming the theft of his cattle on his iPad.

5.  The feds not surprisingly were fully militarized with assault weapons and snipers.  It would not surprise me if they had drones flying overhead.  Reportedly, there is video evidence of the snipers actually training there weapons upon the families.

Anyway, watch the great video below by Stefan Molyneux





Rand Paul Cheney Battle

Here we go! Rand Paul is calling out Mr Dick Cheney or at least the media is making a big deal about it.  I am embarrassed to say that a long time ago I thought Dick Cheney was a sort of intellectual guy.  Now I think he is utterly evil.  I guess we all live in learn.


And here is the classic video of Cheney in 94 saying how an invasion of Iraq would have been a horrible idea.



Cognitive Dissonance

Anyone who is part of the liberty movement or who has uncovered uncomfortable truths about our government but who have had trouble discussing these topics with others is often running into cognitive dissonance.  In fact, cognitive dissonance is the most challenging obstacle for liberty minded people to overcome.  People are very resistant to ideas that they have not heard before and does not fit into their world view.  This is especially challenging for libertarians because they do not fit into either the two categories of “left” and “right” that the media force feeds down our throat.  People are trained that all political opinions can somehow be distilled into two camps and that everyone must fit into these categories.  When someone is told that this left/right divide is false and that it is a means of control, people immediately become defensive.  Their entire lives have been built around this left/right belief.  They view everyone as on either their own side or the other side.  Never mind that their own politicians constantly break their own supposed moral code (Bush doubling the size of the Federal Government or Obama doubling down on drone strikes and the police state).  People claim that these are breaks from the norm and that “their” politician’s ideology means something.  After all, the other guy is worse!  They always have an excuse to keep voting the same way hoping for change and never getting it.  The alternative idea is too disturbing.  That political change is almost entirely impossible.  That American people are being duped.  That “Powers at Be” will never let any politician close to the Presidency that will actually change the system.   These thoughts go against everything we have learned our entire lives.  Democracy is supposed to give voice to the people.  Democracy supposed to bring power from the elite to the common man.  In truth, democracy has never been about the common man.  Democracy has in actuality been the greatest tool of oppression that the elite have ever wielded.  In the days of Kings, people knew from whence their oppression came.  If a King made a law that people did not like or had his agents patrolling all roads handing out fines and sometimes even imprisonment, the people knew whose laws they were and whose agents they were dealing with.  This is one reason why king’s had to be careful what laws they made.  They might spark a rebellion if they stepped to far. Now, thankfully, in our enlightened age we have democracy!  The people are now subject to such an enumerable amount of laws such that the average person commits three felonies a day!    Instead of the Law protecting people from their government, it has become a tool of the government to selectively target anyone it wants.  We were supposed to be a nation of laws and not of men but this is where things have degenerated to.  Your average citizen has trouble accepting this.

People do not want to lose faith in the system that they grew up believing in.  They respond with cogitative dissonance. I do not blame them.  No one really wants to hear the truth of such things.  The truth is heart wrenching.  I have compared it to losing ones faith in God.  I have heard someone else (I don’t remember who) comparing it to someone waking up one day and finding out that there mother is a whore and that they are bastards. In a way it is true.  Their government is not the protecting father figure that they have been told.  It is often capable of great evil.

It is said that the truth shall set you free.  This is why many people in the liberty movement divide people between those who are still asleep and those that are awake instead of the usual left right paradigm.  Everyday we need to pursue truth no matter where it takes us.  Remember that the biggest hurdle to overcome with others is cognitive dissonance.  Let us be wise enough to understand cognitive dissonance and wake people up in as gentle of a manner as possible.

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