David Icke is Sounding a Lot Less Crazy These Days?

Or maybe I am getting crazier?  Well, I am not really sure but David Icke seems to be almost right on everything about the scamdemic going on.  Of course David Icke goes really far out there with the whole Reptilian Agenda thing, then again have not most religions believed in some kind of interdimensional evil?  Well, I am not going to go any farther into that.


It seems like reality is getting weirder and weirder.  I don’t fault anyone for believing in crazy sh*t than I believe because I obviously believe in some pretty crazy sh*t.  This is simply a battle of freedom against tyranny.  There might be more going on than just that, spiritual dimensions and that sort of thing but the choice is simple.  Will you be a slave to the system or will you be free?  In such a scenario  David Icke should be considered an alley.  He even alludes to “white genocide” in the beginning of his speech which I find interesting because it is pretty much a forbidden topic even for people like him.  You can talk about reptiles but you sure can’t talk about the destruction of European peoples.  That is a topic for another time though.


A Requiem For the Jabbed

“So, Now You Are Vaccinated Against COVID-19. 

40 Trillion Packages Of RNA Have Been Injected That Induce Irreversible Changes
In Your Blood Vessels.

Now What?”


If you were somehow bamboozled by propaganda in the internet age of all times and had the very strange urge to let the government inject you with mysterious genetic material and now regret it, this is the time to take corrective action.  You have no time to waste.  You have now put yourself in the “very high risk” category.  You need to treat yourself as if you now have major health problems even though you might not have noticed anything yet.  Doctor Mercola discusses some strategies towards the end of the interview.

(Most of the info in the interview will be scary for those who taken the vax, you should still watch it, but if you can’t and just want to skip to the end for solutions, whatever, just do that.)

In addition here is more info on how to help protect yourself if you have already been vaccinated.

From my point of view, vax or no vax, but especially if you are vaxed, you need to prepare yourself mentally and spiritually for what comes next.


Faith and Preparation

I just received some depressing news that a close family member received the vax.  It was really a shot out of the blue.  It was like a punch in the stomach.  I don’t know where this will all go but time is obviously getting short.  For most people the decision to take this experimental vaccine is probably the most important decision that they will make in their life.  Why a young person would take it is beyond all comprehension to me.  Young people are obviously at pretty close to zero risk from the virus and the vaccine is far more dangerous.

(Omaha Native Dr Lee Merritt)

Why anyone would allow big pharma to mess with the genetic expression of every cell in their body is outside any comprehension that I could have.  Why anyone would take a “vaccine” that was designed in months instead of the usual decade?.  This is truly the question that  will shape humanity into the future.

Humanity will truly be divided into two.  Those who are genetically modified, who’s every cell has been highjacked for unknown purposes and those natural born humans who still contain the original source code. Those who have taken the first vax have made a choice that can never be taken back, their genetic structure and genetic expression has been forever altered.  This has not been on accident.  In addition, this will not be the first vax, each vax and “booster” that comes out from the present into the future will be designed to alter the human genome more and more. This has been by design.  The rulers of this world look at human beings as mere economic units and DNA as the operating program.  They truly believe that they can completely change humanity by changing their genetic expression.  Will people that have taken the vaccine become more docile, infertile, or will they die early?  These are all very likely possibilities because those that control the world are openly into population control.  In short, they are not nice people.

Sounds crazy and I understand that people will not accept this.  It far to outside their paradigm.  A simple study of history would prove my analysis true but most people don’t read too far outside conventual channels and most sources of information are highly controlled. I would not believe this either but the evidence is simply overwhelming.  I have tried to make this website to document as much as I can in my spare time.  It is not very fun work, it can be very depressing, there is very rarely good news.  This work, the truth itself, is greater than any one man.  Even though this website will have little impact, the mere writing words on a page is of vast spiritual importance.  One day I will be able to look back and see that this is where I stood.  Maybe, if humanity is lucky enough to survive, future generations will be able to look back and see that there was a minority that resisted evil.  For the writer, truth is an awesome power.  It frees us from the material because to speak the truth is to speak “The Word”, it is to speak “the Logos”.  This is also the essence of spiritual warfare.  To be true to God, to be true to Truth, despite worldly consequences.  Evil always exists in the lie.  Today, so many lies have spread so far and wide that it almost impossible for the truth to ever get a fair hearing.  We are living in the Dark Age of the Lie, everything we read and see is designed to make us submit to the system. This is the Empire of Lies.  There are so few voices of real courage willing to stand up against the system.  Those that do are never ever seen by the average person.  The average person sees TV personalities who are some of the most craven people on the planet and will always sell their souls for a pat on the head by the true power that runs the material world.  This is not the end of the story though, there is a higher Power beyond us mere mortals and this Power works in mysterious ways, both in this life and the next.

Every one of us true and free human beings need to reach deep for the spiritual strength that will be needed.  We have to be all willing to sacrifice everything to not go into this satanic system.  Times are going to get much worse ahead.  There are many that will crack.  They will not be able to stand up against this system.  They don’t know who they are.  They do not know they are ensouled beings.  Every human being must realize that this system might take away everything from you if you deviate from the standard opinion.  People that you know and trust will actively become hostile.  You will be seen as the enemy for not going along with the fear.  Just remember that these are earthly problems and that when it comes to one’s own soul, our status in this material world is almost meaningless.   There are only two choices, stand with ones own soul, with ones own natural source code, with the natural universe or take the demon vax. Mental and spiritual preparation must be taken now.  What will you truly give up to keep your own soul?  Would you risk being locked up in a cage?  Worse?  It is important to ask these questions because this is likely where things are going to go.  Either way, if you mentally rehearse now you will be much more prepared.







The Dismal State of Modern Political Discourse.

Sometimes I think that maybe I am going crazy.   Don’t people obviously see the low quality of modern political discourse?  Political debates are pretty much unwatchable, all politicians say are platitudes with no substance at all.  All commentators on TV are unwatchable except for Tucker Carlson who somehow allowed to stay on Cable News.

Today, journalists will accept almost any lie told by the U.S. Government.  As bad as the mainstream sycophantic beltway Right is, somehow the Left is even worse.  The meida Left believes any and all tales told by U.S. intelligence agencies as long as such tales discredit political enemies.  Most cable news networks are actually filled with former intelligence operatives (for those who are familiar with the intelligence community, there is rarely such a thing as “retired” in intelligence work). The response from the Left is not of skepticism but a strange idolization of intelligence agencies that were once rightly viewed with a huge amount of suspicion.  These were the same intelligence agencies that lied about weapons of mass destruction and put to together the largest domestic spy apparatus that the world has ever seen under the Patriot Act.  Of course, when their party got in power, all criticism of domestic spying and the warfare state ended.  Leftist TV networks became actual supporters of domestic spying and defended the national security establishment.  When Trump came into power I expected the left to flip back to its usual antiwar and civil liberties position.  Instead, they became much worse.  They wanted more war from the Trump administration and now looked at the corrupt intelligence community as a tool to dethrone Trump. Today, a huge amount of people believe the nonsense idea that Russians somehow control American politics, are buying off journalists, and are an ever constant hacking threat.  This has been made up in whole cloth and there is zero evidence behind any of this but this is what people believe.

We are now in some kind of new reality where what is printed in the news becomes the new reality no matter non-factual it is.  Things are going to get weirder and weirder from here as reality becomes almost wholly created on TV and manipulated by Big Tech.  The average public will have almost no means of accessing true information.  How does a democracy supposed to work in such a situation?  Obviously it won’t and the whole idea that democracy can work with self interested multibillion dollar corporations controlling all information is ridiculous.

Liberal journalist Glen Greenwald is one of the few exceptions and from what I can tell is a very principled person that cares about journalist ethics.  He is probably the most famous journalist in the world and his mere existence is a thorn in the side of other journalists by exposing what frauds they are by his example.  Cable TV News hosts come off as trashy and unprincipled compared to Glen Greenwald who takes the principals of journalism seriously.


In the video below Greenwald rips apart the low ethics of the media left in the United States.


It makes me miss the old days when there was intellectual discussion in American politics.




Sassy Black Women Tell the Truth!

The two famous black women Diamond and Silk go for the cold hard truth and ask the question “Do you think that this is about population control?”  Well, here we go, Trump’s two most famous supporters have finally broken the lid off this whole vax thing.  Guest and heroine, Simone Gold pauses awkwardly for a second and responds in the affirmative.  By watching this you can tell that she is put on the spot and realizes the implications of her answer but is forced by her own conscience to tell the truth.

I have to say that African Americans are much better as a whole than European Americans on the topic of medical tyranny.   European Americans are much more likely to have gone on through “the system” and thus have a sort of symbiotic trust with it.  African Americans on the other hand remember such incidents as the Tuskegee Experiments and in general have a healthy distrust of authority.  They don’t have the same stake in the system and they have not been propagandized by going through years of advanced education.  African Americans also seem to have a natural resistance to propaganda. It is nice to see.   C.S. Lewis noticed the same thing with the working class English in the early 20th century.  He would comment that the more educated an Englishman, the more likely he would believe in the propaganda.  I hope these African American women leaders the best, maybe they can break through the greatest of censorship that the world as ever seen.

Speaking of leaders saving America, the great Dr Michael Yeadon (a former VP of Pfizer) just appeared on a podcast with two other great African Americans.  Things are really heating up.




The Deep Speculation on the Vax

I have been thinking for a while that obviously that this vax is harmful and likely very dangerous but I want to hear some deep speculation on it.  So many people are guarded when they talk about it because they are often medical or another type of professional and don’t want to speculate too much.  Though I understand that people don’t want to go out too far on a limb, I think it is about time that we start speculating on what the ramifications of these vaccinations are going to be.

Here is what we know.

  1.  Everything points to the fact the whole pandemic was planned years in advance.
  2.  There seem many purposes to this plan but the vaccine seems to be the end goal, everything was about injecting a new gene therapy “vaccine” into every human being on the planet.
  3. We know almost nothing about this vaccine.  No animal trials were done and already the death count is higher than all other vaccines of the last 30 years combined. revovler news chart vax deaths
  4. We also know that every alternative treatment has been covered up.

So what is all this about?  If there really was a new dangerous pandemic sweeping the world why use a total novel technology of the mRNA vaccine?  Why not use a traditional vaccine?  Wouldn’t a traditional vaccine be the most safe and prudent route?  Why no long term studies on animals?  Why is phycological warfare being used on the public?  How is the CDC and the WHO been wrong on almost every point and contradict there own standards of pandemic response?  Why not have a rigorous tracking system to find out what is happening with vaccine injuries for a vaccine that is brand new and developed in less than a year as opposed to the usual ten years?

Intelligent people already know something is up, so now is the time for some healthy speculation in this writer’s humble opinion.  Luckily, Mike Adams from Natural News and Omaha native Dr. Lee Merritt discuss some of the more wild possibilities with the vaccine along with many interesting details that they have been hearing.

People have often been reported to be in a trance like state after taking the vaccine.

Why did the virus not spread throughout the world in the same way it did in New York, Lombardy, and Wuhan?  After these initial hot zones the virus seemed to get much more mild.  Was there some kind of genetic poison attack on these cities?

Are there nano technology in these vaccines?  Could they affect brain function and alter mood?  Could they be used for mind control?

The behavior of mice has been changed in the past through magnetic effects.

A wide range of reports show that people are being magnetized.

The spike protein has been found in the ovaries at a much higher concentration than other parts of the body.  Dr Lee Merritt says that they have the technology to target certain organs.

Doctors and nurses were vaccinated first, even over the elderly, did this somehow effect the critical thinking ability of the doctors?

Most strangely of all, there have been reports of people’s pets attacking them after they have received the vaccine.  Also babies have refused to nurse from their mothers after their mothers have been vaccinated (reported in Israel).   Are these vaccines changing human beings in some way we don’t understand?

If people’s DNA is being changed are they still human?  What is human?

Mike Adams and Dr Lee Merritt tackle all these questions and more.  Interesting times for humanity lie ahead.

mad max art 1


A Requiem for John McAfee

John McAfee is one of the greatest Americans to live in the modern era and has sadly committed suicide or more likely was suicided by the U.S. Government.  It is very sad that America lost one its last true rebels. His rebellious streak and his outspoken disdain for the Feds and the media made many happy moments for myself and other freedom loving Americans.

I remember McAfee Virus Scan when I was kid.  Personal computers were still very new and as a young kid I knew that viruses were very bad and very dangerous.  I was thankful everyday that my McAfee virus scan went through my computer and blasted any virus threats.  People don’t seem to worry about viruses that much any more but in the early 90s computer viruses were something that the whole world worried about and were very scary indeed.

John McAfee caught my attention when he was on the run from the Belize government for an alleged murder.  The story was fascinating as John McAfee was running through all South America calling the media the whole time.  John McAfee was some kind of modern adventure hero on the run from a corrupt banana republic government, it was great to watch.

Later John McAfee ran for the liberation nomination for President.  His campaign was great and could have changed the whole libertarian party.  John McAfee’s campaign adds gives a good feel for how great John McAfee’s campaign could have been.



Unfortunately, the Libertarian Party nominated Gary Johnson again, who am sure is a nice person or whatever but is not even close to a true libertarian and is actually very boring.  John McAfee would have been the most exciting libertarian candidate ever.  Can’t have that though, we need to have politics boring and dull.  Gary Johnson was sure the man for that.

Later, John McAfee became one of the biggest crypto currency supporters in the world.  He became famous and beloved in the crypto space.  So, the feds targeted him for destruction by claiming that he was using crypto to dodge taxes.  Most likely this was made up and the U.S. government wanted to make an example out of him as it does to so many of it political enemies like Ross Ulbricht and Julian Assange.  So John McAfee did the only thing that John McAfee could do.  He went on the run.  Actually, he was on a boat, so I guess he sailed.  He managed to evade authorities for years until last summer he for some reason decided to take a flight in Barcelona. Well, he was nabbed after that.

The saga of John McAfee finally ends last week when John McAfee was suicided in jail. I don’t really know for sure if he was suicided but his wife thinks so and so does the Great Leader Alex Jones.

John McAfee also believed the obviously true theory that all social media has been designed for mind control.

When John McAfee was not speaking truth, he was having an awesome time shooting guns with Alex Jones


Here is a great documentary on John McAfee.  It is a must watch.  Seriously, just click and watch the video.  It was tough to find.

Dr Richard Fleming – Covid Event 2021

Well, here is a four and a half hour presentation on everything that has transpired over the pandemic over the last year and a half.  It may be long for some people but those who want to go deep into the topic this presentation deliverers.  Dr Fleming is a lawyer, a PHD, and a medical doctor.  He also has made breakthroughs in health science such as the establishing the inflammation theory of heart disease.

“Smartest Man on Earth” Says Vaccines Are A Plot for Massive Depopulation.

Well, I remember reading about this guy in one of my high school science books.  His named is Christopher Langan and is considered to be “smartest man alive”  because of his ability to score around 200 on IQ tests.  He was a media celebrity because he was so smart and never “used” his IQ to make any big money.  He worked as a construction worker or a bouncer most of his life.  A very interesting story, maybe when somebody is so intelligent they enter a kind of Zen like state where they don’t feel the need to advance in the modern social structure but would rather just chill and do their own thing?

At some point in his career Christopher Langan started promoting his “Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe”  I find the theory interesting and want to look more into it after rediscovering Christopher Langan again.  In 2019 Langan did an interview with “Spike Jonze” who I guess is famous or something but looks like a total dweeb to me.  Anyway, the interview below is a good starting point for learning about Christopher Langan.



After watching the video it is obvious that Langan is a very intelligent person with something to say.  Well, now it appears the he has much more to say and will likely never get a mainstream interview ever again.  On his personal Facebook group where Langan runs his CTMU project, Langan dropped some bombshells about the vax and depopulation.

Chris Langan 1

and later

Chris Langan 2


Well, this seems to be the conclusion that many intelligent people have been reaching all over the internet and all over the world.  For me personally, it somewhat vindicating the “smartest man in the world” has come to the same conclusions that I have been thinking and writing about.  Even more so because Langan seems like such a sincere and truly deep thinking person, not just a “taking tests” type of smart person.  I obviously have trouble talking about such topics to people but this is why this blog exists, to take people step by step through a huge amount of information.  Most people suffer from cogitative dissonance when running into the kind of information that is on this website and reject it out of hand.



After watching Christopher Langan for a little while, a thought came to me on how few great men, men of courage, that there are in the world. We seem to almost have none, but dig a little a deeper and men like Christopher Langan are out there.  Maybe the reason Langan was a construction worker and a bar bouncer was because he knew that this world as it exists today will never tolerate a truly independent mind.  It will never tolerate true courage.  It will never tolerate those that deviate from the system.  I don’t know but on the bright side maybe there will be Christopher Langans in the future, after the bad times of course.