Inventor of mRNA Technology: Vaccine Causes Lipid Nanoparticles to Accumulate in ‘High Concentrations’ in Ovaries

Well, it turns out that we have been lied to.  And the authorities knew it.  The inventor of the mRNA technologies, Dr. Robert Malone, has come out to warn against the dangers of the mRNA vaccines.  So of course he has been censored and the cover up continues.

Dr. Robert Malone appeared on the “Dark Horse Podcast” to speak out against the dangers of the mRNA vaccine.  The podcast is hosted by Ph.D. biologist Brett Weinstein.  I was not aware of Brett Weinstein before this and found out that he is a member of high standing of the “intellectual dark web”.  His story is interesting and his courage in standing up to the modern cultural revolutionaries is inspiring.  Now Brett Weinstein is continuing to courageously stand up against the censors and the medical industrial establishment to uphold his commitment to scientific knowledge.

The interview exposes many lies and troubling information that has has been covered up. Here I will some up some of the most important information that was revealed in this interview.

  1. The spike protein is biologically active and potentially dangerous, even though the public was led to believe that it was not.
  2.   The biodistribution study that was exposed by a freedom of information request showed that lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine spread throughout the body and do not stay in the deltoid muscle.  The spike proteins travel throughout the body and accumulates in different organs to include the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and especially the ovaries. Once again, the public was told that this would not happen.
  3. Effects accumulate over time and can take months or years to show up.  This being said, there is no reliable tracking system to monitor the damage of this experimental and potentially highly dangerous vaccine.
  4. Lastly, NO animal studies were done with what is the largest medical experiment in human history.  The whole point of animal studies is find any long term effects because animals life cycles are much faster.  This was not done.  We are dealing with vaccines that were developed in less than a year and are planned to be given to every human being on the planet while we have no clue about the long term consequences.

While there are many many different points that this interview goes into, Dr Malone reveals some very disturbing information when he explains how all the regulators in the world knew that the spike protein did not stay localized and spread throughout the body.

Here are a few clips from the interview that are worth watching.



Here is the interview in full and is worth listening to if one has the time.  (It is great interview but the interrupting gets annoying.  Dr Bret Weinstein needs to manage discussions better in the future.)


More info here and here



FBI False Flag On January 6, PROVEN!

Well well well, what do you know, another government false flag?  I know what people are thinking “But why would the government attack itself? That does not make any sense.”  Ahh, how naïve dear reader, instead of being rare, governments attacking themselves and blaming an enemy is more of a historical norm rather than an aberration.  But let us get back to January 6th.  Somehow President Trump walked into a complete trap and all of his supporters were defamed and a massive de-platforming began because of an supposed “insurrection”.  Of course a real insurrection is when military units with tanks and heavy firepower come in to overthrow the government.  An insurrection is not a bunch of unarmed families who are protesting a stolen election.  (It is this abuse of language that bothers me more than anything else, if these people want to be evil, fine whatever but at least have the decency to preserve actual language.  Unfortunately, we are against total barbarians.)

Soon after this event happened the wise out there in the tubes of the internet, like your humble writer for example, came to the conclusion that January 6th was an obvious false flag.  Now, big media is catching on.  I don’t know how Tucker Carlson has been allowed to report this but I assume he must be on somebody’s hit list now.


It turns out that Revolver News gets to the bottom of the big stories and Tucker Carlson actually does reporting on TV.  It is hard to believe that such people are still out there in the mainstreams so good for them.   The world needs such brave souls.

The more people look into the events of January 6th, the more obvious that it was planned by the Feds themselves to destroy political dissidents.  Time to wake up to the fact the maybe governments don’t have the peoples’ interests at heart and actually look at them as the enemy.  Time to read the full Revolver News story if you have time, Zero Hedge also has a good summery.

Now, if we can just get the media to report on some other strange events that government authorities want to bury in the memory hole.





Jordan Peterson: Cancel Culture is Feminine Bullying


Of course Cancel Culture is female bullying.  Never thought of it before but that is obviously true.  Men bully through physical means but not women.  Women want to destroy your life.  I have had many women who have wanted to destroy my life so I know what I am talking about.   This is exactly what cancelling culture is, women and low T men using the internet to destroy peoples’ reputation.  It is all out war against anyone who makes the slightest deviation from the modern leftist norms of the day, which are also shifting so fast that nobody, not even leftists can keep up.  This is what happens to a civilization that no longer believes in God or any sort of higher power.  Morals and ethics become some kind of weird secular code that shifts with the winds.  At least if we had a philosopher king like Plato wanted, we would be in a much better spot.  Unfortunately, today we a ruled by a bunch of totally insane freaks that care nothing for the people or countries they rule over.  Somehow, now we have a ruling class that despises Western Civilization and pushes down from elite institutions a anti Western morality.  The masses being what they are and what they have always been, do not think for themselves.


Their opinions are created by people that they will never meet.   There are always elite opinion molders that shape the minds of the masses.  As such, today the masses accept this new morality of self loathing as a virtue.

Bernays Quote

Where will this lead?  To be honest it is likely a dark road ahead but there is room from much hope.  The modern leaders of the Western Powers have behaved in mindlessly incompetent and corrupt ways. Millions of people are now aware how corrupt “the system” is  Granted, it is still a minority, but it is strong and unrelenting minorities that shape history.  The masses will always be bamboozled by the entertainment of the day.  Whether it is the Roman games of old or modern sports in modern arenas and on TV.  The masses will always go with flow of the times because they are largely unthinking.  We, as freedom loving people need to convert the minority of thinking people on our side.  We also need to look for weak spots in the elite.  Tucker Carlson is a good example of an individual who is among the elite but no longer believes in elite opinion and has broken ranks.  We need more of these people and always be ready ourselves to inject thoughtful solutions into the intellectual chaos that the Modern West has created.  So I commend Jordan Peterson for standing for Western Civilization against the mob.

(Above is one of my favorite Jordan Peterson interviews.) 

More Covid and Vax Info

There are many take away point in the below video.  Most important takeaway for me is take vitamin D during the winter and stock up on Ivermectin. The more I learn from Ivermectin, it is really a wonder drug it is effective against so many different things.  It will likely protect people against any “new variants”  that just happen to pop up.  It might also protect people from those who are shedding the vaccine.  In North America, Ivermectin can be prescribed online.


In the below video Dr Roger Hodkinson goes into the huge amounts of medical misinformation that has been spread by governments throughout the world.




A very in-depth podcast of the planned technocratic take over.  I have known about RFK Jr for a long time and I am very impressed with his work.  He is a true paragon of leftist virtue when the overwhelming majority of today’s opinion makers are water carriers for the globalist establishment.  I have just discovered Whitney Webb and I am highly impressed.  She has done great work exposing the establishment machinations and I will continue to look forward to her work in the future.




(From video description)


Dr. Peter McCullough has been the world’s most prominent and vocal advocate for early outpatient treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection in order to prevent hospitalization and death. On May 19, 2021, he was interviewed regarding his efforts as a treating physician and researcher. From his unique vantage point, he has observed and documented a PROFOUNDLY DISTURBING POLICY RESPONSE to the pandemic — a policy response that may prove to be the greatest malpractice and malfeasance in the history of medicine and public health.

Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine, Dallas, TX USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has 40 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill and on FOX NEWS Channel. On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, and New Hampshire Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response.

Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine
Board Certified Internist and Cardiologist
President Cardiorenal Society of America
Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
Editor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal Medicine
Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology
For more information about Dr. McCullough, please visit:

Full interview here


I missed this last fall.  Something worth watching.  As readers of this website know, there are many indications that the Covid plandemic was planned well before hand.  These include Operation Lockstep, Event 201, and many many statements by many insiders of a coming pandemic.  “Plandemc” film explores many of these interesting details.

Mike Adams and Dr Christiane Northrup

It is nice to see all the natural health advocates standing up against this vaccine atrocity.  So few from the medical establishment have dared to risk their careers to stand up to this.  Dr Christiane Northrup is an exception.  She is a world renowned doctor who used to be on all kinds of shows like Dr Oz and Opera.  That is until the vaccine industrial complex targeted her for destruction because of her less than laudatory views of vaccines.  Additionally, this interview goes into many potential treatments and home remedies to protect yourself against the Covid vax shedding scourge.

A Good Introductory Video

If you have to send one short video to somebody about the danger of the vaccines this is it.  Most people are brainwashed and will take this vax but some people on the fence might take a second thought on this.  We are not sure of what all the damage will be but it will likely be extensive.