I started writing again on this site again almost two years ago after it was so obvious to me (and others like me who study this stuff) that this whole virus hoax was to prepare for a whole new economic system. The powers at be had to get out in front of the economic crisis that was coming. The virus, an invisible enemy, that can only be tested through a PCR test, who the noble prize winning inventor himself said could not be used to test for viruses, became the perfect foil for all the economic turmoil that was being created. The worst parts are still down the road but they are coming closer and closer. We are at the end stages of this economic system.
I think we have gone into the dangers of the vaccine enough. Hopefully some readers avoided taking the vaccine though I think anybody who reads a crazy site like this is unlikely to take a vaccine anyway. Just my suspicion. I might bring up more points about the vax as new facts come out but right now I really want to go into the economics because this is really what comes next and what people need to prepare for. Obviously, do not take the vax. If you have taken the vax, start immediately trying to do any kind of self help therapy that might rid you of the poison. Resveratrol and Pine needle tea supposed to be helpful. Dr Mercola also has a protocol for those who have taken the vax and want to regain their natural health. Realistically, those who have taken the vax should be using every ounce of their being to put themselves back into peak health. I try to expose the enemies of humanity on this site but everyone is responsible for their own health.
Now back to the economics. The United States is about to go through the greatest economic crisis in its history. This may even be the greatest economic crisis that world has ever faced. Never before have all the currencies in the world have been fiat, based on nothing. Every such system has ended by the money going to zero but in the past, people could use different currencies that were back up by gold or some other commodity. Not every currency was fiat like today. Now we don’t have that option. We now live in a global monetary house of cards. Very very few people own any gold or silver anymore and economies now are much more complex. The more complex the economy, the more room it has to fall. A hundred years ago, 40% of the country were farmers. Now it is less than 2%. And much of that are large corporate farms. Obviously, a country facing an economic catastrophe or hyper inflation will be much better off if a large segment of the population is producing food. We don’t have that luxury anymore. Might things go back to barter if things get really ugly? There is no reason to think that it will not. We could hope that our economic “planners” will reel in the monetary system before it really goes super nova but there is no hint at all from our leaders that they have any type of competence or the necessary will to pull the system back from the brink. Right now it is full speed ahead, right towards a cliff, and the central bank’s only solution is more fuel, more coal on the fire, more monetary printing. It seems like they will keep doing this until the whole thing comes flying apart.
The good news is that those prepare will have a much better shot at coming out on top than those who live in a state of perpetual ignorance about the nature of the world. (Even better news this whole evil system might finally end.) Obviously it is not always fun to look at the dark side of things but we must also navigate reality as well. Reality as it is, not as we wish it to be. Put intention into everything you do, of course, but don’t wish away the laws of nature. The laws of economics are basically the laws of nature.
The Austrian School of economics is basically the only type of economics that is actually real. All other schools, Keynesian, Chicago School, and MMT, are basically just sycophantic pseudoscience designed to give the establishment moral legitimacy for their already chosen economic policies. The chosen economic policies only enrich the establishment, impoverish the masses, and allow governments to wage constant global wars of imperialism.
So what is one to do? Buy gold, silver, and maybe some crypto. Simple as that. Here are a few videos below describing our current economic situation.
How the pandemic was preplanned to usher in the new economic system after the monetary collapse. Very good video to watch.
This is probably the best video that I have heard ever on the silver manipulation.
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