Biden’s America

By Jake Hopkinson


Over a month into Biden’s fraudulent presidency it seems as though the outlook of the Republic is going down a dark tunnel with no light in sight. Biden’s radical handlers have controlled his every move. He sits at their finger tips when he’s not napping and awaits their orders. There’s no way this feeble man can lead a nation, let alone the United States of America. His countless executive orders and policy’s continue to hurt this country in ways that will not be able to be recoverable. When he does make public appearances, he has a decrepit shuffling gait and doesn’t seem to know where he is. His appearance at the biased and disgraceful CNN Town Hall showed his pathological tendencies of lying have not missed a beat. He claimed there was no vaccine when he took office, when pictures depict him getting a vaccine a month before he was in office. He lied when he said President Trump did not condemn the Proud Boys, yet he still enforces Antifa is only an idea and not an organization. Quite possibly, the worse of his irrational statements was when he said the Ughyer Genocide was just a cultural norm in China. So Biden truly thinks that 1 million Muslims being held in detention camps in China is just a norm? It’s quite possible the worse genocide since WWII. Biden continues to prove daily he’s not fit to command this country. It took him a week to address the devastating power outages in Texas that was only seconds away from causing catastrophic damage taking out the entire grid that would of left the state without power for months. His lack of command and control in this situation is pathetic and absolutely inexcusable. Rather, he put a lid to his day, then to address millions and millions without power or running water and the many families that continue to suffer. It’s very hard to fathom the commander in chief, who is in charge of FEMA, was absent this entire time and refused to offer assistance. It’s quite possible in his demented state, he did not know what was going on, but it is absolutely inexcusable. Unfortunately, that’s just the latest. Biden has reversed just about every single policy written by President Trump, polices that were extremely successful. His immigration stance is horrendous. Not only as he opened the boarders in a pandemic when the economy is suffering immensely, he is offering amnesty to those deported and legalization to all illegals currently in America. His influx at the boarder is out of control to where democratic mayors are pleading with him to stop because they do not have the capabilities. The influx will only take away jobs from Americans and pose grave danger to our communities. It will prioritize illegal aliens over African-Americans, due to many of them being released in predominantly African-American communities, where there jobs will be taken away. Of the 10 million unemployed Americans, around 930,000 are African-American, the largest of any racial group in the workforce. His intent to bring in all these illegals and give them jobs and pack the labor market where wealthier Americans will not have to compete with will take away those jobs from people in low income communities. His agenda will only make things worse for a African Americans, a group that with President Trump has the lowest unemployment in the history of the United States. MS-13 and other gangs are freely allowed to enter as they please to commit crimes and bring in drugs that will kill our citizens. Biden also enacted a policy that will allow illegal aliens to stay in the a United States even if they committed crimes. A policy he reversed from President Trumps administration. Illegals can now commit assault, drunk driving, drug charges and will be allowed to stay in our communities. He has abolished ICE. Of course he doesn’t care about this nor do his phony constituents. They’re guarded by a wire fence and armed National Guard Soldiers. Not to mention, it was stated yesterday that Guard will remain in DC indefinitely without any suspicion of danger. Yet, he can’t deploy them to the looted and destroyed cities of Portland and Seattle where Antifa has taken over and have committed violent acts every single day for over a year now, costing billions in damage and American lives. In fact, he has yet to speak of this. Absolutely abhorrent. Biden’s killing of the Keystone Pipeline killed thousands of jobs of hard American workers. Thousands of workers who cannot provide for their families now. Where we achieved energy dependence with President Trump and a massive decrease in carbon admissions, Biden has rejoined the Paris Agreement, which will only add costs to Americans and will have no effect on pollution. His continued trend to bow down to world leaders defines his weakness and lack of back bone. He has kneeled to Iran with the restoration of UN sanctions and the look to join the 2015 nuclear agreement aimed reigning in the Islamic republics nuclear program. What’s worse, Biden has reversed President Trumps designation of Houthi rebels, a terrorist group. His reasoning for such an atrocity is provide humanitarian assistance to Yemen. The Houthi organization is a Jihadist terror network allied with Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world. Their motto? “ God is great, death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews, victory to Islam.” Biden has engaged in a petrifying patten of weakness in confronting China. He has already undone President Trumps policy’s in confronting the biggest threat to America. He continues Obama’s failed relationship with them that never worked and would rather accommodate and cooperate with the foreign power, rather then show strength and power. His failure to confront the CCP should be no surprise. 14 of his high ranking cabinet members either have links to the CCP, or are known to be soft and non confrontational. We can also probably imply that Biden will not continue strong relations with Israel and their Sunni Arab neighbors as Trump did. After all, we know have taken a back seat to Iran and that is their enemy. From and economical view, Biden continues to destroy the once great pre pandemic economy we had under President Trump. With his influx of millions of illegals, increasing minimum wage, depletion of the energy sector, and higher taxes with more regulations, the economy will continue to tumble to unprecedented lows. How about violent crime? Every major democratic city has a massive increase in violent crime, notably due to their defund the police phony narrative. So much for law and order. With the countless attacks on America’s, police, and federal buildings, Biden turns a blind eye. Law and order is only meant when republicans are the malefactors. Culturally, Biden has not only destroyed women’s sports by allowing men to compete in them we now will fear for our female children who go to the bathroom in public or in schools in fear a predictor will take the policy as an open door to prey. He has divided us as people in ways that can’t be undone. His words and tone as well as his constituents on the plague of white supremacy and extremism only causes more division and hated among Americans. His assimilation of this in the military will only weaken the tenacity and cohesiveness of the US Armed Forces. His educational strategy to abolish the 1776 project only instills in children hatred for America and hatred for anyone who doesn’t agree with them. His reinstatement of ‘cultural diversity training’ will only indoctrinate people to believe white people are all racists and ‘critical race theory’ is real. This is the outlook on Biden’s America. This should give any normal person with common sense a great deal of anxiety and unrest. FDR said, “ The only bulwark of continuing liberty, is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.” So the question is what will it take to retain our liberty and freedom we are given? There’s no single answer. For starters, law and order here and on the boarder, Americans are put first at all times, differences of opinions are not censored, a strong military without the influence of politics, and stout presence over other worldly powers. Hopefully if we can achieve this we can live in a county without the fear we have now.

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