Black Friday

I don’t really like crowds, shopping, or lines. So Black Friday sounds like complete torture to me; I never really participate in it.  One person even told me that more people shopped on Black Friday than voted.  At first this surprised me and I thought this was yet another indication of how the public has little care for national politics but, then I got to thinking…  Is this not a somewhat rational thing to do?  Shopping might actually be better than voting if you think about it.  If I go shopping, at least I will be getting something cool at a cheap price (assuming I don’t get pepper sprayed or assaulted by the police).  If I vote, I will get more of the same. The creeps in politics never really change. 95% of the people in congress are complete liars.  Whatever party you vote for, they are all corrupt. So hey, if politicians are sending the country to Super Huge Financial Armageddon and can’t even reduce the deficit within a Super Secret Cloak and Dagger Committee that no one has access to except for lobbyists, we might as well go out with a big bang and rack up as much credit card debt as possible on Black Friday!  I guess the shopping public are smarter than I give them credit for. At least they know what a value is when they see it.  If the Republican primaries are any indication of what the mindset of the voting public is it means that the voting public can’t decide what the heck they want.  Primary voters will apparently forgive any transgression for whatever politician that is the media’s darling that week and can be led around like lambs.  Black Friday shoppers on the other hand are hard core idealists that will not let anyone stand in their way to get what they want!  You might not like their ideals, but hey, they have commitment!  Dreary primary voters will apparently clap at any made for TV slogan and like whatever flavor they are told, (sigh), it makes me bored just thinking about it.  Just look at any political debate in the last 30 years, totally boring, the only thing we can hope for is that some candidate will make some kind of gaffe that the media will hound him relentlessly about for a week until the next guy messes up.  Black Friday though, now that is ACTION!  I don’t even have to be there, I can just watch it on TV!  Maybe in the next debate someone will at least bring pepper spray or something, that should make things more fun.


Well, after getting a little side tracked there, what does interest me about Black Friday is how it is touted as some kind of economic gauge for the nation’s economy.  These economists say how great the day was because sales went up something like 6% over last year.  These are likely the same economists that never saw the crash of 2008 coming or thought that TARP and all the other stimulus packages would bring us to a new era of prosperity.  The first thought that came to my mind was the 6% increase has been about the same rate of inflation or lower even when considering real inflation which is around 12%.  So this statistic means nothing really, it is all inflation driven at best and most likely it is a worse year for buying than last year.  Then the next obvious thought that came to mind was, who cares?  Consumption does not equate to economic growth, production does.  If these people saved their money and put it into banks, these banks would lend it to people who would make long term capital intensive projects that produce things like cars and computers.  Instead, all this consumption in the present actually makes us poorer, because we are consuming our stock of capital now, in the present, when it could bring much more wealth in the future.  Lastly, even if consumption was a valuable economic indicator (it isn’t), this could actually mean that people are buying now instead of buying in the future because people are cash strapped in a bad economy. They are buying now when there are good deals rather than over the next month, overall consumption might be the same or even less during this holiday season.  This is similar to the Cash for Clunkers program, when people who were planing to buy cars in the fall, and instead came in during the summer to sell their “clunkers” so the government could pulverize them to save Gaia or something.  That is a whole other topic but, instead of destroying billions in economic wealth, we could have given all those cars to homeless people or single mothers or somebody like that but, Mother Earth comes before mere Human Beings, citizen!  So calm down and watch me poor salt in the gas tank.

Well, anyway, back to Black Friday.  The lack of understanding of economics concerning Black Friday is also pervasive in every other area as can been seen from cockamamie programs like Cash for Clunkers, to the Fed printing of 7.7 trillion in secret (that is currently blowing up the next super bubble).  The list could go on and on but, if people want to know how we got here just look at what pundits and most economists are saying on TV.

1,224 thoughts on “Black Friday

  1. Áo lớp màu trắng luôn là lựa chọn tinh tế và thanh lịch.
    Bên cạnh đó, những câu khẩu hiệu của riêng mỗi lớp
    sẽ là điểm nhấn để phân biệt.

    Để trả lời cho câu hỏi áo lớp màu
    nào đẹp? Để đảm bảo tính chắc chắn và khả năng chống bám
    bụi bẩn cao, các mẫu đồng phục cho học sinh tiểu học cần được thiết kế đặc biệt.
    Trang phục không thay đổi, không biến hóa về hình thức: … Chúc các mẹ và bé có nhiều niềm vui trong khoảng thời gian chuẩn bị hành trang đến trường này nhé.

    Hoặc đặt mua sản phẩm trực tiếp tại gian hàng chính hãng của Nutricare Pharma trên Shopee, Lazada, Tiki.
    Trả hàng đúng hẹn, thời gian gia công từ 7-15
    ngày tùy số lượng. Hiện tại trường đã có những bước tiến vượt trội trong công tác đào tạo.

    Kiểu đồng phục áo thun này dùng làm
    đồng phục thể dục trường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành.
    Nhìn tổng thể chúng ta khoa phân biệt với mẫu thiết
    kế đồng phục công sở. Canifa không hướng tới phân khúc quần short nam giá rẻ
    mà tập trung mang đến cho các đấng mày râu nhiều mẫu quần đùi nam
    đẹp với chất liệu, kiểu dáng và màu sắc khác nhau.

  2. Áo thun đồng phục cao cấp: Sử dụng vải
    thun cotton 100%, co giãn 4 chiều và có
    mức giá cao nhất, tất nhiên chất lượng
    cũng tốt nhất. Mỗi nơi sẽ có mức độ chênh lệch
    khác nhau, tùy theo đơn vị may và giá vải thời điểm đó trên thị trường
    ra sao mà giá sẽ có sự tăng, giảm nhất định.

    Sở dĩ gọi là siêu thị đồng phục vì đơn vị đầu tư showroom cực rộng mang đến hàng trăm mẫu mã, thiết kế
    cho khách hàng thỏa sức lựa chọn. Đội ngũ nhân viên tư vấn nhiệt
    tình, luôn sẵn sàng hỗ trợ và giải đáp mọi thắc mắc của khách hàng.
    Chất liệu vải may: Đồng phục áo vest nữ công sở cần sử dụng những chất liệu vải
    may cao cấp, đáp ứng được những tiêu chí về khả năng lên form, độ bền, độ thấm hút và co giãn, mang lại sự dễ chịu thoải mái cho
    người mặc. Ngoài ra, tùy vào từng doanh nghiệp
    mẫu áo vest đồng phục có thể thay
    đổi về thiết kế kiểu dáng, form dáng,…

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