Camille Paglia: What Went Wrong with Feminism?

With anything in life it is very important to think in a historical context.  Camille Paglia does just that.  We are so used to thinking that the world we live in is normal and that everything that we are is normal.  Maybe it is all actually abnormal.  Our present age is very different than the ages before and yet their are similarities too.  When we go into the past and find out who are we are more able to deal with the present.


1,457 thoughts on “Camille Paglia: What Went Wrong with Feminism?

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  5. In response to the July 2016 leprechaun economics affair, on the request of the Central Statistics Workplace (“CSO”), the Governor of the Central Financial institution chaired a cross economic steering group (Economic Statistics Evaluation Group, or “ESRG”) together with the IFAC, ESRI, NTMA, main teachers and the Department of Finance, to recommend new financial statistics to the CSO, that may better characterize the Irish financial system (given the escalating distortions in GDP and GNP).

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