Primal Lifestyle Cures Woman’s Multiple Sclerosis

I believe that everyone who cares about their health should switch over to the primal diet, or primal lifestyle as many like to call it.  I have known about this diet for a couple of years and have been following it off and on but I have been very strict with it for the last two months.  After these last two months I don’t ever on plan on going back to eating grains again.

Actually, I started telling people at work about it and they have become interested with one person losing thirty five pounds in a month by just eliminating grains from his diet.    With other people actually listening to me I thought it was about time that I became strict on the diet for myself!  So far I have become much leaner and feel much healthier.  I no longer have days where I am tired after lunch like I used too.  I now know it was the carbs that made me crash.  I have more energy than ever before and this is what I believe is most important.  With more energy, I have more time and fuel to be the person that I want to be.  I also believe that the primal diet has increased my overall mood and happiness.  This makes since because fat and cholesterol are critical to brain function.   High carb low fat diets can often lead to depression because the brain is starved of nutrients and does not work optimally.    In the video below, Dr. Terry Wahls explains the benefit of the Primal diet.

The Primal Workout

This is one of the best videos that I have seen on how develop an exercise regime.  Just like the high card, low fat diet that is pushed by of the health care industry is completely unhealthy, so is the mainstream views of working out.  In this presentation Doug Mcguff explains the myths and the solutions about modern exercise and diet as well.  Thanks to Matt Riggs for showing me this video.



The science and politics of cancer is complex issue.  People do not like to think about a disease in those terms but cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry.  It is obvious that the oil industry has a stake in its profits, rival technologies to produce power would be an obvious threat to multibillion dollar companies.  It is common in the to hear in the media that the oil industry funds anti-gobal warming research to prevent people from using alternative sources of energy.  Whether global warming exists or not is besides the point. What is clear is that much of the public and the media commonly accept the idea that the oil industry would take steps or “conspire” to confuse the public on the global warming issue or other such issues that might pose a threat to profits.  For some reason, if cancer is brought up, the idea of self interest should not be considered. Cancer treatments costs are over 50 billion dollars a year in the U.S with the majority of new cancer drugs approved since 2006 costing more than $20,000 for a 12-week course.  With profits this high and the costs per patient so extreme it is time that the public scrutinizes the medical-industrial complex as much as the oil companies and the crony capitalists Wall St.

Edward Griffon is well known within the libertarian community for his work “The Creature from Jekyll Island“.  This is how I know of Edward Griffin.  “The Creature from Jekyll Island” is still one of the best works on the Federal Reserve System.  It is heavily footnoted and a very academic work, worth reading for those who do know much about the Federal Reserve.  Little did I know that he first started writing about the topic of cancer.  Bellow is a video that everyone should watch.

