Musk Knows!

Well, Musk is not an idiot so of course he knows.  Unlike most of the establishment, he occasionally takes swipes at this crazy control system we are in.  On second thought, he really is not part of the establishment, he is new money, and unlike Bill Gates, Musk did not sell his soul to stop antitrust action and a fresh batch of adrenochrome.  It is still somewhat rare when Musk strikes out like this, and he deleted the tweet soon afterward.  It was also after midnight on the West Coast so he might have been drunk or high or something but either way, this is great.  I would not be surprised if the SEC starts going after Musk and Tesla after this.

Musk Gates meme

Notice Musk says that “this is actually happening”.

Even more interesting is the Musk actually edited the actual meme.  I will let the readers decide on the significance of that.

Gates meme origninal plannedemic

Covid Passport from the 10th circle of Hell

By Luke Jensen

I really don’t know how the masses think this is OK.  Obviously, this is the largest infringement on liberty and medical freedom of the 21st century.  The idea that we need to prove that we  have taken an experimental “vaccine” to regain basic liberties is absurd and evil.  According to the governments own numbers this virus has a 99.7% survival rate.   Also, just a reminder, this vaccine has not been approved in any country in the world except for emergency use (a term governments can use to absolve all blame when this goes wrong).  In addition, the vaccine companies themselves have zero liability if these vaccines damage people.  What other company has such license to hurt and kill people with zero liability?   Imagine if car companies had such protection or food companies?  Yet, I am supposed to think that injecting some kind of mystery substance into my arm pass all my natural immune barriers is somehow safer?  Especially when it some kind of experiment gene therapy that has always resulted in the catastrophic damage in previous trials?  If anything, the liability should much higher for companies creating such bizarre substances to be injected into the human body.  I remember when there used to be an actual push back against pharmaceutical companies in the political sphere, especially from the left.   Those days are long gone and now apparently pharmaceutical companies can write legislation.  Democrats of old would have at least pondered the idea that huge mega corporations lobbying congress to make their products mandatory for citizens to enjoy basic human rights is a conflict of interest of huge proportions, let alone all the other horrible precedents it sets.   But I digress.

As much as these vaccine passports are unethical and down right evil, what I have described is just the tip of the iceberg.  These passports are going to usher in a control system that the world has never seen.  It is hard to imagine what dystopia is coming with these passports. Below is a video of Naomi Wolf.  She used to be a big deal during the Bush administration.  She was a 4th wave feminist Democrat who talked about how the Bush administration was pushing America towards a police state.  She was right of course, even though I was blind to it at the time.  Once Obama came into power, all the left’s talk of civil liberties, anti war, and the surveillance state ended.  So Naomi Wolf was much less of a visual figure.  The TV only exists to promote the party line and division, never true discussion.  Apparently Naomi Wolf still thinks that the left cares about civil liberties and has been fighting against all this Covid stuff.  It is kind of sad for me to watch in way, people that stand by their convictions are rare in this world and I respect anybody on any side of the political spectrum that does so.  Unfortunately, the Mocking Bird cooperate media and big tech have sought to silence her.  Because there can be no dissent, even from the left.  Everyone must accept the role out of this medical tyranny or they will be silenced or worse  So good on Naomi Wolf, I commend her for her stand.  I hope some of the left listens but unfortunately it seems highly unlikely. If what she say is true, and I think it is very likely, these vaccine passports will bring a dystopian nightmare to this planet that will likely end with demons rising from cracks in the earth from the depths of hell. Or something like that.

The Covid Deception

By Luke Jensen

As the virus hoax keeps grinding on there are a few brave souls who speak out.  Most medical and pharmaceutical professionals keep quiet because their careers will be destroyed in a moment if they raise the slightest bit of objection to the COVID hoax.  Like I have said in many previous articles, it is obvious that this COVID plandemic has been planed for a long time.  The whole operation checks off many of the boxes that globalists have desired for many decades.  Now that the globalists have almost complete control of the media and the internet, they can crush almost any opposition (except those brave souls in Zone B).  The problem with the average American is that they can simply not believe that there could be such a powerful group in the world that could operate such a “grand conspiracy”, unfortunately history has proved repeatedly since WWII that such conspiracies do happen and are relatively easy to cover up when the media is completely controlled.  Not to belabor the point, below are a few examples.


Lying, deception, and mass killing have been part of parcel of all Western governments, especially the U.S., since World War II.  I hope readers have time to watch some of the above videos which are just mere introductions to some of the vast operations that governments have been involved in.  Today, the Covid operation is no different.  Right when it happened it was obvious to those who study the dark side of government actions that this was a set up.  Especially after seeing lie after lie and how the media covered the story in such a way as to obviously to instill fear into the population.  Unfortunately, most human beings are relatively mindless herd creatures that will listen to any authority, no matter how obvious the lies, twisting of the truth, and self contradictions.  Every since 2008 the whole financial system has been in a very precarious bubble fueled by central bank money printing.  I did not think that they had a way out and the whole thing would end in destruction in something akin to the worst economic depression in history.  Now, I realized that I was wrong, they did have a way out (a way to avoid blame anyway) though economic destruction is still coming.  That way out was the “dreaded” Covid-19.  In one fell swoop, all the economic time bombs that were about to explode in the world financial system were blamed on Covid-19.  In 2008 there were massive protests due to Wall Street financial bailouts but no more, now money can be printed without abandon and given to the politically connected while the middle class is wiped out.  The richest made trillions of dollars while the middle class lost their jobs and small businesses were shut down by the hundreds of thousands (and hardly anyone raises an eyebrow at this?).  The strangest part is how a large part of the population not only cheered on the economic destruction but mocked those who lives were destroyed.  Ignorant or not, there is a special place in Hades for such mindless vindictive rabble.  2020 and 2021 are merely the first stages of a psychological/economic warfare operation that will likely stretch years in the future.   So far the masses have proven that they will take almost any amount of abuse from their respective governments though, luckily, there do appear to a few signs of resistance.

Will it be enough?  At this point I am not sure but I try to be hopeful about it.  I do think those that can, should prepare as much as possible for the economic turmoil that is bound to come. I think opportunities to create a better system will come in the future but right now the central banking model is in the beginning of its death throws and if history is a guide, the coming catastrophe  will give rise to the worst sides of human nature. This is also a time when free humanity can rise and create a new future.  Time will tell and we are all actors in this great drama.  What each individual chooses to do may have great ramifications for the future.  We are not completely in their technocratic control system yet.  We have not yet been implanted with their 666 micro chips.  We still have some degree of freedom.  Now is the time to exercise that freedom and live like a human being with choice and agency.







Back from the Jungle

Being in the jungle for a month is a nice way to check out of this modern Covid Psyop. Nobody wears masks and the outside world is just far way.  Now I am out of the jungle and it is time to continue my travels, it is obvious that all this Covid nonsense is still going on.  Part of me wants to just check out and go on with my life.  After all, I know what I am doing and I am going to come out of this thing all right. If the masses are some dumb to still believe this claptrap after a year they deserve what is coming to them after all?  Though I somewhat agree with that statement, that the masses are so dumbed down they deserve what is going to happen to them, I still think it is important for posterity to get the truth out.  I don’t see much hope until after some sort of civilizational collapse but I suppose somebody might read this blog and take steps to protect themselves and their families.  I will try to focus on more solutions in the future but such interesting news keeps coming out about the absurdity of masks and lockdowns that I can’t really help posting some stuff about it.

Thanks for everybody who reads this blog and keep up the good fight.  There is always hope.  Outside the Western Democracies the rest of the world is going to do alright.  Western Europe and the US are likely going to go down into some kind of nightmare hellscape of medical marshal law as an excuse to control their respective populations with an iron grip after decades of fiscal and monetary mismanagement.  Likely the West will drag a number of their vassal states down with them. Keeping that in mind it is important to take note of countries that are resisting medical tyranny.  They could be safe harbors in the future when all is lost.  Ben Swann explains how one county refused to do lockdowns are mask mandates.  Will this former communist country become a new bastion for freedom?


Biden’s America

By Jake Hopkinson


Over a month into Biden’s fraudulent presidency it seems as though the outlook of the Republic is going down a dark tunnel with no light in sight. Biden’s radical handlers have controlled his every move. He sits at their finger tips when he’s not napping and awaits their orders. There’s no way this feeble man can lead a nation, let alone the United States of America. His countless executive orders and policy’s continue to hurt this country in ways that will not be able to be recoverable. When he does make public appearances, he has a decrepit shuffling gait and doesn’t seem to know where he is. His appearance at the biased and disgraceful CNN Town Hall showed his pathological tendencies of lying have not missed a beat. He claimed there was no vaccine when he took office, when pictures depict him getting a vaccine a month before he was in office. He lied when he said President Trump did not condemn the Proud Boys, yet he still enforces Antifa is only an idea and not an organization. Quite possibly, the worse of his irrational statements was when he said the Ughyer Genocide was just a cultural norm in China. So Biden truly thinks that 1 million Muslims being held in detention camps in China is just a norm? It’s quite possible the worse genocide since WWII. Biden continues to prove daily he’s not fit to command this country. It took him a week to address the devastating power outages in Texas that was only seconds away from causing catastrophic damage taking out the entire grid that would of left the state without power for months. His lack of command and control in this situation is pathetic and absolutely inexcusable. Rather, he put a lid to his day, then to address millions and millions without power or running water and the many families that continue to suffer. It’s very hard to fathom the commander in chief, who is in charge of FEMA, was absent this entire time and refused to offer assistance. It’s quite possible in his demented state, he did not know what was going on, but it is absolutely inexcusable. Unfortunately, that’s just the latest. Biden has reversed just about every single policy written by President Trump, polices that were extremely successful. His immigration stance is horrendous. Not only as he opened the boarders in a pandemic when the economy is suffering immensely, he is offering amnesty to those deported and legalization to all illegals currently in America. His influx at the boarder is out of control to where democratic mayors are pleading with him to stop because they do not have the capabilities. The influx will only take away jobs from Americans and pose grave danger to our communities. It will prioritize illegal aliens over African-Americans, due to many of them being released in predominantly African-American communities, where there jobs will be taken away. Of the 10 million unemployed Americans, around 930,000 are African-American, the largest of any racial group in the workforce. His intent to bring in all these illegals and give them jobs and pack the labor market where wealthier Americans will not have to compete with will take away those jobs from people in low income communities. His agenda will only make things worse for a African Americans, a group that with President Trump has the lowest unemployment in the history of the United States. MS-13 and other gangs are freely allowed to enter as they please to commit crimes and bring in drugs that will kill our citizens. Biden also enacted a policy that will allow illegal aliens to stay in the a United States even if they committed crimes. A policy he reversed from President Trumps administration. Illegals can now commit assault, drunk driving, drug charges and will be allowed to stay in our communities. He has abolished ICE. Of course he doesn’t care about this nor do his phony constituents. They’re guarded by a wire fence and armed National Guard Soldiers. Not to mention, it was stated yesterday that Guard will remain in DC indefinitely without any suspicion of danger. Yet, he can’t deploy them to the looted and destroyed cities of Portland and Seattle where Antifa has taken over and have committed violent acts every single day for over a year now, costing billions in damage and American lives. In fact, he has yet to speak of this. Absolutely abhorrent. Biden’s killing of the Keystone Pipeline killed thousands of jobs of hard American workers. Thousands of workers who cannot provide for their families now. Where we achieved energy dependence with President Trump and a massive decrease in carbon admissions, Biden has rejoined the Paris Agreement, which will only add costs to Americans and will have no effect on pollution. His continued trend to bow down to world leaders defines his weakness and lack of back bone. He has kneeled to Iran with the restoration of UN sanctions and the look to join the 2015 nuclear agreement aimed reigning in the Islamic republics nuclear program. What’s worse, Biden has reversed President Trumps designation of Houthi rebels, a terrorist group. His reasoning for such an atrocity is provide humanitarian assistance to Yemen. The Houthi organization is a Jihadist terror network allied with Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world. Their motto? “ God is great, death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews, victory to Islam.” Biden has engaged in a petrifying patten of weakness in confronting China. He has already undone President Trumps policy’s in confronting the biggest threat to America. He continues Obama’s failed relationship with them that never worked and would rather accommodate and cooperate with the foreign power, rather then show strength and power. His failure to confront the CCP should be no surprise. 14 of his high ranking cabinet members either have links to the CCP, or are known to be soft and non confrontational. We can also probably imply that Biden will not continue strong relations with Israel and their Sunni Arab neighbors as Trump did. After all, we know have taken a back seat to Iran and that is their enemy. From and economical view, Biden continues to destroy the once great pre pandemic economy we had under President Trump. With his influx of millions of illegals, increasing minimum wage, depletion of the energy sector, and higher taxes with more regulations, the economy will continue to tumble to unprecedented lows. How about violent crime? Every major democratic city has a massive increase in violent crime, notably due to their defund the police phony narrative. So much for law and order. With the countless attacks on America’s, police, and federal buildings, Biden turns a blind eye. Law and order is only meant when republicans are the malefactors. Culturally, Biden has not only destroyed women’s sports by allowing men to compete in them we now will fear for our female children who go to the bathroom in public or in schools in fear a predictor will take the policy as an open door to prey. He has divided us as people in ways that can’t be undone. His words and tone as well as his constituents on the plague of white supremacy and extremism only causes more division and hated among Americans. His assimilation of this in the military will only weaken the tenacity and cohesiveness of the US Armed Forces. His educational strategy to abolish the 1776 project only instills in children hatred for America and hatred for anyone who doesn’t agree with them. His reinstatement of ‘cultural diversity training’ will only indoctrinate people to believe white people are all racists and ‘critical race theory’ is real. This is the outlook on Biden’s America. This should give any normal person with common sense a great deal of anxiety and unrest. FDR said, “ The only bulwark of continuing liberty, is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.” So the question is what will it take to retain our liberty and freedom we are given? There’s no single answer. For starters, law and order here and on the boarder, Americans are put first at all times, differences of opinions are not censored, a strong military without the influence of politics, and stout presence over other worldly powers. Hopefully if we can achieve this we can live in a county without the fear we have now.

The Legacy of Rush Limbaugh will Live on Forever 

By Jake Hopkinson

Yesterday many people woke up to the devastating news to hear of the passing of Rush Limbaugh. Millions of Americans woke up to hear that an iconic and heroic man, a man who loved this country, the flag, and God succumbed to the final stages of cancer. A tremendously sad day indeed. Rush Limbaugh started his illustrious career the year I was born, 1988. A time during the Reagan era, where many thought his show would be halted as quick as it started. Little did they know, Rush would transform talk radio for the next 30 years. He paved the way for many to include Mark Levin and other opinion hosts. He paved the pay for hosts on the left as well. When he started he was often called ‘the most dangerous man in America’ due to his brutal honesty and saying things that no one else had the guts to. For 30 years he fought censorship and bigotry by the left and it only made him that much stronger. His legacy in talk radio and conservatism will never be forgotten and we will always cherish tuning into him daily and hearing his words of encouragement. Rush truly believed in this country and what America stood for. He cherished our constitution and our founding fathers. He was a constitutional conservative who believed in freedom, limited government, law and order, and freedom of the individual. His voice of encouragement will never fade away. Rush often said, “no matter where you started or what you like, as Americans we all have endless opportunities.” However, even with his conservative voice and presence, his legacy will live on because of the person he was. He was a man of tremendous moral character and spirit. A man devoted to his country, but always God first. A man who people turned to even if they didn’t want to hear about politics necessarily , but they turned to him for comfort and strength. His voice comforted millions and his attitude was envied by all who listened. The news of Rush’s cancer diagnosis stunned his millions of listeners and deeply touched our souls. With stage 4 lung cancer, we all knew the end would be sooner rather then later. We all know people who have succumbed to the horrendous disease, and too often we know the final outcome. We know the tenacity it takes and the strength through courage it requires to go through such a nightmare. The many people it impacts and the hardships it causes. Since hearing the news of his diagnosis, I prayed often for his happiness and his courage through this, as I know overcoming it was not an option. I prayed for him like I did for the county and for our liberty and freedom. It’s true to say Life is found in Christ. When Lazarus was sick, Jesus wasn’t present but when he heard the news he prayed and wept did him. As he stood outside his tomb, he felt the feelings of his friends and family and assured them his sickness would not end in death, but in God’s glory. So many of us prayed and wept for Rush over the past year. So many of us prayed for healing. We will all reach this point someday. A grim and depressed statement, I know. But, we must realize we all have people that love us, pray for us, and weep for us. With this, we will ultimately realize death will not scare us. Even in the midst of pain and suffering, we can find joy and happiness. In the darkness, we shall find light because we know he will not forsake us. As we continue to dwell and mourn over someone we loved so dearly, let us not be sad and glum. Rather, let us rejoice and celebrate for having the opportunity to know such a man and to be encouraged and strengthened by his words. Let us carry on his legacy by continuing to fight for our country and the freedom and liberty it gives us. Let us remember a man who rose above and fought for us and gave us a voice when we needed it. Wipe the tears from your eyes and be thankful for what he gave us. Lou Gehrig said that he felt like he was the luckiest man on earth when he received his diagnosis. If you remember, Rush discussed this and not knowing the meaning of statement the plausibility of it. Rush then said the same thing when he received his diagnosis a little over 80 years later. He said this due to the outpouring of love and affection from his friends and listeners. He knew we were with him every single step of the way and he knew he was loved deeply.

Global Dumbing

By Jake Hopkinson

Extensive research points to the fact that since the turn of the 21st century many of the economically advance nations have seen an increase in falling IQ levels. Scores in such countries like Great Brittan, France, Australia have markedly declined, to include the United States. This trend is worrisome indeed. Considering the correlation with IQ scores to educational achievement and economic advancement. It offers a very diminished and daunting outlook to our future as this trend will only continue to rise. What’s the cause of this ‘global dumbing.’ Research points to several reasons. Lower IQ families having more children and high IQ families having less. Immigrants coming into the country with lower IQs then that of the native population. Or could it be the abundance of less intellectual demanding jobs that have catered to lower educational citizens making work less demanding and the brain utilization weaken. Some progressives say global warming is the cause of this making food less nutritious. Those are all plausible arguments, however I don’t buy any of it. The rapid decrease in IQ scores and the decreasing intellectual ability of today’s society is to be blamed on the information- age. Take smart phones for example. Anytime your at a store or a restaurant, how many people are imbedded into their phones and so ingrained in the small computer device that they can’t even hold a conversation with their company. I’ve been to restaurants and seen an entire family of 6 glued to their phones like it was some sort of addiction they couldn’t put down which it truly is. With the copious social medial applications like Facebook, snap chat, Instagram, so many young people live in a alternative reality society where for hours and hours they use these devices to pass time and to glorify themselves ultimately atrophying their brain. Unfortunately, all the tech advancements and achievements have only allowed us to become dumber and waste away our brain cells. Great ideas and inventions are scarce. People rely on their phones and their social media followers to live day to day. Everything is computerized. Clerks can’t count change without a computer telling them how much they owe and kids haven’t even heard of cursive. This is the era we live in. A society where people concentrate their brain cells on how to filter a picture to look good rather then how to make a contribution to society. All this complacent state of mind will only decrease future scientific breakthroughs and encourage stagnant economies. Let’s take a look back and magnify some examples of the transition into this ‘global dumbing’ era. Back in the “old” days, prominent tv shows consisted of Perry Mason, twilight zone, Dick Van Dyke, or the Rifle Man. Shows that made you think or shows that had a positive purpose and positive message. Nowadays, all we see our disgusting reality shows, Keeping up with the Kardashians, and repellent comedians that take up late night TV. Shows that have no positive impact on society and portray to individuals that’s what life is like and that’s what it means to live and make contributions to society. We used to listen to music like Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack. Nowadays radio stations are flooded with derogatory garbage talking about literally nothing if you can even understand them. Musicians, or so they call themselves, have become acting politicians without knowing a single thing. It’s no wonder why we continue to get dumber as a society with all the idiotic influences that are available on the media. Let’s look at the pollical side. Look at this country when people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, or Thomas Jefferson lead this country. Compare them with the pedophilia of Bill Clinton, the narcissism of Barrack Obama, the the corruption of Joe Biden. Or how about any of the outrageous and ridiculous statements by those like AOC. Do you see the difference? Let’s take architecture. The Golden Gate Bridge, the St. Louis Arch, the Vanderbilt Mansion, and the Statue Of Liberty. Where are the modern day equivalents? Nothing except the graffiti and vandalism of it. With the decades of progressivism being portrayed we are no longer concerned about making positive contributions to society and coming up with new ideas that will benefit humanity. Rather we are in an era where we can only argue how many genders there are and how many ways we can deem someone a racist. So, with that said ‘global dumbing’ is among us and has been for a long time. The technological age to include media, smart phones among others have completely diminished us from using our brains in a positive way. We continue to become dumber and continue to rely on a electronic devise for our own sanity. Thus, welcome to the ‘global dumbing’ era

Has Biden Ruined the Honor of Military Service?

By Jake Hopkinson

Just a month into the feigned Presidency of Joe Biden, we have been reminded day after day the nightmare that awaits us as the totalitarian administration continues to direct their handler in ways that derail America further then we could ever imagine. Perhaps, one the most important issues for me is Biden’s loathsome attitude towards American troops and those who took an oath to die for this country.  As a former Marine, I took this oath and signed that paper over a decade ago knowing and fully accepting that giving my life for America was a distinct possibility. For me, joining the military was a tremendous honor. I always cherished this honor and duty to serve my country and protects its freedom. I always admired those before me, and always honored those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. So many young men like me felt the same and took the oath to defend and protect what they loved and adored. Some of those brave men never made it home. But their courage and bravery will never be forgotten by me. One Marine that always sticks out to me is Jason Dunham. Jason was conducting a reconnaissance mission in 2004 near Karabila, Iraq. While leading his team in an engagement, his battalion commander’s vehicle was ambushed. Eventually, as the fighting intensified,   Corporal Dunham ended up in hand to hand combat with an Iraqi insurgent. During the struggle, the insurgent released a grenade coming into close contacts with his fellow troops. Without hesitation, corporal Dunham immediately jumped on this grenade bearing the brunt of the blast, while shielding his Marines. Saving the lives of two other Marines, corporal Dunham died 8 days later on April 14th 2004. I learned about corporal Dunham and countless other brave hero’s while going through Boot Camp. I remember laying in my rack at night and dreamt of the day I could have a chance to make that type of sacrifice for my men, but more importantly for my love of America. My love for the values and morals America stood for and was founded on. Going to a college preparatory school during high school, most of my friends became lawyers, engineers, doctors. There was nothing wrong with that at all. I, however, wanted something greater. Something that would separate me from them. Something that would give me an honor that only few have had the courage to obtain. That was becoming a United States Marine. In end, I know I learned far more about life and myself then any degree would have done.

It breaks my heart to see America in 2021. This is not the America I took an oath to defend. I question how many young men and women would want to defend a country that has lost touch with its founding and moral principles. This is a very dejected reality with the current state of affairs of America. American flags being burned in the street, veteran monuments being vandalized. How did we get to this point? A time where merciless politicians degrade and humiliate our brave troops. A time where white male troops must be vetted to ensure they don’t think differently than the tyrannical people that are suppose to love our country as much as we do.   A time where addressing radical ideas and white supremacy is more important then preparing for battle and honoring those who went before us. It’s hard to sign an oath when much of the inferior Democratic politicians don’t even respect us. They can’t even say the pledge of allegiance without labeling it with racist ties. The transgender policy will continue to hurt the military as well. Unlike those who decide to serve for honor and distinction, we now have people that will join to get their pass at free gender transition surgery. In today’s America, it’s hard to argue with someone who doesn’t want to defend and fight for the current state of our country, and I don’t blame them. The Democratic agenda continues to insult America’s traditional values and morals while labeling and ridiculing those who comply to their Marxist agenda. I wouldn’t fight for this anti-American culture that currently holds power, I know that. The education system taking out key historical figures and events in our nations history. Its attempted demoralization of this country’s people and youth will only continue to make it worse as the years progress. Young men and women will not want to serve for a country in which they are indoctrinated to think is oppressive. The youth brainwashed to think America is not actually great, but it is a racist society that values gender issues and Marxist style equality over bravery and courage. Only time will tell the effects of today’s climate and the path of our military will take in the future. I hope and pray that one day I can again say I would be honored to defend what this country stands for and be willing to lay down my life for what America represents.