By Jake Hopkinson
For the last four years conservative minded citizens who believe in values such as liberty and freedom have been tormented for their thoughts. This is nothing new. To be continually blamed for America’s problems and scorned every minute of the day. We have seen a substantial increase in the insults since Biden was given the 46th presidency. We are called white supremacists, racists, pretty much every possible derogatory name in the book. However, we have always been the stronger party and refused to go as low as they have gone. Unfortunately, with that said, some Republican leaders have given in to the hatred of the left and have accepted it as okay. Never in history has the left fostered so much detestation for opposing view points as it has today. A former CIA director took it to the next level recently. In a recent interview the man compared conservatives and Trump supporters to Al-Qaeda. He described how domestic terrorists, who he insinuates are conservatives, are worse the foreign terrorists and that we need to be hunted down just like Al-Qaeda was. He goes to attack us for having guns and believing in the second amendment poses a grave danger to society. This is coming from a former CIA director. The dangers of this statement are despicable. There is no need to go into the countless other statements of pure scorn and hatred the left has said about people who oppose their views. For one, it would take months to compile all of them and secondly bantering about the appalling treatment will not get us anywhere. The one positive of Trump being out of office is that the true colors of the left are now on show. Their behavior is in the light now. And, they are truly terrified of how unified the right is now. Anyone wonder why troops are still guarding DC and why it’s a militant state now? Or why, they are putting up a permanent fence around the White House to keep them protected? Ironic, considering on the same day they defunded the boarder wall. The left is horrified of the unification of the Republican Party post Trumps presidency. They failed to realize their hatred and discontent for someone who does not think like they do and constant belittlement has only made us that much stronger. They know this. They know they have unleashed a beast. A vicious beast that remains caged in a brainwashed society. A beast that didn’t back down when it was abused and tormented the past 4 years. A beast that remained silent and hungry. That beast is 80 million people who voted for Trump. That beast is educated Americans who love their country, God, the flag, and history this country was founded on. That beast greatly outnumbers those who oppose it. Only time will tell what that beast will do. But, it’s beginning to look like it’s starting to gnaw that door open. So to all the leftist out there that continue to insult myself and like minded people for our views. Keep it going. It will only add fuel to the fire that is now out of control. A fire started by the liberals and showcased on the media.