Hatred Brings Unity

By Jake Hopkinson

For the last four years conservative minded citizens who believe in values such as liberty and freedom have been tormented for their thoughts. This is nothing new. To be continually blamed for America’s problems and scorned every minute of the day. We have seen a substantial increase in the insults since Biden was given the 46th presidency. We are called white supremacists, racists, pretty much every possible derogatory name in the book. However, we have always been the stronger party and refused to go as low as they have gone. Unfortunately, with that said, some Republican leaders have given in to the hatred of the left and have accepted it as okay. Never in history has the left fostered so much detestation for opposing view points as it has today. A former CIA director took it to the next level recently. In a recent interview the man compared conservatives and Trump supporters to Al-Qaeda. He described how domestic terrorists, who he insinuates are conservatives, are worse the foreign terrorists and that we need to be hunted down just like Al-Qaeda was. He goes to attack us for having guns and believing in the second amendment poses a grave danger to society. This is coming from a former CIA director. The dangers of this statement are despicable. There is no need to go into the countless other statements of pure scorn and hatred the left has said about people who oppose their views. For one, it would take months to compile all of them and secondly bantering about the appalling treatment will not get us anywhere. The one positive of Trump being out of office is that the true colors of the left are now on show. Their behavior is in the light now. And, they are truly terrified of how unified the right is now. Anyone wonder why troops are still guarding DC and why it’s a militant state now? Or why, they are putting up a permanent fence around the White House to keep them protected? Ironic, considering on the same day they defunded the boarder wall. The left is horrified of the unification of the Republican Party post Trumps presidency. They failed to realize their hatred and discontent for someone who does not think like they do and constant belittlement has only made us that much stronger. They know this. They know they have unleashed a beast. A vicious beast that remains caged in a brainwashed society. A beast that didn’t back down when it was abused and tormented the past 4 years. A beast that remained silent and hungry. That beast is 80 million people who voted for Trump. That beast is educated Americans who love their country, God, the flag, and history this country was founded on. That beast greatly outnumbers those who oppose it. Only time will tell what that beast will do. But, it’s beginning to look like it’s starting to gnaw that door open. So to all the leftist out there that continue to insult myself and like minded people for our views. Keep it going. It will only add fuel to the fire that is now out of control. A fire started by the liberals and showcased on the media.


Want non-biased news on America’s state of affairs? Look no further then Russian mainstream media.

By Jake Hopkinson

For decades the American news outlets have always slanted left to a degree. It’s only become increasing worse and shamed since the election of President Donald J. Trump in 2016. Over the last 4 years, the mainstream news giants such as CNN, MSNBC, and to a degree Fox News no longer report from a non-biased point of view. Rather, it’s an opinionated oppressive form of propaganda that doesn’t care to reveal the truth so they can politically degrade and call out those who do not fall in line. With ridicule and mockery, President Trump and the conservative American citizens pointed out the fraudulent bias of the left wing and lack of truthful reporting, what we now know as “Fake News.” After his election the ideology and reporting of these disgusting news agency’s only became worse and they dipped to an all new low by degrading the average American citizen insinuating they are terrorists and they should be reprogrammed. Even with the election of Joseph Biden as the 46th President, the news continues to shun away of the facts and current events and continue to shame anyone with a different point of view and continue to go after Donald Trump, now a private citizen. There is no news reporting on growing domestic terror acts of Antifa and BLM. There is no news on the harmful effects of Joe’s copious executive orders his handlers continue to tell him to sign. We have learned there even is no such thing as free speech if it comes from someone on the right. However, if you are Maxine Waters or Chuck Schumer it’s okay to threaten Americans and Supreme Court justices if you don’t agree with them. No one on the left has yet to condone that behavior. Remember the bloody head of Donald Trump that the disgusting and horrendous Kathy Griffin held. A very horrific photo, that only someone like a psychopath or lunatic would come up with. Yet, she was applauded for this by many.

With this hideous era of false reporting, conservatives only have a few outlets that continued to get banned and depicted as “dangerous.” They continue to be censored or shut down completely like Parlor was. With that being said, let’s take a look at the Russians view on the climate in America. If you look at many mainstream Russian news outlets post Biden inauguration they all have a similar view of the man. He is frail and spineless when it comes to what a leader of democracy should emulate. According to the Biznes online gazetta, the reporter describes that the  White House looked “ gloomy in a ringing silence” on Inauguration Day. He went to talk about the unprecedented security measures in place to say “ dozens of neighborhoods were fenced off beyond to even which a person could carry a balloon or ride a bicycle, classified as potentially dangerous objects.” He speaks of Biden reading from a large teleprompter while his wife Jill had to support him with both arms as he took the oath. They also reported on his continuous hiding and lack of appearances in public, which one would expect from a man who has been deemed President. They see him as weak for this. Smotrims press, reported on the inhumane and disastrous treatment of our military. They reported the “ eviction of National Guard Fighters from the Capitol to an unheated parking lot.” The article then goes on talk about due to the unsanitary and appalling living conditions, hundreds of the troops tested positive for Covid. When Biden agreed to the extension of START 3, a nuclear arms and reduction treaty, Sergie Ryabkov, Putin’s deputy foreign minister, was amazed Biden would be so agreeable to this with only one phone call to Putin on January 26th.  He says “ unlike us, he has not included his legislature in this decision.” This is important due to the fact this man insinuates that with all these directives he signing he can’t rely on congress to agree so he continues his actions without their involvement. A true sign of weakness and dissociation with democracy itself. Sputnik radio host, Mikhail Sheinkman reported on February 5th, “ Thanks to the bad weather in Washington, we managed to understand what awaits us. Because, even though Phil the groundhog although sleeping, was pulled out of his burrow on February 2nd, Biden came out of his only on the 4th. Therefore the ‘winter’ in relation with Russians will be long. The Russians are honest with their reporting in saying that the long winter with Biden is just another chapter in Obama’s uneventful legacy. Russian state Duma committee chairman Leonid Slutsky reported “Biden’s promise to toughly confront Russia is nothing new. The new American President has repeated all the clichés and patterns of the Obama administration. In fact, White House is continuing the line of the undeclared Cold War 2.0.” Russian state Duma deputy Ruslan Baalbek then added after Biden’s February 4th speech to the nation on unity, “Mr. Biden, you were very good at warming your pockets, the corrupt way, during Poroshenko’s presidency. But this is no example, and your speech is not a decree. So go seal your wishes and threats in an envelope and let it go by the wind, since this will have the same effect upon the Russian Federation.” It’s a dejected day when the media of a country like Russia is more truthful in their reporting then the propaganda of today’s main stream giants. They see our president as a weak and corrupt politician. A president who signs order after order without bipartisan support. A president who continues to derail from democracy and the constitution only to give into socialistic and Marxist ideas. It is only a matter of time before America wakes up and discovers it too.



Oh Poor Citizen, You Thought your Life Would Go Back to Normal after the Vax?

This psyop will likely go on for years and they are never going to let people go back to normal.  This obviously benign flue bug does not require mass vaccination.  It certainly does not require some sort of weird mRNA gene therapy that is not a vaccine at all.  Regardless, the public has been so abused and traumatized by our governments, many people will do anything to go back to normal, even taking an experimental and highly dubious “vaccine.”  Well, sorry citizen, you are going to continue to be abused because they are not going to stop even when everyone is vaccinated.  Now your respective governments are going to mock your misery even more by promising more masks and social distancing.  Oh, you want to protest and engage in your First Amendment right to assembly and free speech? Sorry, can’t do that either.  They will set their goons on you real quick if you do that. After all, assembly and speech is very dangerous for your health dear citizen and your blessed to have a humanitarian regime that will crack down on such anti-social activities.

The Silver Short Position

Silver is likely the most undervalued commodity in the world.  This is because silver is the most manipulated commodity in the world.  A lot of big banks make a lot of money manipulating the price of silver.  Governments don’t seem to mind because it makes their paper currency look better.  The truth is silver should have a much higher value than it does today.  I am not a financial advisor or give financial advice but I believe that silver is one of the best investments that one can make to protect their future.

Absolute Proof by Mike Lindell

I don’t know much about Mike Lindell at all but he seems to me that he is an alright guy.  At least somebody is standing up for what is right.  In this dark age of censorship that America is currently in, anyone that questions the election results are to be banned from public discourse.  This is obviously absurd considering that Russian Interference was actually talked about for years with totally media and tech complicity but I cringe to even bring up hypocrisy anymore because it is so glaring to everybody.  What troubles me the most is the censorship.  I believe that this has been going on for a long time and is now getting much worse for all to see.  To live in a free society is to have the ability to communicate ideas.  This is why freedom of speech is in the First Amendment, because it is so important.  Now we have an out of control tech industry that silences any sort of dissent from the orthodox opinions of the political class.  America is having a war waged on it from the inside.  You can call this nefarious cabal “the deep state” or “the shadow government” but it is obvious that there is a network of bad actors that want to take control of this country and do away with the Constitution and all human freedom.  This has been a long process and this group has been around for a long time.  It can easily traced back a century and may be older than that.  It consists of secret globalist bodies that we can trace back to at least the Round Table Group, The Council of Foreign Relations, and later to other organizations like the Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, and most glaring today, the World Economic Forum.  All these groups seek to destroy national sovereignty and create a world government. This New World Order will most importantly have one global currency with one global bank.  This is what all the Great Reset is along with the Covid hoax is all about, pushing the globalist agenda.  The Covid lockdowns have been designed to crash the economies of Western Nations so that they can be “reset” and “built back better” with some kind of new digital currency, vaccine passports, and eventually some sort implantable microchip that contains ID and vaccine information.  This is all coming down the road and the more people that wake up to this very uncomfortable reality the more likely it will be that we can resist.  Already there are many hope signs of mass awakening but we still need more.

This brings us back to the election.  For whatever reason, Donald Trump seemed to somewhat be in the way of this plan.  I never perceived Donald Trump as too dangerous to the political establishment because he seemed to be always compromising with them.  (This being said, his huge popularity with traditional Americans seemed to make the political class frightened indeed.)  After the election was stolen in such an obvious way, I figured that Donald Trump must have actually been a credible threat to the globalists or at least had to be removed so that they could fully implement their agenda.

The most important thing to note about this election theft is not the theft itself but the magnitude of the operation.  The election theft was probably one of the most advanced operations that this rouge element has ever had done throughout its history (and that is saying something).  TV networks, big tech, radio stations, and news papers all pretty much had to go along with this operation.  The courts were corrupted on every level as were the Justice Department and FBI.  State governments and election commissions in multiple states were also corrupted.  The list could go on and on.  Of all the coups that the CIA has done, this has been by far the most advanced.  Now we are left to figure out what all this means and what it means for America and the world.

Good on Mike Lindell for fighting the censorship and producing this documentary. The fraud was so massive the globalists might have overplayed their hand.  Let us hope.



How the Destruction of a Civic Society Destroyed America

By Jake Hopkinson

The increasing rancorous behavior from the left to people who oppose their views is more evident in today’s society then it ever has before. The constant hatred and repressive behavior has never been worse than it is today. We have been shunned from a society that we loved so dearly. We have been harassed and fired from our jobs for mere political beliefs. Exchange of ideas and healthy debate has been extinguished if you don’t fall in line to the tyrannical left. President Reagan often wrote how freedom is one generation away from extinction. We have hit that generation. 80 million Americans have been called white supremacists and domestic terrorist from people who are suppose to control this country and bring about unity. Washington currently looks more like Bagdad with armed troops protecting a dictator. A permanent fence is being built to surround the White House and despotic globalists who are taking away our own second amendment rights that we use for own protection. They build a wall to protect them, yet the tear down a wall to protect Americans and American jobs. Churches have been told to close their doors to people who seek spiritual help. They have been replaced with hemp stores and strip clubs that remain open. So much has changed since the generations of WWII. Eighty-four percent of America’s born between 1928 and 1945 identified as Christians. Fifty present of those reported attending religious service once a week. In contrast in today’s millennial generation less than 50% report no Christian affiliation with 64% report attending no kind of religious service. During this period of time, we saw Americans who bonded together to help their community out for the greater good. To improve society with civic engagements and grow together spiritually. Post WWII, we saw a generation of Americans who exchanged ideas without ridicule and participated in town halls where healthy debate was achieved. We saw communities that thrives on social bonds and clubs. They all succeed and virtually had no political ties. We sad a civic society that was not weaponized and dominated for political gain. As times have changed, Americans are less religious and have replaced religion with politics and political driven organizations that continue to cause havoc and destruction. Organizations that continue to vandalize and tear down our history all for the sake of politics. Virtually any organization has now become political in nature. You can’t go to a knitting class or community event without being judged or ridiculed if you don’t agree with someone’s views. We are even told you can’t serve in the military and believe in God at the same time, because it’s politically incorrect. The radical change over the last half century has destroyed what was once known as a civic society. The Democrat party has taken everything personal in America and manipulated it for political gain. There is no free speech if you don’t fall in line. America is all too much turning into a Soviet like state with controlling our personal way of thinking and censoring it if does not abide to their rhetoric. Truth is no longer pursued as anything we believe in as conservatives is manipulated by society and weaponized against us. When groups are forced to live under one way of thinking and one government, Balkanization will result. We continue to be shunned for society as our children are taught America is a lie and this is what you are to believe in now. Stalin was correct when he said “ People who cast the votes mean nothing, people who count the votes mean everything.” As we continue to try to live in a republic that was stolen from us, only time will tell the end result.

Truth about the CV19 Vaccine

As the vaccine from hell rollout continues the media is censoring any medical professionals that have any doubts about these new mRNA vaccines.  This alone should make people suspicious.  If the media is telling you something, it is a very good idea to do the opposite.  The media is part of the American political establishment and constantly, year after year, covers up the crimes of the power brokers.  From an insanely militaristic foreign policy to huge financial crimes, the media keeps the true deeds of the American establishment quite form the people.  They would almost always focus on some weird social issue and get the people divided that way.  Anything of true importance, like the nature of central banking for example,  is completely ignored.  Now the manipulation of the masses is becoming even more insidious.  It is no longer war or massive theft they are covering up.  They are pushing potentially the most dangerous vaccine in human history that could permanently alter the DNA the human race.  There is no discussion about whether this is a good idea or whether this is safe.  It is taken for granted that the people need this and will get this.  Soon we will be approaching a point of no return where millions may day and humanity is permanently altered.  Now is the time to take a stand.



We Will Not Accept the New Normal

By Jake Hopkinson

Gleichshaltung. This is what the Nazis referred to as citizens of communist or national socialist regimes that must master a new “state language” to demonstrate compliance with the new political system. Historian Stephen Kotlin referred to this in his account of Soviet industrialization as “speaking Bolshevik.” Through the lens of this ideology, it states those who adopted the new Soviet language would advance and prosper. Those who didn’t sacrificed educational and career opportunities. Wistfully, this Sounds all too familiar with the current state of affairs in America and what the progressive socialist handlers of President Asterisk are doing today.  Marxism has been reborn and has a cancerous seat within the democratic party that has been slowly transforming itself for two decades.

Social democracy is defined as follows: A political ideology that had as its goal the establishment of socialism through implementation of a policy regime that includes, but is not limited to, high taxation, government regulation of private enterprises, and establishment of a universal welfare state. Luckily for us as a country, the election of President Donald Trump in 2016 haunted this daunting ideology to further commence had Hillary Clinton took the reigns of this country. Rather with Trump, we saw America prosper. Individualism succeed. We saw the purest example of what this country was founded on, liberty and freedom. However, this didn’t stop the progressive socialist from continuing their goal to shape this nation into that of communist nation. You have seen the Bolshevik revolution be resurrected in Vermont and has made its way to New York and across this nation. This has been ongoing for a long time, it accelerated once the sham globalist knew Trump would not conform to their ideas and exposed them for their upmost wicked candor. The link between utopia and dystopia is swiftly breaking, as crooked DC elites attempt to transform our society. As Silicon Valley tech giants and brainless journalists continue to censor views that are not aligned with their corrupt mindset.  They brainwash American people with faulty socialist propaganda that’s suppose to unite and change this country for the better. We saw this when President Asterisk dissolved the 1776 commission wrote by Trump to instill the values and identity of what America was founded on in the education of our youth. It is now replaced with faulty and perturbing socialistic ideas about race and equality. It permanently tries to erase the foundation of America with the idea that America is a racist and oppressive country and white men are evil. That doesn’t sound like unity. However, in a socialist regime this is not only unity, it is a way of life. American graduates from today’s liberal universities fail to realize socialism is about wealth distribution and not wealth creation. Hence why, counties like North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela have fulfilled this. They also fail to see how socialism brings massive poverty. The only time in history where there was economic equality dates back to primitive communism where there was no property or wealth. This resulted in the economic equality of ultimately poverty. Wealth redistribution only creates a false sense of economic equality that the globalists rave about. It creates a society made of elite corrupt individuals who possess power to redistribute wealth in the ways they see fit of those who they control. It takes away personal responsibility and forever hooks the lower class permanently to the federal redistribution machine. So let’s be clear here folks. This is not George Orwell’s 1984 that conservatives harp on. No, it is not. This is the Soviet Union in 1937 with Joe Biden as the ruler and all his handlers in the background from Bernie Sanders to phony conservative people like Mitt Romney who slowly hand over the Republican Party to the Democrat bureaucrats. This shouldn’t be a surprise however. During the Cold War, Soviet propagandist derided the American political system going on to say that our two party system is really a one party system. According to Marx, if the means of production did not belong to the proletariat and neither party called for their outright expropriation, then both parties are representative of Capitol. In a sense this is correct for our current dilemma at hand. For years now, America has dwindled away from economic, independent, religious, and political freedom to a state of copious wealth redistribution and a framed brainwashed view of thinking. Both parties are to blame for this, as spineless establishment Republicans have refused to stand up to them. The Bolshevik motto “ Those who don’t work, don’t eat,” is being taken over by the motto of “those who don’t obey don’t eat.”

As the new regime continues to instill in us their views and way of problematic thinking, we can only relate this to America going down the slippery road of socialism that inevitably crashes into communism. Currently people being threatened for their beliefs and fired for their thoughts. One may dare to ask, is this really a free country? Is this a country of unity? The fact that American idealism is now in crumbles and our foundations are deteriorating, now more then ever is the time for a new right-wing party. A party that rejects boneless and fake politicians. A party consisted of men and women who will stand up for us and protect us and generations to come. Yes, I know through our history third parties always fail. However, our short term goal is not to win the presidency. The long term goal of this party is to restore our nations values and morals that brought birth to this nation. Our long term goal is to establish a party free of politicians that will not stab us in the back for their own personal achievement. In order to fight socialism we need a vigorous group of people with a love for the constitution, our flag, economic freedom, and above all liberty. The road back won’t be easy. But, I know with 80 million strong we can accomplish it.

The Internet Mob rises and takes on the Big Banks

By Luke Jensen

The Robin Hood traders and their merry men are taking on the big hedge funds like never before in history.  Game Stop reached five hundred dollars today.  It was around ten last week.  These young autistic computer nerds and gamers are taking it to the Wall Street establishment.  The banks are always manipulating the markets, making money off of the people and getting huge bailouts from the government.  The people on the other hand wait for scraps to be passed down from the top.  Millions of people lost their jobs because of government shutdowns but the big businesses and Wall Street banks are doing better than ever.  Finally, the people are starting to realize that all this cultural warfare garbage is a waste of time.

The true story of America today is the same as countless other civilizations that have reached the peak of their power and descendance.   A small incredibly wealthy elite have taken all the levers over power from government to high finance and use their position to enrich themselves at the expense of the masses.  Now the good guys are striking back.  Young traders around the country and around the world are ganging up on the hedge funds and their irresponsible short positions and are fighting back.  Now the big hedge funds are going broke and the little guy is getting rich.  A number of rich billionaires have gone on TV to cry about how much money they are losing.  The mases are elated.  Nobody is hated more than the American political establishment.  This is the whole reason that Trump was elected in the first place.  The people wanted to stick to the political establishment.  Now we are seeing this again, this time on the financial side of the political elite.  I don’t think they will tolerate this.  I wonder what they are going to do?


Reddit Army


Rumor has they are going to target the silver miners next…