By Jake Hopkinson
As the days have come and gone since Biden’s inauguration as our 46th president, the true meaning of his dark winter is more easily understood now. When he spoke of this during his running for the Presidency, we never knew what he meant because he failed to elaborate on it. Of course, this is a common occurrence for a 78 year old demented man who fails to salute Marines and seems to now not even know where he is when he speaks to the public. We can only assume what he meant by a dark winter pertained to the Chinese virus. On the contrary, we know now that is not the cause of Biden’s dark winter. It’s no coincidence that far left Democrat cities decided to open up their cities right after Biden took office. It’s also no coincidence that the first articles of a feigned impeachment that was brought to the Senate, was the same day the novel strain of the Chinese Virus arrived. On the sorrowful day of sleepy Joe’s inauguration it’s no coincidence that the disgraced W.H.O releases a statement saying that the PCR test was overly sensitive and that the cycle threshold was too high, resulting in countless positive cases, when in fact the person was showing very few of any symptoms at all. Let me note this was created on a week before it was released. No coincidence there either folks. What we have seen over the last year was a very large portion of American people testing positive with little to no effect on their actual health. Unfortunately, due to fraudulent and repellent media blowing this virus out of proportion, their negligence and failure to fulfill the role of real journalists has contributed to a far greater problem. Forcing people to stay home, deprived of social interaction, unable to put food on the table, has contributed to massive disruptions in daily life, anxiety and depression, and an increase in suicide rates. The effects of the duplicitous mainstream media and big tech have caused the real problem in this country. All this for one reason. Political gain. The left knew they needed to go above and beyond to cover up Trump’s astounding 4 years that will go down as the best Republican President since Ronald Regan. With this being said, Joe continues to harp on more deaths and more faulty mask proposals that he is exempt from. Sounds like unity to me, right? Joe will continue to scare us just like handlers want us to be. And, big tech will continue to blow it out of proportion but making it look like Biden is the reason for states opening up. Funny how all these liberal run companies are now offering their help to administer vaccines. Where were they last month? Oh the scathing hypocrisy of the left never fails. Now that we know Joe’s version of a dark winter has nothing to do with the Chinese virus, what did he mean? Where do I began? Within 1 day he has troops on the ground in Syria. His abolishment of the Keystone Pipeline will eliminate 70,000 jobs. His decision to rejoin the Paris agreement will only lead to copious future regulations to shape our energy and environmental policies that will in turn destroy American families and manufactures, putting America last as our new slogan that is becoming so obvious. The reality is that without this agreement we led the world with reduced emissions, improved air quality for all Americans and have been able to supply Americans with jobs and income, thus improving their life. That is America First. Within two days of his inauguration he has abolished women’s sports and allowed males who are genetically still males participate in women’s sports and use their bathrooms. Biden froze Trump’ drug policy on discounted insulin and epi pens to patients who require those medicines. I’m sure Stacy Abrams and Chris Christie won’t like that one. His plan to hail in millions of migrants will only cause more Americans to be out of work and lose jobs. But, we must remember this is America Last now. Biden will continue to implement policies he knows nothing about, but his handlers tell him to do so. We will continue to see what an America Last agenda really means. But, don’t fret. Would you want to rule over 80 million flag respecting, God fearing, and patriotic citizens. If you were them, the answer is no. Americans, and not just Republicans, are waking up the tyrannical society we are in. We understand what freedom and liberty means and will not be domesticated by fraudulent politicians. Subduing a population that loves this country and what it stands for won’t be possible. They will try and they will fail. We will prevail.