The meaning of Biden’s dark winter

By Jake Hopkinson

As the days have come and gone since Biden’s inauguration as our 46th president, the true meaning of his dark winter is more easily understood now. When he spoke of this during his running for the Presidency, we never knew what he meant because he failed to elaborate on it. Of course, this is a common occurrence for a 78 year old demented man who fails to salute Marines and seems to now not even know where he is when he speaks to the public. We can only assume what he meant by a dark winter pertained to the Chinese virus. On the contrary, we know now that is not the cause of Biden’s dark winter. It’s no coincidence that far left Democrat cities decided to open up their cities right after Biden took office. It’s also no coincidence that the first articles of a feigned impeachment that was brought to the Senate, was the same day the novel strain of the Chinese Virus arrived. On the sorrowful day of sleepy Joe’s inauguration it’s no coincidence that the disgraced W.H.O releases a statement saying that the PCR test was overly sensitive and that the cycle threshold was too high, resulting in countless positive cases, when in fact the person was showing very few of any symptoms at all. Let me note this was created on a week before it was released. No coincidence there either folks. What we have seen over the last year was a very large portion of American people testing positive with little to no effect on their actual health. Unfortunately, due to fraudulent and repellent media blowing this virus out of proportion, their negligence and failure to fulfill the role of real journalists has contributed to a far greater problem. Forcing people to stay home, deprived of social interaction, unable to put food on the table, has contributed to massive disruptions in daily life, anxiety and depression, and an increase in suicide rates. The effects of the duplicitous mainstream media and big tech have caused the real problem in this country. All this for one reason. Political gain. The left knew they needed to go above and beyond to cover up Trump’s astounding 4 years that will go down as the best Republican President since Ronald Regan. With this being said, Joe continues to harp on more deaths and more faulty mask proposals that he is exempt from. Sounds like unity to me, right? Joe will continue to scare us just like handlers want us to be. And, big tech will continue to blow it out of proportion but making it look like Biden is the reason for states opening up. Funny how all these liberal run companies are now offering their help to administer vaccines. Where were they last month? Oh the scathing hypocrisy of the left never fails. Now that we know Joe’s version of a dark winter has nothing to do with the Chinese virus, what did he mean? Where do I began? Within 1 day he has troops on the ground in Syria. His abolishment of the Keystone Pipeline will eliminate 70,000 jobs. His decision to rejoin the Paris agreement will only lead to copious future regulations to shape our energy and environmental policies that will in turn destroy American families and manufactures, putting America last as our new slogan that is becoming so obvious. The reality is that without this agreement we led the world with reduced emissions, improved air quality for all Americans and have been able to supply Americans with jobs and income, thus improving their life. That is America First. Within two days of his inauguration he has abolished women’s sports and allowed males who are genetically still males participate in women’s sports and use their bathrooms. Biden froze Trump’ drug policy on discounted insulin and epi pens to patients who require those medicines. I’m sure Stacy Abrams and Chris Christie won’t like that one. His plan to hail in millions of migrants will only cause more Americans to be out of work and lose jobs. But, we must remember this is America Last now. Biden will continue to implement policies he knows nothing about, but his handlers tell him to do so. We will continue to see what an America Last agenda really means. But, don’t fret. Would you want to rule over 80 million flag respecting, God fearing, and patriotic citizens. If you were them, the answer is no. Americans, and not just Republicans, are waking up the tyrannical society we are in. We understand what freedom and liberty means and will not be domesticated by fraudulent politicians. Subduing a population that loves this country and what it stands for won’t be possible. They will try and they will fail. We will prevail.

“The New Normal” Documentary

I always found the phrase “the new normal” very creepy.  The phrase was obviously thought up by some intelligence agency or deep state think tank and then pushed into the media and now the common person seems to use the phrase without question.  The Covid “plandemic” is primarily a psychological exercise, thus certain phrases are used to prime the public for certain outcomes.  A sort of psychological conditioning.  I can’t prove this but from my observations of other events, this seems to a large part of the program.  Maybe in a future article I will go into past phrases in other events that “nobody could have expected.”

“The New Normal” phrase is used to condition people to accept that the reality that we used to live in will never come back.  We live in a supposed “new age” with a new invisible enemy.  Everybody around you is a potential bio-weapon.  The government must take extreme measures and violate peoples’ rights in order to protect the public. Basic rights like the freedom to travel, the right to assemble, and even the freedom of speech are no longer allowed.  We must give up these rights for the “greater good”. The amount of psychological warfare being waged on the public of almost every country in the world (except for Sweden, Belarus, Russia, China, and a few others) has driven people to such extreme stress that they will almost accept any solution given to them by their betters.  First, this will come as highly experimental (or premeditated) vaccine  and next will come The Great Reset, a whole restructuring of our economic system.  The idea is to make people suffer so much that they will beg for anything to make it better.  Of course, the Covid virus is largely benign and has not killed any more people than usual from year to year norms.  The lockdowns are what is killing people and doing so much psychological damage.

Luckily for humanity, there are solutions, way to get out of this new technocratic prison.  People right now are calling for a Greater Reset, a Reset for individual freedom.



Demon Vax is Going to Kill People

Sadly many many millions of people are going to get this vax.  I don’t know what the end of this will look like but I think it is unlikely to be good.  Obviously I have some pretty extreme views compared to the average public in that I believe that this vaccine is actually designed to harm us in some way.  Though this is the furthest “out there” sort of view and probably sounds outlandish to most average people I think that the evidence supports this hypothesis.  That being said, even mainstream science should give anyone pause about taking this vaccine.  This is the first mRNA vaccine ever created for large scale human use and all previous creations have ended in horrible failure.  The scientific data on this is very clear.  It just so happened that when this ” dangerous new virus” showed up, our brave pharmaceutical companies designed a new mRNA vaccine in record time, less than nine months.  Humanity is saved!  Curiously, all vaccines up to this point take five, ten, fifteen years of development to achieve success and this is with traditional vaccine methods.  Now we are supposed to believe that a totally new type of vaccine being created in less than a year is safe.  Already people are dying, though I am sure many deaths are being covered up. A couple of dozen deaths have already happened in Norway from the vaccine and many experts a pleading for suspension of the Pfizer vaccine among the elderly .  Thirteen Israelis have suffered from facial paralysis from this vaccine.   Now we know through hacked emails that EU drug regulator was pressured to approve Pfizer vaccine despite evidence of “problems.”  One of the many complaints in the hacked emails were that “available data revealed qualitative differences between the commercial batches and those used during clinical trials” which I find very interesting.

This vaccine situation is going to keep getting worse and worse and I wonder how long they are going to be able to cover it up.  One of the greatest risks seems to be an over stimulation of the immune system that can be very dangerous.  After receiving the vaccine it is likely that patient’s immune systems will suffer from a cytokine storm which will likely kill many people.  Professor Dolores Cahill goes into great detail in the below video.  She explains the science, goes into previous studies, and presents a strong case that will see a high spike in deaths from this vaccine.  Most likely this will be blamed on Covid-19 itself or a supposedly new strain.  This will allow governments around the world to do further lockdowns and ratchet up medical tyranny even more.

If you absolutely have to take a vaccine to work or something I would suggest the Sputnik 5 vaccine that does not contain mRNA.

The Other Side of Q?



Q is an interesting phenomenon.  At minimum it should be studied as a sociological marvel for years to come.  It is obvious to anyone who has studied the topic that there is satanic pedophilia at the highest levels of the U.S. government.  This being said, I do not see the same evidence that there is a secret “alliance” within the U.S. government that is fighting these people.  Obviously, I am hopeful and time will tell soon but I also think that it may be an error to put all of our hope on “Q”.  We are all free ensouled beings.  We all have power.  This is how they try to deceive us.  They try to make us believe that we are alone and don’t have power.  I saw hundreds of thousands of patriots on January 6th.  People who truly love their country and want to fight for it.  These people, these patriots, give me far more hope than anonymous “Q drops”, politicians, and even Trump himself.  So many people love this country and are willing to fight to defend it and these people will not go down easily.  I advise that we all of have faith in ourselves and faith in God.  If the “Alliance” does turn out to be real, great, I will party for a straight month. If not, we will all have to follow the path that God has laid before us and have faith to see it through to the end.  So for the sake of having both sides, Alex Jones presents the idea that Q is a trap.  Whatever is the case, true or false, remember that it is always darkest before the dawn.

Planet Lockdown

The new planetary prison is being rolled out.  This is not about a virus.  This has never been about a virus.  This is about creating the New World Order.    Is it real?  Is this the talk of conspiracy theorists?  The term New World Order is a term used in the shadows.  Sometimes they announce their world order for all to hear.

  Now it is being rolled out for the world to see.  Many people are waking up, but is it enough?  The globalists are creating a technocracy where they will rule and we will be ruled.  Though I have studied this topic for a long time, the video below puts everything that is happening in such a concise way it is a must watch.  Catherine Austin Fitts goes into precisely what is going on and how the Great Reset is being brought about.  So far this is by far the best video that I have seen on the topic.

Strange Bomb in Nashville 

The world is truly a very strange place and most people will never understand how strange it is during their lifetime.  Through much study and some experience, I am confident that what people think they know is very far from the truth.  Many events defy explanation and when they are explained by “authorities” in government or on TV, the explanations defy all credulity.  This happens time and time again for those who take time to look.

The most important lesson that can be stressed is that most people have no clue about is that false flags are real.  Not only are they real but they can be historically documented.  The average person is usually fairly normal and non-sadistic and cannot imagine that those in power would hurt or even kill their own citizens for political gain or ambition.  If people believe that such a thing is possible at all, it is always other countries that do this, not here, not in the democratic West.  Unfortunately, it is democracies that these sort of events happen most.  After all, dictatorships don’t need the consent of the people to go to war or institute some new repressive program.   Public support can be helpful but it is not as critical.  In a democratic society it is totally different.  Public opinion must be “guided” to accept certain conclusions.  Usually this can be done through simple propaganda but every once in a while something bigger is needed.  Especially when it comes to starting a war or stealing away critical civil liberties from the people.  

One of the most famous examples of a false flag that was approved by the highest levels of government is Operation Northwoods.  During the JFK administration, the military planned to use a series of attacks on American soil and blame it on Cuba to justify American invasion.  This included bombing different locations in Florida and downing airlines.  This operation was approved by the top levels of the military including the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was stopped only when JFK himself refused to go along with the plan. This project was declassified decades later.  Though this project was never carried through, it certainly demonstrated the willingness of the power structure to kill its own citizens in order to get a war they wanted.  My contention is that many of these events in fact happen but are covered up.  



A description of all these events would be extensive but one of the most interesting of these would be the OKC bombing.  Large bombs going off is in itself very strange.  The technical skill level and the resources required to create a large bomb are high.  Ted Kaczynski did low level stuff but the idea that one man can create bombs that do so much damage is a much more challenging tale to believe.  Oklahoma City bombing was full of strange anomalies and cover ups.   



The events surrounding the OKC bombing are even more weird and disturbing.


Strange events continue to happen and seem to happen on a more regular basis in the last couple of decades, from the Boston Bombing, to a number of school shootings. Strange anomalies keep piling up though the media ignores any evidence of other perpetrators or more complex operations.  The Vegas Shooting is an example of a strange event that was briefly covered and then dropped from the media because it all became so weird and confusing.  The “facts” were so convoluted that the media itself  could not even keep their narrative on track.  It was basically claimed that some overweight Baby Boomer with no known gun experience became some kind of expert marksman and mowed down a bunch of people for no known reason whatsoever. The strangeness of the event goes on and on but a couple things stand out.  People in the crowed reported a couple walking through telling the audience that “they were going to die” ten minutes before the shooting happened. There was no video at all of the suspect in the casino which have cameras pretty much everywhere.  There was also no question how he smuggled in 30 guns into his hotel room.  More importantly, why would someone smuggle in 30 something guns? Would not one or two guns be effective?  Also, I am supposed to believe that all the rounds fired were not from automatic weapons but from bump stocks?  From all the videos, they sound like automatic weapons.  Anyone that has heard machine gun fire knows what it sounds like.  The questions keep going on and on from there.  Soon enough, this whole strange story was dropped by the media industrial complex, though certain people on the internet are still doing great stuff on this. 



The Nashville Bombing is along the same lines of some of these strange events though luckily nobody died in the bomb blast.  There was even a warning for people to evacuate the area.  So maybe this actually was done by a “lone nut” because I assume most governments don’t care about taking life.  Still, this whole thing seems weird.  We are now told the perpetrator died in the blast and we have already found out who he is.  They already have the DNA?  They somehow have the VIN number from the RV?  No pictures of the person in the RV even though there are sure to be cameras in the area.  Also, it is always convenient when these “lone nuts” end up dead and not having to go to trial where actual evidence has to be presented.  This could create problems with the government and media narrative. Luckily dear citizen, rarely do these people survive long to enough to go to trial that could cause unneeded confusion for the public and cost taxpayer money.  Needless to say, I am suspicious of this whole thing.  I am even more suspicious that nobody died, maybe something different is going on that even I don’t completely understand?

The Great Reset Will not Happen? Silver Will Kill the Banks?

The greatest monetary crisis in human history is fast approaching.  The world will completely change as we know it.  We will be entering the realm of the complete unknown and nobody has an idea what will come after.  Maybe it is lucky that the masses have no idea what is coming. 

I often wonder how many people actually think about what money is.  Do they know that modern “money” (actually currency) is completely based on nothing? Do they know that every currency in the world is fiat?  Do they know that the definition of fiat is “by decree” and that all currency that is used today is used because it is illegal to use anything else?  Do they know how much wealth is stolen from the masses every year through inflation? Do they know that historically every currency based on nothing has collapsed, that this has happened thousands of times?  Do they know that the debts of the U.S. government cannot be paid and that the government will just print the money?  Do they know that this will end in monetary and economic collapse?

  I don’t think most people think about money at all and when I try explaining it most people’s eyes glaze over.  Most people respond to whatever moral virtue is being signaled on social media or the TV.  They surely don’t know that the virtues that they “choose” to support are carefully crafted by a secret elite behind the scenes.  This is why people support all these ridiculous moral causes that do not threaten the establishment but instead are created for the sole purpose of dividing the masses.  BLM, weird tranny stuff, gay stuff, women’s supposed oppression, and now ridiculous face mask virtue signaling.  These are all strange issues meant to stifle any traditional culture, create a whole new set of “virtues” to replace traditional values and religion, and to create division.  Most importantly, they do not threaten the globalist power structure in any way whatsoever.  BLM is the perfect example of this, it pits poor blacks and college educated white women against middle class police and their working class supporters.  All the while trillions of dollars are being printed off, enriching the billionaire class while the middle class is getting destroyed.  It is very important to ask what is being reported on and what is not?  What is in the news and what is not?   This question is key to understanding how the masses are manipulated. The news is not exist to inform. It exists to deceive, to misdirect, to cover up, and most importantly it is there to manufacture consent

Now is the time to prepare for what is coming.  Having food is important but it is also important to be prepared in other ways as well.  This financial system cannot stand.  One look at the derivative bubble should give one pause on how massive this bubble is. There is no way that this can end well. 


The markets are also obviously in a bubble as well.  Maybe the central banks can keep the markets up with money printing until all ends in a horrible economic destroying “melt up” but we are in obvious bubble territory. Caution is highly warranted in markets that are over extended to this degree.


Remember what has been the base of all history.  All money was once tangible and had value in itself. Every else has been a substitute.


X22 continues to do good work.  I think he is already partly banded from YouTube and I am sure will be completely banned soon enough.




Can a Vaccine Destroy a Person’s Ability to “Feel God”?

The disturbing answer is yes  Yes they can.  A vaccine can be used to target certain parts of the brain and nervous system that are required for spiritual experience.

Also, just a coincindece I am sure, it was reported in AstraZeneca trial that a number volunteers developed severe neurological problems.  Reportedly one victum stated after recieving the vaccine:  “They’ve killed God: I can’t feel God anymore- my Soul is dead.”

This is a spiritual war.  It always has been and it has been completely one sided in the modern age.  Evil stalks this world and the forces of light have yet to fully engage.  The mass popluce no longer believes in evil, thus making them ripe for the harvest of the demonic.


The Doom Vaccine Cometh

The most massive rollout of a vaccine in world history that was developed in only eight months.  What could go wrong?  Every Corona Vaccine ever attempted in the last 15 years has ended in horrible failure.  “Disease enhancement due to pathogenic priming” is what happens when the vaccine makes the person much more susceptible to future disease.  This process was discovered in vaccinated animals during previous Corona vaccine trials.  “More animals got the disease, got serious infections and more animals died.”    Conveniently for the present health dictatorship, this is not an issue because there were no animal studies.  


The problems with this Covid vaccine are too numerous to even name.  This is going to be the most dangerous vaccine ever administered in human history that will likely even change your very DNA.  The psychopaths running this lunatic freak show think that they are God and those who let man change their DNA that God gave them are already dead.  They have not soul or will left to fight.  They are already the automatons that this RNA vaccine likely seeks to create.  Humans 2.0 will just happen to be much more compliant after getting the vax.  Soon, humanity will be subject to a series vaccines, one after another, each one changing the human genome a little more.  Human beings’ genetic material will gradually be changed and programmed so that humanity will be permanently altered.  What will this dark future look like when everything that makes us human will be subject to the whims of dystopian governments?   I don’t know but I don’t think a dystopian horror book could do justice to the reality that they are trying to create.  


The Election Battle Rages On!

What is the plan?  What is going to happen?  There is a lot of speculation here but we are in the age of the great unknown.  Speculation is rampant just as in any age of great transition.  Same has been true of all ages, rumors run rampant, hearsay is commonplace, people are searching desperately for what is going on. Today the internet is the public square.  Despite the Deep Sate’s efforts to suppress the internet, truth is getting, along with a lot of speculation.  That is part of the fun.  I know this, watching X22 is much more fun to listen to than any mainstream media host.