Obviously America has child sexual predators at some tops levels of government. Anyone who has been studying the globalist power structure for years like I have has to come this conclusion. Omaha has actually been one of the epicenters for this.
Originally filmed for the Discovery Channel, Conspiracy of Silence was at the last minute canceled from airing on TV dispite the millions of dollars that went into the production of the documentary. Powerful forces did not want it to air. The documentary goes into wide spread child sexual abuse going on in Omaha for the benefit of the rich and powerful that reached all the way up to the White House and the Pentagon. As distubing as the documentary is, it does not even go into all the highly disturbing satanic side of these events. Either way, it was too much for the power structure to be allowed to be revealed.
Interestingly, more and more people are claiming that this is all coming to a head and that powerful forces within our government are at war with these dark forces. I don’t have any evidence for this but if their claims prove to be true, it would be the most imporant event to ever happen in American history. True or not, I think it is a good idea to keep my readers abreast of these events and to be honest… I am intrigued.
Robert David Steele has an extensive background in intelligence. He served three back-to-back clandestine tours while in the CIA. Also Served as Special Assistant and Deputy Director, U.S Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA). Full bio here. Long story short, Robert David Steele is not just some random guy on the internet but someone that should be taken seriously.
Trump attorney Lin Wood goes into more details about what we are up against. Much of what he talks about I can not confirm but it is sure interesting.