This is one of the best podcasts that I have heard in a long time. It really motivated me actually and what is more it gave me hope. Seeing all the drones walk around in their masks is tough on any soul I think. Everybody deep down must think something is very wrong. But those souls who are more alive and see their fellow human beings fall this hoax are more affected I think. There might be masters meditators out there that can overcome the attachment to this material plane but I am not one of them. I am working on it but it strikes at my heart to see “The Land of the Free” become the “Land of the Slaves” is such a short time. I don’t see any hope politically. Maybe Q Anon is real but I doubt it. Of course I would like to see all the evil people locked up but unitl then we have to forge our own path. The Freedom Cell movement is a great step in that direction. This is exactly what we need. To organiz in our in way to op out of the system and organize amongst each other for mutual aide, trade, and defence. If you think this system is shaky and civil unrest is coming, it might be a good time to join or create a Freedom Cell in your area. Or even if you just want to live the liberty philosophy and meet like minded people, I can’t think of a better organize. Each cell is independent and the organization is designed in an antifragile way with no hierarchy that is hard to subvert. I have not heard any of the organizers speak of it but it sounds like the John Birch Society who purposely organized into small independent cells like the communists to avoid infiltration and subversion. That is a concept that I have always found interesting.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Operation Lockstep
Do you feel like you are living in a simulated reality? Do you feel like this has all been planned? What would you say if somebody told you that it was all designed to happen just like it has? That this scamdemic has been planned for a long time by the power elite. That they even wrote about this stuff? These are the ravings of crazy people right? Respectable people don’t believe in this nutty stuff right? Hmmm but what about documents? What about the evidence? Well, luckily for the average citizen he does not have to worry about such things. He just watches TV and gets his news from Facebook and maybe takes orders from whatever corporate masters he works for. It is best not to think deeply about such things. Eat and be merry. At least that was the old motto. Give them bread and circuses. Now it is different, now it is time to make the people suffer. The middle class has to be destroyed. That is the new plan and the rich are going to get much richer. Welcome to the new Amerika. You thought you were free, now you are serf. That is the game plan.
Something diabolical is afoot. The public at large will fight with every fiber in their being from being told the truth. They will even seek to destroy those few who have seen the truth, to silence them, to exclude them from the public discourse and eventually even more severe actions will be taken. Because the truth is too much, it is a deep burden and people want comforting lies.
But truth does exist.
The story of SV 40 and cancer causing viruses in polio vaccines
The story of SV 40 is likely the largest medical coverup in the 20th century and it is still going on. It should give everyone pause at how the high priests of science can make such catastrophic errors that can lead to potentially millions of deaths. The story starts with the polio “epidemic”.
Governments have used fear for a long time to push an agenda. After WWII polio was such a cause for alarm that mothers often did not let their children go out to play during the summer months. Pictures of rooms with dozens of children in Iron Lungs were in the newspapers and the rest of the media. Thankfully, government and the scientific establishment came up with a solution because they always have a solution lucky citizen and that was the polio vaccine.
Unfortunately for millions of people, the polio vaccine was contaminated with dozens of live monkey viruses. Simian Virus 40 (SV 40) was the most dangerous of all and caused cancer in humans and other animals. SV 40 was the 40th virus discovered in the polio vaccines. The 40th virus discovered meaning that there were thirty nine before that. The polio vaccine was grown in monkey kidneys and this was how other viruses came to contaminate the the polio vaccine. By the time this was discovered millions of people were infected with cancer causing monkey viruses. These cancer causing viruses would take years, even decades to incubate and cause cancer. They usually are targeted soft tissues like breasts and lungs. By the time these children that were vaccinated in the 50s and 60s for polio became adults in the 80s was the same time that we had the national cancer epidemic. Especially lung and breast cancer and other soft tissue cancers. To this day, when these cancer tumors are dissected, SV 40 is often found in the cancer tissue. Even worse, SV 40 can be passed to babies in utero and for the first time in history we have children with cancer.
To this day there is still a large coverup on this subject but a great book on this is Dr Mary’s Monkey. It documents what was going on and all the crazy stuff surrounding this coverup. I highly recommend the read.
What is worse is that it is unlikely that this vaccine actually cured polio. Childhood paralysis was simply reclassified as something else because, after all, polio was “cured” so the cause for paralysis HAD to be something else.
High level Merck Dr admits to SV 40 being in the vaccines. Also admits that the AIDS epidemic was caused by monkey viruses in the Merck vaccines. Kinda an old video but it is worth watching.
Read Dr Mary’s Monkey for the full story. It is on Audible as well. You can listen to it while you are playing video games or something.
Protesters chant that they hope Trump dies but I am sure they are nice peaceful people
Nothing to see here, these are just nice peaceful people. Wishing death on someone is normal behavior.
An Antifa girl showed up to Walter Reed and is chanting “Wah wah your leader’s gonna die” from across the street
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 3, 2020
More and more this seems to like a spiritual battle. How did all this happen? Maybe Satan is marching through the world subverting souls. Seems as plausible as anything else. Many people have warned of the links between Satan and Marxism. Marx used to write poems to Satan and his ideology has killed well over a hundred million people. Makes one think, maybe there is something higher level going on. True good versus evil type of stuff.
Lewrockwell just did a great podcast on this
and of course, this interview mentions the great Father Malachi Martin.
It might be time to start praying
Bayer knowingly distributes vaccines with HIV in it
Well this is strange. I thought these multinational corporations supposed to care about us? Internal documents prove that injectable medication had the HIV virus in it. What is worse, they knew the whole time. Just one of those things. I am sure this is just an isolated incident and does not mean anything.
BLM hates Jesus?
Not surprising. Unfortunately this stuff is not likely to ever get out.
Biological Leninism
Is the everything the left does a means to power? Is all their moral posturing just a facade for power seeking? Interesting take.
Ron Paul interviews Robert Kennedy Jr
Great interview. I wish it could have gone on a lot longer. He goes into information that I did not know on the Kennedy assassinations. He is also great on the virus too. I wish more people on the left would listen to Robert Kennedy, unfortunately most of the left is controlled opposition these days. So is the right for that matter. People don’t really understand how their opinions are molded from powerful people behind the scenes.
The road from 9-11 to the Covid Scamdemic
The power brokers that control the American Empire obviously needed another event, 911 was almost 20 years old. Just like after 911, our liberties will never be completely be restored, not even close. They are going to use this event to take as much liberty as possible. The crackdowns have continued on the internet and have become more intense. It is going to be harder and harder to get information out to the public in the future. The elites have used the term “disinformation” to sweep away any information or even facts on the internet that they disagree with. This seems to becoming to a head in the coming 2020 election and the year after. The World Economic Forum is meeting in January and they have the cheek to call their meeting “The Great Reset”. For those who may be confused, this virus was just an excuse to pave the road for the New World Order agenda. There seem to many thrusts of this agenda like mandatory vaccinations, and health passports, probably even health tattoos or RFID chips but the main thrust will be some kind of new financial system. This will not end well for the common man. Unfortunately, the common man is so desensitized by the fake lying media, toxins in the environment, GMO foods, and EMFS, that he will probably beg to be enslaved. There do seem to be some signs of resistance, and that is hopeful. I have met some great people who want to fight this but looking at Facebook it seems that the majority are shilling for their own destruction.
One thing, whatever you do, don’t take the vax, they are designed to kill.
The great Corbett shares his take
Fact Free lockdown Hysteria
Watching the American people running around like scared sheep from a totally harmless cold virus has been one of the most disappointing experience of my life. We have fallen a long way from our pioneering ancestors and those who overthrew and gained liberty from the most powerful Empire in the world. Now we are a nation of sheep it seems. Hopefully one day the fire of liberty will be rekindled.
Tom Woods does a great job of explaining how crazy the lockdown is.