1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code

Of course this should be a huge news story but we are looking at the largest suppression of information in human history.  Never has global censorship ever reached such proportions.  Even when looking at some of the most evil regimes in the 20th century, their propaganda was at least contained largely to their respective countries.  Now we look at a global censorship régime that seems to control almost every country in the world.  The crimes that are being committed will likely dwarf any crimes before.  10,000 doctors have filed a lawsuit for the violations of the Nuremberg Code.  Is there any reporting on this?  Any outrage?  No, we have the opposite.  Absolute media suppression.  A global conspiracy on unprecedented scale.  Of course, there have been many warnings of this.

(George Bush’s New World Order Speech, September 11th, 1991)


In addition, Event 201 is completely ignored.  A drill that happened right before the actual Covid 19 outbreak.  Also, everything turned out just like the drill, everything from a Coronavirus from China to massive media and internet censorship that would follow.  Just coincidence I am sure.

Now we have 10,000 doctors standing up against the greatest human rights violation in human history.  Win our lose, these 10,000 doctors are going to Valhalla. I am not sure where those who take the vax will go but it will not likely be good.

More here.

The Spike Proteins is Actually a Prion?

Another shocking interview that is somehow completely suppressed by big tech.  Of all the information in this interview what is new and what should be very concerning is that these spike proteins are likely prions. So when the body produces the spike protein from the mRNA “vaccines” is is actually producing prions.  So what does these mean?

  1. Prions destroy brain tissue, mad cow disease is a disease of prions. If the spike protein that the mRNA vaccines are creating are actually creating are actually prions were are potentially looking at the largest mass casualty event in human history.
  2. 95% of animals used in clinical trials for coronavirus shots over the past 20 years died within two weeks.  These period of time equates to 1 1/2 years for humans.  So to follow the same timeline, it is likely that we will see a mass causality event anywhere from a year and a year and a half from now.

I truly don’t know what the world will look like if millions if not billions of people become infected with a brain destroying prion disease.  As far as I know there is no cure but Dr Fleming, MD PHD JD, seems to think that there are some things that people can do.  Watch the video below for more info.


Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on COVID Worldwide Conspiracy

Of course, the word conspiracy is not used.  Professional people do not use such a word.  And we are all professionals here and everything is under control.  Well, actually, everything is not under control and something is “very very wrong” but we should not think to be deeply about such things, right?

Basically Doctor Peter McCullough goes into great lengths explaining how there are many treatments for Covid but that they are never mentioned and even actively suppressed. Both Doctor Peter McCullough and Tucker are trying to wrap their minds around this and seem to be totally baffled on how such treatments can be ignored.  There is too much in this interview to sum up here and it is worth watching in whole.



The is one thing I have been meaning to mention and it was brought up in this interview. The Lancet, the most prestigious medical journal in the world, published a paper that claimed the hydroxychloroquine is deadly.  This turned out to be completely false. In addition to this medicine being used very successfully for 40 years, the sources for the paper were obviously fraudulent.  For those that might not be familiar with academic writing, this is a huge deal. This simply does not happen, and was obviously published fraudulently on purpose.   It was retracted a couple weeks later but the world wide damage had already been done and the media never covered the retraction.  This one incident alone should set off the alarm bells.  For the most prestigious academic journal in the world to outright lie and potentially lead to millions of deaths from a deadly virus, the term “mind blowing” does not even come close to doing justice to what this information implies.  I have to emphasize again.  This is an academic journal, with editors and peer review.  Most people get rejected for the smallest of errors. To get published at all is an incredible feat and the level of scientific rigor of such a journal is always beyond reproach. Well, not this time apparently.  Right when humanity needed an objective medical opinion to what was to be done, (with what was the thought to be the one of the most dangerous plagues in modern history) what did humanity get from the medical elite?  Lies. What does such a lie imply?  I don’t know if words can do such a crime justice.  Purposeful mass killing of millions.  What is the word for that? I will let the reader figure that out.  More concerning in my mind, what comes next?

Ivermectin, Wonder Anti-Viral Drug?

I have been hearing some great things about Ivermectin.  In the part of the world I am in a person can just walk into a pharmacy and buy Ivermectin for a very low price.  I have also talked to people who have had first had experience with this drug and said it is very effective.  I am not sure where the world is going but it sure would be handy to have this stuff on hand.  It is likely that there will be “new strain” or newly released bio-weapon and there are many anti-viral drugs that are much more effective than any vaccine.  I would say be ready for the fall with some Ivermectin and some hydroxychloroquine.

Manufacturing Mass Psychosis

Obviously we are living in an age that is going completely off the rails.  The global elites are going to destroy and enslave us through Menticide.  There will keep increasing staging crisis after crisis after periods of calm.  They will give the masses contradictory information, confusing the masses and thus creating stress while confusing the mind.  Mass media and internet social media assault the masses in programed ways.  The masses (victims of mind control) must also be isolated for full implantation of mass psychosis.  Isolation makes individuals more easily mailable for the rulers and isolates them from any would be dissenters or those who see through government propaganda.

Watch the video below to the end to understand the steps that can be taken to counter Menticide.





Heroes of the Cultural Revolution



How wonderful it is to see the foot soldiers of the Cultural Revolution out in the street ready to fight against the white evil patriarchy.  Thank goodness that the establishment is supporting these noble souls.  Obviously one can tell by this picture that all these noble revolutionaries are in excellent shape, have excellent physiognomy, are well read, and fighting evil whiteness out of love.  The old left used to care about crazy things like income inequality, the rights of labor, government surveillance and the warfare state.  Thank goodness the new left has corrected its priorities.  It is about brining down the system. When the rest of the world looks at America and thinks what a nightmare America has become they simply don’t understand the Cultural Revolution.  The New Left will bomb them until they do understand and embrace all of America’s values.

Tucker Carlson is Going to Have Death Squads Going After Him

I always have liked Tucker Carlson but I don’t know if he is going to be around much longer.  This crazy conspiracy stuff is not supposed to be put on TV.  The masses are supposed to be dumbed down.  They certainly should not know the governments own statistics for vax injuries.  The public should definitely not know that more people have died in three months from the Covid Vax than all people from all flue vax injections combined since 1997.  The people absolutely have not right to this information.  If people knew this information, they might not listen to their wise overlords like the gremlin lord Fauci.  People need to do what they are told.  They should not be given facts or any sorta of actionable information whatsoever.  I don’t know how Tucker Carlson does not understand this, or how a cooperate media outlet like Fox News has not fired him yet.  It must be some sort of occult mockery of the masses that I don’t understand.  So whatever you do, don’t watch the videos below.  Write to Fox News, call your congressman, or riot in the streets with BLM, demand that Tucker is put in prison for genocide.  This vaccine is absolutely safe, if you don’t believe that, you are a racist that deserves to be put in a camp.



Curiosity, The Forgotten Quality That Makes You Human

I found this podcast interesting, it really struck a cord with me.  I just suppose that everyone has a curious mind and want to learn to new things.  I am sure there is some kind of phycological description where one projects their own traits onto others.  After listening to this podcast, and just a quick second of simple reflection, it is obvious the most people are not curious at all.  Even more, most people might be extremely uncurious.  Worse our culture caters to this uncurious attitude in the masses and it is likely getting worse.  I remember when I was young that the History Channel had actually history and TLC (the learning channel!) had all kinds of intense documentaries.  I remember when I could watch a four hour documentary on a single battle in WWI.  Those days are long gone now.  I have not watched TV in years, and to be honest reading books is probably a much more efficient way to learn. All this being said, the masses are extremely uncurious but have this extreme arrogance that they are knowledgeable.  They watch a short segment on TV and repeat it verbatim.

The modern Covid hoax is excellent example of the lack of curious nature of human beings.  Most people accept propaganda without question and accept any narrative no matter how ludicrous.  Now we are in a time of high strangeness where reality itself is being scripted in an absurd way but most don’t even the faintest inclination to question and seek truth.

Professor Michel Chossusdovsky on the Covid Hoax

I don’t really know what to say anymore but here is some good info.