Staff and Columnists

Writers and Contributors


Jake Hopkinson

Jake is a USMC veteran, served in Japan, and now resides in the States.  Jake has extensive experience as an ER nurse and now is working with FEMA.  Jake takes his politics very seriously and is a patriot.

71,228 thoughts on “Staff and Columnists

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  2. In Cherokee, North Carolina, the demand for legal cannabis products has grown significantly,
    with Great Smoky Cannabis playing a key role in providing quality
    cannabis to the community. This dispensary offers a range of
    products, including medical marijuana, recreational cannabis, and CBD products.
    Cannabis products are vital in Cherokee due to their health benefits, as well as their contribution to the local economy.
    In neighborhoods like Birdtown and Camelot, residents
    are turning to legal cannabis for both medicinal and
    recreational use, helping enhance their well-being while supporting local businesses.

    Great Smoky Cannabis is located in Cherokee, North Carolina, a town founded in 1839.
    Cherokee has a population of 1,604 as of 2022, with 749 households.
    It is a small but vibrant town, rich in cultural heritage, as
    it is home to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. The town is accessible via North Carolina Highway 24, which provides a direct
    route through the picturesque landscapes of the Blue
    Ridge Mountains. Cherokee is well-known for its scenic beauty and
    its role as a gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, making it a
    significant destination for visitors.

    When purchasing cannabis products in Cherokee, prices vary depending
    on the product type. For example, a gram of cannabis flower typically ranges between $10 and $20, while edibles like THC gummies can cost between $20 and $50,
    depending on the dosage. Cannabis oils and concentrates are available at higher prices, starting around $30 for small quantities.
    Cherokee experiences seasonal temperature changes, with summers
    averaging around 80°F and winters dipping to about 30°F.
    These temperature fluctuations highlight the importance of temperature-controlled storage
    for maintaining the quality of cannabis products.

    Cherokee is filled with points of interest that showcase the region’s natural
    beauty and cultural significance. The Blue Ridge Parkway offers stunning views of the mountains, winding through
    scenic overlooks like Ballhoot Scar Overlook and Big Witch Overlook.
    Chasteen Creek Cascade is a picturesque waterfall that draws nature enthusiasts
    year-round. Fire Mountain Trails – Bike Trail Head offers
    excellent biking opportunities for outdoor adventurers.

    The Cherokee Bear Zoo provides a unique opportunity to observe the native black bears up close,
    while the Cherokee Welcome Center serves as a hub for tourists seeking to explore the
    rich history and culture of the region. Each of these attractions highlights the charm and
    allure of Cherokee, making it a must-visit destination for both locals
    and tourists.

    Choosing Great Smoky Cannabis for your cannabis needs in Cherokee is
    the best decision for locals and visitors alike. The dispensary offers a wide selection of high-quality cannabis strains, oils, and edibles, ensuring that customers find the perfect product for their
    needs. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, Great Smoky Cannabis
    provides expert guidance on choosing the right cannabis products,
    whether for medical or recreational use. As Cherokee continues to grow as a hub
    for cannabis culture in North Carolina, Great Smoky Cannabis is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to ensure a positive
    experience for everyone in the community.

    In Cherokee, North Carolina, cannabis has become an essential part of
    the local economy and community well-being. Great Smoky Cannabis offers
    a diverse selection of cannabis products, from medical
    marijuana to THC edibles, serving the needs
    of Cherokee residents and visitors alike. The legalization of cannabis has positively impacted
    Cherokee, creating job opportunities and offering health benefits to
    residents in areas like Cherokee Indian Reservation and Cherokee Gap.

    With its wide range of products, Great Smoky Cannabis is
    leading the way in providing safe, legal access to cannabis.

    Great Smoky Cannabis is located in Cherokee, a
    town founded in 1839. The town has a population of 1,604, with
    749 households, making it a small yet culturally rich community.
    Cherokee is known for being home to the Eastern Band of Cherokee
    Indians, a Native American tribe with deep roots in the region. North Carolina Highway 24 runs through Cherokee, providing
    easy access to the town’s attractions and connecting
    it to nearby cities. Cherokee’s historical significance and scenic
    beauty make it a unique place to live and visit, offering a blend of cultural heritage and natural landscapes.

    Cannabis products in Cherokee can range in price depending on the type of product and dosage.

    For instance, cannabis flower typically costs around $10 to $20 per gram, while cannabis oils and concentrates can range from $30 to $100 or more, depending on quality and
    potency. The region experiences a wide range
    of temperatures, from summer highs of around 80°F to winter lows of 30°F.
    These fluctuations make it crucial for customers to store cannabis products properly to maintain their freshness and effectiveness.
    Great Smoky Cannabis provides guidance on product storage,
    ensuring that customers get the best results from their purchases.

    Cherokee boasts numerous points of interest that attract
    visitors from all over. The Blue Ridge Parkway offers breathtaking mountain views,
    with overlooks like Ballhoot Scar and Big Witch providing stunning photo opportunities.
    The Chasteen Creek Cascade is a beautiful waterfall that’s
    perfect for a day hike, while the Fire Mountain Trails offer
    some of the best mountain biking in the region. The Cherokee Bear Zoo allows visitors to observe
    and learn about the native black bears that roam the
    Smoky Mountains. Finally, the Cherokee Welcome
    Center provides valuable information on local history and attractions, making it a great starting point
    for exploring the area. Each of these locations adds to the unique charm of Cherokee, making it a destination worth visiting.

    For those seeking quality cannabis products in Cherokee,
    Great Smoky Cannabis is the top choice. This dispensary offers an extensive
    selection of cannabis strains, concentrates, and edibles,
    catering to both medical and recreational users.
    With a strong focus on customer service, Great Smoky
    Cannabis ensures that every customer leaves with the right product for their needs.
    Whether you’re a local resident or just visiting Cherokee, Great Smoky Cannabis is
    dedicated to providing top-quality cannabis products and an exceptional shopping
    experience. The dispensary’s commitment to quality and service makes it a trusted source for all cannabis needs in the

    In Cherokee, North Carolina, cannabis is gaining popularity
    as both a medical and recreational product, thanks to
    dispensaries like Great Smoky Cannabis. Offering a range of cannabis products, including CBD oils, THC edibles, and cannabis flower, this
    dispensary serves the local community, providing high-quality options to suit various needs.
    Residents in neighborhoods like Albemarle and Andrews are turning to cannabis not only for relaxation but also for
    its therapeutic benefits, making Great Smoky Cannabis a
    vital resource in the area.

    Great Smoky Cannabis is based in Cherokee, a town established in 1839.

    Cherokee is a small community with a population of 1,604
    and 749 households. This picturesque town, located in the heart of the
    Blue Ridge Mountains, is accessible by North Carolina Highway 24, a key route for residents and visitors alike.

    Cherokee is best known for being home to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and its proximity to the
    Great Smoky Mountains National Park, one of the most visited national parks in the
    United States.

    The cost of cannabis products in Cherokee can vary based on the type of product and
    its potency. For instance, cannabis flower is priced at around $10 to $20 per gram, while THC edibles
    and cannabis concentrates can range from $20 to $100.
    Cherokee experiences diverse weather conditions,
    with summer temperatures averaging around 80°F and winter temperatures dropping to about 30°F.
    These weather variations make it important to store cannabis products properly to maintain their
    quality. Great Smoky Cannabis offers helpful advice on how to store products to preserve their potency and effectiveness.

    Cherokee is filled with captivating points of interest that showcase its rich
    natural beauty and cultural history. The Blue Ridge Parkway is
    a popular destination for scenic drives, offering stunning views at stops like Ballhoot Scar Overlook
    and Big Witch Overlook. The Chasteen Creek Cascade is
    a beautiful waterfall, providing a serene escape for nature
    lovers. The Fire Mountain Trails are perfect for those who enjoy mountain biking, offering miles of well-maintained trails through the
    forest. The Cherokee Bear Zoo provides visitors with an up-close look at the
    local black bears, while the Cherokee Welcome Center offers a comprehensive guide to the town’s attractions and
    history. Each of these sites adds to the charm and
    allure of Cherokee, making it a must-visit destination.

    Great Smoky Cannabis is the go-to choice for cannabis enthusiasts in Cherokee.
    Offering a wide variety of products, from cannabis vape pens
    to topicals, the dispensary caters to both
    seasoned users and those new to cannabis. With knowledgeable staff and a focus on customer satisfaction, Great Smoky Cannabis helps guide customers to
    the right products for their individual needs.

    Whether you’re a local or just passing through, choosing Great Smoky Cannabis ensures that you
    receive the best cannabis products in a welcoming and professional
    environment. The dispensary’s dedication to
    quality and service makes it a standout in the Cherokee community.

    Cannabis is becoming an integral part of life in Cherokee, North Carolina,
    and Great Smoky Cannabis is at the forefront
    of this movement. Offering a variety of cannabis products, from
    medical marijuana to recreational cannabis, Great Smoky
    Cannabis serves the needs of the community, providing high-quality
    options that cater to a wide range of preferences.

    In neighborhoods like Beaumont and Blue Ridge Mountains,
    residents are discovering the benefits of cannabis for both health and relaxation, contributing to the growing acceptance and demand for legal
    cannabis products.

    Located in Cherokee, North Carolina, Great Smoky Cannabis is situated in a town founded in 1839.
    With a population of 1,604 and 749 households, Cherokee
    is a small but culturally significant community. North Carolina Highway 24 runs through the town, providing easy access to its many attractions.

    Cherokee is well-known for its scenic location in the Blue Ridge Mountains and
    its role as a cultural center for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
    The town’s history and natural beauty make it
    an ideal location for both residents and visitors
    seeking a peaceful yet vibrant community.

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