Cyber Attack, The Next Globalist Hoax?

People who thought this whole thing would end with the vaccines have proven themselves to be completely deluded.  Of course us “crazy people” on the internet predicted right away that once everybody was the “vaxed” with some weird genetic material a “new variant” would come out and this thing would keep going.  Of course, we have been proven right but our friends and family members who have laughed at us will not apologize.  In fact, they will keep going down irrational lines of thought and pretend we did not say anything at all even though we predicted a bunch of other stuff too.  Like the two weeks to flatten the curve hoax.  To be fair, spike proteins and prions might be damaging their brains in some way. Unfortunately for them, and humanity, this hoax train is going to keep moving.

This has all been planned out for years and we are still in the opening innings.  People can easily google the Great Reset and World Economic Forum but they won’t.  I try to put as much down on this website as possible but this is not my full time job and to be honest there is a ton of material to get through.  I link to many other websites where people can find out more and hopefully that helps.  Point being, this massive phycological operation can not end.  It has to keep going.  Once the globalists initiated it there is no turning back.  The fake virus was just the first phase.  The next phase was the vaccine.  We are still in the vaccine phase but we will be moving in the next phase soon.  We are not exactly sure what the next phase is going to be but there will some kind of currency crisis for sure and it seems likely that they will cover it up by faking some kind of cyber attack.  I still don’t know how in the hell they are going to pull this off, it seems very very challenging but then again they convinced the masses to inject themselves with some sort of weird genetic material that has never been tested that was developed by people who are openly into crazy population control ideas.  So, I guess we will have to wait and see what happens but Catherine Austin Fitts and Whitney Webb have an interesting take.


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