Face Masks don’t work and can actually put you at greater risk

Face Masks are absurd.  This whole year is absurd.  The world has gone crazy over a mild virus and governments and businesses require everyone to wear masks that have been proven not to be effective.   Now some would say that this is all intentional.  That this is a mass psychological experiment being waged against the American people and the world as a whole.  Some would say that they had planned this for years.  Some would say that Bill Gates worships Satan and has some sort of weird vaccine agenda that involves population control.  This being a moderate non crazy blog, I will not say those things.  I will not talk about operation “Dark Winter”, what I will say that wearing masks is absurd and dehumanizing.  Wearing these masks causes extreme psychological stress. People are designed to look at each other’s faces and see each other smile.  Criminals wear masks.  The mind is not meant to walk around all day without seeing people’s faces.  Nobody knows when this crisis will end but it will likely go on for years.

The great Ben Swann has always been a stalwart for liberty.  He was kicked off a local news outlet after he correctly reported on Pizza Gate.  Now he has an online news network.  Hopefully the information will get out that masks are useless at best but don’t count on it.  The minds of the masses are controlled by the TV.



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