Fact: Miltary Intelligence in UK using Psychological Warfare to Increase Vaccine Compliance

Comply citizen.  Your better know what is good for you.  So much so that Western governments are using military psychological warfare units to convince you to get the vaccine.  Nothing to worry about here.  It is for your own good. Very bad people are on the internet trying to convince the public that a totally unproven vaccine that changes your DNA is not completely safe. 


According to a report in the Sunday Times, ministers are preparing to launch a massive public information campaign to convince people to take the jab. Behind the scenes, however, the Times reported that the British Army has mobilized the 77th Brigade’s Defence Cultural Specialist Unit to monitor and counter “online propaganda against vaccines.”

The unit was formed in 2010 and worked alongside psychological operations teams in Afghanistan, studying the behavior of the civilian population and giving cultural and linguistic advice to ground troops, according to the brigade’s own website. However, according to a number of media reports, the unit counts at least one Twitter executive among its ranks, and is said to create and manage fake social media profiles to shape public opinion.

The media discovered that the 77th Brigade’s speciality, according to a plaque on the wall of its Berkshire base, is creating “behavioural change.”

With the rollout of a vaccine imminent, the unit is “already monitoring cyberspace for Covid-19 content and analysing how British citizens are being targeted online,” according to the Times.


Don’t worry that vaccine manufactures have absolutely zero liability if something goes wrong and health is harmed.  Vaccine manufactures obviously lobbied the government to remove liability because they care about you so much and know that their vaccines are completely safe.  After all, it is not like vaccine manufactures have ever done anything wrong.  


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