FBI False Flag On January 6, PROVEN!

Well well well, what do you know, another government false flag?  I know what people are thinking “But why would the government attack itself? That does not make any sense.”  Ahh, how naïve dear reader, instead of being rare, governments attacking themselves and blaming an enemy is more of a historical norm rather than an aberration.  But let us get back to January 6th.  Somehow President Trump walked into a complete trap and all of his supporters were defamed and a massive de-platforming began because of an supposed “insurrection”.  Of course a real insurrection is when military units with tanks and heavy firepower come in to overthrow the government.  An insurrection is not a bunch of unarmed families who are protesting a stolen election.  (It is this abuse of language that bothers me more than anything else, if these people want to be evil, fine whatever but at least have the decency to preserve actual language.  Unfortunately, we are against total barbarians.)

Soon after this event happened the wise out there in the tubes of the internet, like your humble writer for example, came to the conclusion that January 6th was an obvious false flag.  Now, big media is catching on.  I don’t know how Tucker Carlson has been allowed to report this but I assume he must be on somebody’s hit list now.


It turns out that Revolver News gets to the bottom of the big stories and Tucker Carlson actually does reporting on TV.  It is hard to believe that such people are still out there in the mainstreams so good for them.   The world needs such brave souls.

The more people look into the events of January 6th, the more obvious that it was planned by the Feds themselves to destroy political dissidents.  Time to wake up to the fact the maybe governments don’t have the peoples’ interests at heart and actually look at them as the enemy.  Time to read the full Revolver News story if you have time, Zero Hedge also has a good summery.

Now, if we can just get the media to report on some other strange events that government authorities want to bury in the memory hole.





12,016 thoughts on “FBI False Flag On January 6, PROVEN!

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