Freedom Cell Movement

This is one of the best podcasts that I have heard in a long time.  It really motivated me actually and what is more it gave me hope.  Seeing all the drones walk around in their masks is tough on any soul I think.  Everybody deep down must think something is very wrong.  But those souls who are more alive and see their fellow human beings fall this hoax are more affected I think.  There might be masters meditators out there that can overcome the attachment to this material plane but I am not one of them.  I am working on it but it strikes at my heart to see “The Land of the Free”  become the “Land of the Slaves”  is such a short time.  I don’t see any hope politically.  Maybe Q Anon is real but I doubt it.  Of course I would like to see all the evil people locked up but unitl then we have to forge our own path.  The Freedom Cell movement is a great step in that direction.  This is exactly what we need.  To organiz in our in way to op out of the system and organize amongst each other for mutual aide, trade, and defence.  If you think this system is shaky and civil unrest is coming, it might be a good time to join or create a Freedom Cell in your area.  Or even if you just want to live the liberty philosophy and meet like minded people, I can’t think of a better organize.  Each cell is independent and the organization is designed in an antifragile way with no hierarchy that is hard to subvert.   I have not heard any of the organizers speak of it but it sounds like the John Birch Society who purposely organized into small independent cells like the communists to avoid infiltration and subversion.   That is a concept that I have always found interesting.

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