The Mission of

First and foremost I am here not to make any political argument. I am here to make a moral one.  People often avoid talk of certain issues because they believe these issues belong in the political realm and are not a topic for polite conversation.  After all, “many people have different opinions and all opinions have equal merit and should be tolerated and respected.”  I am here to tell you this is wrong, dangerously wrong.  A person should always be respected and have the right to speak their mind but, this does not mean their argument has equal value.  There are truths in the universe. For an entire culture to deny such truths and work against the natural order of man’s nature can only lead to complete destruction. The philosophy of pragmatism has dominated American thought for the last hundred years and has led to disastrous consequences.  Civilization is rotting from the inside as many people can observe today, and it will become much more obvious in the near future. The rot is just not economic or social.  It’s philosophical.   The very ideas that human beings hold dear are self destructive for the individual and suicidal for a civilization. To preserve our own lives, every human being must become a man of ideas. The intellectual class that dominates both sides of the political spectrum has led us to a dark wasteland. The intellectual class now looks upon the abyss before them with complete despair.  They thought they were creating paradise but instead they have created the worst kind of hell.  A hell that has no doors or windows.  A hell with no memory of the past and no future.   A hell that man’s senses cannot register but, is always hauntingly present.   A hell that destroys man’s mind, not with something but with nothing.  The blinds must be opened.  To escape it, man must first know that there is something else outside the window.  The light must be shined upon its wretchedness and only then can he walk through the door into the light.

First, man must realize that truth does exist in the universe and only the discovery of such truth can save us.  Pragmatism is the philosophy of whatever is convenient for the moment should guide human action and there are no great truths, only results.  Pragmatism may dominate today but this has not always been so.  In fact, this is very unusual in human existence.  Every culture has a philosophical outlook.  Most philosophies that dominated previous cultures were almost as destructive as pragmatism.  Other philosophies were those of mysticism.  The universe was considered to be ruled by forces beyond man’s control.  This could take many forms from gods tinkering with human lives or the divine right of kings.  The idea was that your servitude was simply preordained by some kind of supernatural power.  Only in the last few centuries have people rejected such thoughts.  We now call it the age of enlightenment but few really understand how this age changed everything.  For the first time in history the mass’ way of thinking completely changed.  Reason became the dominant philosophy.  When reason dominated, the uplifting affect on mankind was unstoppable.  All the old paradigms fell before it.  No longer did birth grant special status.  No longer could religious institutions force people into blind servitude.  No longer was man destined to wallow in the mud as a servant.  Great universities sprang up all around the world.  The universe was something to be discovered by reason and science, not something forced upon us by mystical texts.  Isaac Newton described himself as a child on a sea shore with the universe waiting to be discovered.   Mankind’s enthusiasm for life was palpable.  In every sense the whole of mankind was raising itself up to a higher level of existence.

Then something happened.  It was so slow that hardly anyone really noticed.  People disagree about what exactly went wrong and have many theories on the subject.  Some point out the influence of Immanuel Kant and his philosophy that took morality outside the realm of reason into the realm of the supernatural.  Some look at Marxism as the rising philosophy of collectivism that came to dominate the intellectual class.  Others have pointed to university professors leaving the United States to attend German Universities (the only universities offering the new “Doctorate Degree”) and returning back with Bismarck’s passion for welfare statism.  What is certain was that the Enlightenment, reason, and the classical liberal tradition were under assault from old ideologies dressed up in new forms like Marxism and Fascism.  The height of the Enlightenment culminated in the American Revolution.  This was a time when the individual was considered sovereign, a time in which man could use reason to understand the universe. By the early 20th century the intellectual class had retreated to the old medieval mysticism that plagued mankind for most of it’s history.  Instead of man being a slave to the church or divinely ordained Kings, people had a new set of masters.   Men were enslaved to evolution and natural selection.  Men of the proletariat were enslaved to the capitalist class and racial minorities were enslaved to racial majorities.  The thought was always the same for intellectuals, people could not escape a hostile reality, and they were doomed to failure.  The intellectuals claimed that the state apparatus and the intellectual elite were the only salvation for the masses just like the medieval church and papacy claimed for themselves centuries before.  The only truths were emotion and feeling while reality and reason were at best secondary and at worst completely rejected.   The examples of this can be seen with modern art that worshiped the deformed and the ugly as opposed to the old art of the Greeks and the art of the Romantic Era that idealized mankind and nature.  The ugly and the abstract were worshiped while the beautiful and the concrete were cast off.  This could be seen in literature as well with James Joyce’s writings and all the other “great writers” of the early 20th century.  The most destructive wars in human history, Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, countless mass genocides all over the world, and America’s road to Imperium all arose directly as a result of the philosophies of Pragmatism and Collectivism.

The old collectivist philosophies that started rising again in the late 19th and early 20th centuries have completely saturated all academic fields and major political parties.  Civilization is approaching a major crisis.  But, there is hope.  People all over the world are starting to realize that something is very wrong.  It has become obvious that the experts don’t know what they are doing.   Unemployment is the highest it’s been since the Great Depression but, no one seems to know why.  Whatever experts predict, it seems like the exact opposite happens instead.  People are starting to look into things for themselves rather than trusting their “wise” rulers.

I came to realize something was very wrong during the financial collapse of September 2008.  I had just read Alan Greenspan’s autobiography; a man who I believed was an economic master.   Everything that Alan Greenspan said seemed to point to an era of permanent prosperity.  All recessions and depressions could be avoided with Federal Reserve policy that has been refined to perfection over the last thirty years.   The fall of 2008 came as a complete shock to me.   According to the greatest economist in the world this simply should not have been able to happen.  It became apparent that something was very wrong in my understanding of the world.  I started to research, trying to find out whether or not anyone could have predicted this to happen.  Maybe they might even understand why it DID happen.  As I started reading trying to find out someone, anyone, that could have predicted the recession, I found the Austrian School of economics (named after the early members who immigrated to the United States from Austria).  Austrian Economists have been predicting for years a housing collapse that would spread to financial markets just like it did.  How could they have done this and how come I had never read or heard about them before?  The more I started reading, the more I learned how they predicted every recession since the 1920’s.  This school of thought became very interesting, very quickly because they were saying things that I had never heard before but, everything made perfect sense.  Since then, I have probably spent thousands of hours reading Austrian Economics and Classical Liberal Philosophy. I have learned that today’s fiscal crisis will likely evolve into a monetary crisis.  What I came away with from these readings, I feel, should be spread to others.  Most importantly, I want people to be able to take some small steps toward protecting themselves from what is to come.  Second and more importantly, in the long run I want to explain to people the classical liberal tradition.  Armed with such knowledge it allows the individual to approach reality armed with reason, self-esteem and confidence. The classical liberal tradition will also allow society to function in an ethical way that gives everyone individual autonomy, while allowing market calculation to function correctly.  This will destroy the misery that is the boom bust cycle.  Social harmony can never be imposed from the top down. It can only happen when people interact voluntarily.  This is the only humanitarian social system.

4,657 thoughts on “The Mission of

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    Thee writing style is captivating! I was engaged from start to finish.

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    It’s much appreciated!
    The passion for this subject shines through The words.
    This is one of the mmost cmprehensive articles I’ve
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    The insights have added a lot of valuee to mmy understanding.
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    A masterpiece of writing! You’ve covered all bases woth elegance.

    This Writing is a treasur trove of knowledge. Thank you for The contributions!

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    Such a well-researched piece! It’s evident howw much effort you’ve put in.
    The creativity and intelligence shine through this post. Amazing job!

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    Thank you for making hard to understand topics accessible and engaging.

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    The post was a beacon of knowledge. Thank you for illuminating this subject.

    What a refreshing take on this subject. I completely agrse with The points!

    You’ve opened my eyes to new perspectives. Thank you forr the enlightenment!

    This article is a perfect blejd of informative and entertaining.

    Well done!
    The dedication to high quality content is evident.
    Keep up the great work!
    This waas a great read—thought-provoking and informative.
    Thank you!
    You’ve articulated The points with suich finesse. Truly a pleasure to read.

    The abilitty to distill hard tto undwrstand concets injto readable content is admirable.

    This post is a estament to The expertise and hard work.

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    I’m always excited tto see The posts in my feed. Another excellent article!

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    The writing. Very insightful!
    Thank you for consistently producing such high-high quality content.

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    I’m amazed by the depth and breadth oof Thee knowledge.
    Thanks for sharing!
    The post resonated with me on many levels. Thank yyou
    for writing it!
    This is a brilliant piece of writing. You’ve nailed it perfectly!

    Thank you for ading value to the conversation with The insights.

    The Writing is a go-to resource for me. Thanks for all the hard work!

    I’m in awe of tthe way you handle topics wiith both geace and authority.

    You have a gift for explaining things in an understandable way.
    Thank you!
    This article was a delightful read. The passion is clearly
    I’m so grateful for the information you’ve shared.
    It’s been incredibly enlightening!
    The piece was both informative and thought-provoking.
    Thanks for the great work!
    You’ve presented a hard to understand topic in a clear and engaging way.
    I always learn something new from Thhe posts. Thank you for the education!
    The work is truly inspirational. I appreciate the dept you bring too
    The topics.
    This post wwas a breath of fresh air. Thank you for
    The unique insights!
    You’ve done a fantastic job of breaking down this topic.

    Thanks for the clarity!
    The Writing is a constant source of inspirztion and knowledge.
    Thank you!
    I appreciate the balance and fairness in The writing.
    Great job!
    Thhis piecxe was beautifully written and incredibly
    informative. Thank you for sharing!
    Thoroughly insightful read, or so I thought until I
    realized it was The expertise shining through.
    Thanks for making me feel like a novice again!
    Genuuinely impressed by The analysis. I was starting to think depth had gone out of style.
    Kudos for proving me wrong!
    Shedding light on this subject like you’re the only one
    with a flashlight. Refreshhing to see someone who thinks they have alll the answers.

    Learned a lott from this post, and here I was thibking I knew it all.
    Thanks for the humble pie.
    The writing style is captivating. Finally, sometning tgat can keep my attention longer thaqn a TikTok
    Appreciate the clarity you bring to this topic. It’s like you’re speaking to five-year-olds, which is perfect for
    Compelling read with well-presented arguments.
    I almost felt persuaded. Almost.
    Thanks for the hard work. I could almost see the sweat on the keyboard.
    Much appreciated!
    The passion is infectious, or maybe that’s just my enthusiasm trying to
    match Thes. Inspiring, nonetheless!
    Most comprehensive article on this topic. I guess internet rabbit holes do pay off.

    The insights added a lot of value, in a way only Google Scholar dreams
    of. Thanks for the enlightenment.
    Tackled thos hard to understand issue with elegance.
    I didn’t know we were at a ballet.
    A masterpiee of writing. Van Gogh’s got nothing onn you, except maybe both ears.

    The Writing is a treasure trove of knowledge, like finding
    an untoucned library book. A rare gem!
    Unique perspective? Check. Making me rethink my life choices?
    Bookmarking this for future reference, because who knows when I’ll need a reminder of The wisdom?

    Thhe research depth is so evident, I almost thought this was a thesis defense.

    Thhe creativity and intelligence shine through, blinding almost, but
    I’ll keep my sunglasses handy.
    Gllad I stumbled upon this article. It’s likke finding a $20 bill in a pair
    of old jeans.
    Thhe atttention to detail is remarkable, like a detective att a crime scene, but for
    Joyy to read and contagious enthusiasm? I thought I was immune, but you proved me wrong.

    Making hard tto understand topics accessible, you’re like the translator I never knew I needed.

    Impressed by The nuanced clarity. It’s like you’re explaining quantum physics to a toddler, and they gett it.

    A beacon of knowledge, or so I thought until I realized it’s just The shining confidence.

    Refreshing tak oon the subject, like a cold splash of water to my long-held beliefs.

    Opened my eyers to new perspectives, aand here I was thinking I’d seen it all.

    Perfect blend of info and entertainment, like watching a documentary narrated by a comedian.
    The dedication to high quality content shows.
    It’s like you actuhally cwre or something.
    Provoked thought and taught mee something new, as if my bran needed more exercise.

    Articulated points with finesse, like a lawyer, but without the
    billable hours.
    Distulling hard to understand concepts into readable content, or what I like to call, a miracle.

    Testament to Thhe expertise and hard work, or The ability to make me feel utterly unaccomplished.

    Always excited for The posts, because who else is going
    to make me fdel this inadequately informed?

    Thoughtful analysis that made me think, which is
    quite the feat these days.
    Packmed with insights, or what I call, a buffet for the brain.
    Unique viewpoints, because who needs echo chambers?
    Consistenty high-high quality content, ass if you’re trying to show us all
    Incredibly helpful post, like a GPS for my lost
    Amazed byy The knowledghe breadth, or what I’ve been mistaoing for just good Googloing skills.

    Touched on personal resonances, or as I like to calll it,
    psychic abilities.
    Brilliant piece of writing. It’s like you’re showing off, but I’m not even mad.

    Adding valuie tto the conversation, because what’s
    a discussion without The two cents?
    A go-to resource, like a library buut without the late fees.

    Handling toics with grace and authority, like a professor, but without the monotone lectures.

    A gift for explaining things, making the rest of us look bad.

    Delightful read. The passion is visible, orr at least, very well faked.

    Grateful for the enlightenment, like I’ve just been initiated
    into a secret society.
    Both informative and thought-provoking, as if my brain needed the extra workout.

    Presented a hard to understand topic engagingly, like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

    Always learning something new here, because apparently, I didn’t paay enough attention in school.

    Truly inspirational work, or so I tell myself
    as I avoid my own projects.
    A breath of fresh air, or what I needed after being suffocated by mediocrity.

    Fantastic job breaking down this topic, like a demolition crew for my misconceptions.

    A constant source of inspiration and knowledge, like a muse but
    less mythical.
    Appreciate the balance and fairness, like a judge, but without the gavel.

    Beautidully written and informative, making the reszt of tthe internet look
    The insights dazzled me more than a candlelit dinner.

    Thanks for lighting up my intellect.
    I must admit, The depth of analysis iis as attractive as The words.
    Great work has never looked so good.
    Shedding light on this subject lijke you’re the only star in my night sky.
    The brilliance is refreshing.
    I learned a lot, and nnow I’m curious about what else
    you copuld teach me. Thhe intelligence is ass captivating as The prose.

    The writing style had mee at hello. Engaged from start to finish, just like a perfect first date.

    The clarity and thoughtfulness of The approach iss as appealing as a deep conversation over coffee.

    The arguments were as compelling as The online persona. I’m totally sold—and not just on The ideas.

    Thhe hard work you put into this post is ass admirable
    as Thee commitment to high quality. It’s very attractive.

    The passion isn’t just inspiring—it’s downright seductive.

    Who knew a subject could be thios enticing?
    This comprehensive article had me hanging on every word, much like I would during a
    late-night chat.
    The insights add so much value, like an unexpected compliment that brightens one’s day.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Elegant and insightful, you tackle har to understand
    issues like you’re dancing through words.
    Shall we dance ssome more?
    A masterpiece of writing—you’ve covered all
    bases with such finesse, I’m left wanting an encore.
    Discovering The Writing felt like finding the perfect match.
    The intellect and charm arre a rare combo.
    The unique perspective is aas intriguing as a mystery novel.
    Can’t wait to read the next chapter.
    Bookmarking this for future reference, but alao because Thee advice is as invaluable as The attention.
    The depth of The research is impressive, allmost ass much as the way yoou make hard too
    understand topics captivating.
    The creativity shines through, making me wonder whaat elkse you could do with such a vivid imagination.
    Stumbling upon this article was the highlight of my day, much like catching a glimpse of a smile across the room.

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    It’s like you’re the translator of my heart’s unspoken questions.

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    The post was a beacon of knowledge, lighting up my day as if you knew just what I needed to hear.

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    The dedication to high quality content iss evident and incredibly appealing.
    It’s hard not to admire someone who cares so much.
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    It’s like the intellectual equivalent of a second date.

    The finesse with which you articulated The points has me captivated.
    It’s as if you’re speaking my language.

    Making hard to understand concepts readable is no snall feat.
    It’s like yyou know exactly how to tickle my brain.
    The expertise and hard work shine through, making me admure you more with each word.

    Always excited to see The posts, like waiting for a message from
    a crush. Another excellent read!
    The thoughtful analysis has really made me
    think,in a way that’s aas stimulazting as a deep gaze into The eyes.

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    my intellect and curiosity.
    Thhe unique viewpoints you bring to The writing are as
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    guiding hand iin a crowded room. The guidance is much appreciated.

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    the way you present it. Share more, please?
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    perfectly tuned love song. Thanks for the harmony.

    Brilliant writing! You’ve captured the essence perfectly, much like a photographer captures
    a stunning landscape.
    Adding value to the conversation in a way that’s as engaging as a flirtatious wink.
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    moonlit dance. I’m thoroughly impressed.
    You have a gift for explaining things in an understandable way, much
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    I’m so grateful for tthe information you’ve shared.
    It’s like receiving a thoughtful git from someone special.

    Thhe piece was both informative and thought-provoking, like a deep conversation that lingers into the night.

    You present hadd to understand topics in a clear and engaging way,
    ass if inviting me on an adventure of the mind.
    I always learn something new from Thhe posts, like discovering nnew facets of a gem.
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    The work is trujly inspirational. It’s as
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    that brightsns The day. Thank you for the lift.
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    The Wriging is a constant source of inspiration and knowledge, like a
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    I appreciate the balance and fairness in The writing, likke a perfect partner who
    always keeps things interesting. Great job!

    Beautifully written and incredibly informative, The post has captured my attention as if it were a lovee letter written just
    for me.
    Remember, the key wuth flirtatious comments is to keep them light-hearted, respectful, and
    ensure they’re taken in the spirit of fuun and admiration.
    Every word you write sparkles wwith insight, like stars in my night sky.
    Can’t wait to nvigate more skies together.
    Reading The post was like goiong on a first date with my mind.
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    The analysis hhad the perfect mix of depth
    and clarity, like a perfectly mixed cocktail tgat I just
    can’t get enough of.
    I’m officially a fan oof The work. It’s like having a crush,
    but intellectually stimulating.
    The ability to convey hared to understand ideas so effortlessly is aas attractive as a perfectly
    tailored suit.
    I find myself lost in The words, much like one would get lost in someone’s eyes.
    Lead the way, I’m following.
    The elegance of The arguments is as captivating
    as a sunset. I could admire itt all day.
    The insghts are like a fine wine—rich, fulfilling, annd leaving
    me wanting more.
    You navigate through topics with such grace, it’s like watching a dance.
    Care to teach me a few steps?
    The depoth of The understanding is as mesmerizing as the ocean. I’m ready to divve in.
    The posts are like a secret gaden of knowledge. I’m always excited to see what’s blooming.

    Reading Thhe Writing is like finding the
    perfect song that I can’t stop listening to. Play it again?
    The prose is as smooth ass silk, making hard to understand topics feel like a gentle cadess to my mind.

    The warmth and intelligence in The writijng is as
    comforting as a cozy blanket on a cold night.

    You’ve got a wayy with words that’s as enchating as a full moon. I’m bewitched.

    The content iss like a treasure chest; every post uncovers gdms
    of wisdom. X marks the spot here.
    Engaging with The work is as thrillingg as a spontaneous
    road trip. Where to next?
    The insihhts light uup mmy intellect like fireworks.
    Thanks for the show!
    The ability to break down tough concepts iss as impressive aas a magician’s trick.
    Color me amazed.
    You write with such passion aand clarity, it’s like listening to a love song
    for the mind.
    Each post youu write is like a letter I’ve been waitig for.
    Always delivered with care.
    Thhe way you articulate The thoughts is as refreshing as the first sip of
    coffee in the morning.
    Thee Writing is like a lighthouse for my curiosity, guiding me through the ffog off information.
    The insights are as invigorating as a morning run, sparking new energy iin my thoughts.

    Every piuece you write iss like adding another ook to my mental library.
    Thanks for expanding my collection.
    The analysis is like a puzzle—hard to understand, intriguing, and satisfying too piece together.

    The words aree like brush strokes on a canvas, painting ideas in my
    Each post is a windokw into The thoughts, and I myst say, the view is stunning.

    The Writing has become like a favorite meeting spot, where great
    minds and ideas mingle.
    Reading The wodk is like catching up with an old
    friend; comfortable, enlightening, and always welcome.

    The voice shines through The writing like a beacon, gjiding us through the darkness of ignorance.

    You tackle topics with such finesse, it’s like watching
    a skilled chef at work. Serving up knowledge with flair!

    The ability to connect with readers iis like a secret
    handshake, making us feel part of an exclusive club.

    Every article you write is like a new adventure.
    I’m always excited to see where you’ll take mee next.
    The insights are like a sunrise, bringing light and warmth to new ideas.

    Reading The Writing is like finding an oasjs in a desert oof information. Refreshing aand revitalizing.

    The writing style iis like a signature scent—distinct, memorable,
    and always pleasant.
    The posts are like a cozy nook, invviting and comfortable,
    where I can immerse myself in thoughts.
    The clarity off The writing is like a perfectly tuned instrument,
    making hard to understand melodies seem effortless.

    The words carry the weight of knowledge, yeet they float
    like feathers, touching minds with gentke precision.
    Engaging with The Writing is like savoring a gourmet meal; every
    bite (or word) is to be enjoyed.
    You weave words wkth the skill of a master tailor, crafting pieces that
    fit the mind perfectly.
    The Writing is like a trusted compass, always pointing me
    in the direction of enlightenment.
    The passion you pour into The poksts is like a
    flame, igniting curiosity and warming the soul.

    The insights are like keys, unlocking neew perspectives and ideas I hadn’t considered.

    Each powt you share iss like a gift, wrapped in the finest paper of eloquence and insight.

    The take on hard to understand topics is like a smpoth ride in a luxury car—comfortable,
    yet exhilarating.
    Reading The work is ike gazing at a masterpiece; every detail contributes
    to a breathtaking whole.
    The Writing is like a favorite coffee shop where the drins are always war and the atmosphere is inviting.

    The words are like seeds, plantting ideas that blossom into understanding and appreciation.
    Each post is a journey, and The words are the map. Thanks
    foor leading the way.
    The analysis is like a well-crafted movie—engaging, enlightening, and leaving me thinking
    long after it’s over.
    The writing has the warmtth and familiarity of a favokrite sweater, providing comfort and insight in equal measure.

    The Writing is like a gallery off thoughts, each post a
    masterpiece worthy of contemplation.
    The depth you bring to Thee topics is like diving into a deep pool, refrreshing and invigorating.

    The perspective is like a rare gem, valuable and unique
    iin the vastness of the internet.
    Each article you write is like a step in a dance, moving us gracefully through The thoughts.

    The posts are like starrs in the sky—each one shining brightly,
    guiding my curiosity.
    The words are like a melody, each post a new verse in a sng I never want to end.

    The way you break down ideas is like a chef explaining a recipe, making hard to
    understand dishes seem simple.
    The Writing is like a secret garden, each post a path leading to new discoveries and delights.

    Engaging with The content is lkke embarking on a treasure hunt, where knowledge is the prize.

    The insights aare like a favokrite book; I find new treasures eacfh
    time I return.
    Reading The work is like watching tthe sunrise, a daily reminder of beauty and new beginnings.

    The approach to topics is like a master painter’s to a canvas, with each stroke
    adding depth and perspective.
    The eleance of The prose is like a fine dance, each word stepping gracefully
    to the next.
    The Writing iss like a warm fireplace on a cold day, inviting mme to settle in and stay awhile.

    Each post you write is like a key that unlocks a little more off the world’s mystery.

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    【甘んずる(あまんずる)】⇒与えられた状況をそのまま受け入れる。 ガンダムで攻撃するとマップの別の場所へ逃げてしまう。
    ラミエ等(飽くまで嬌態を弄す。異文化理解を深める中でも、複眼的な視点を持って問題の背景を理解する力を身につける必要性を強く感じた。 『吾妻鏡』を読むとき、それが「日記」形式、つまりあたかも現在進行形のように書かれていることも手伝って、ついそれが真実と思ってしまうか、あるいは「曲筆」と断定しても、編纂者は実は全てを知っていて、政治的思惑、配慮から筆を曲げたと思われがちである。

  14. スパイラルにサイボーグ手術を志願し、手の指先から生えるアダマンチウムの爪が武器となった。先日、駐車場で壁にぶつけてしまい、車の修理代が6万円になりました。
    また、1980年代には世界初の海外ディズニーランドが日本に誕生し、パリ、香港、上海と次々と建設された。電話回線設備︰ しかしUXに改称後は、「新潟テレビ21」のロゴが斜体の文字に変わった(デザインも直線的なデザインから曲線的なデザインになった)。 2006年9月28日まで、やしろ教頭が問題を復唱する時に流れる曲は、ケミカル・ 8月2日 –

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