Inventor of mRNA Technology: Vaccine Causes Lipid Nanoparticles to Accumulate in ‘High Concentrations’ in Ovaries

Well, it turns out that we have been lied to.  And the authorities knew it.  The inventor of the mRNA technologies, Dr. Robert Malone, has come out to warn against the dangers of the mRNA vaccines.  So of course he has been censored and the cover up continues.

Dr. Robert Malone appeared on the “Dark Horse Podcast” to speak out against the dangers of the mRNA vaccine.  The podcast is hosted by Ph.D. biologist Brett Weinstein.  I was not aware of Brett Weinstein before this and found out that he is a member of high standing of the “intellectual dark web”.  His story is interesting and his courage in standing up to the modern cultural revolutionaries is inspiring.  Now Brett Weinstein is continuing to courageously stand up against the censors and the medical industrial establishment to uphold his commitment to scientific knowledge.

The interview exposes many lies and troubling information that has has been covered up. Here I will some up some of the most important information that was revealed in this interview.

  1. The spike protein is biologically active and potentially dangerous, even though the public was led to believe that it was not.
  2.   The biodistribution study that was exposed by a freedom of information request showed that lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine spread throughout the body and do not stay in the deltoid muscle.  The spike proteins travel throughout the body and accumulates in different organs to include the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and especially the ovaries. Once again, the public was told that this would not happen.
  3. Effects accumulate over time and can take months or years to show up.  This being said, there is no reliable tracking system to monitor the damage of this experimental and potentially highly dangerous vaccine.
  4. Lastly, NO animal studies were done with what is the largest medical experiment in human history.  The whole point of animal studies is find any long term effects because animals life cycles are much faster.  This was not done.  We are dealing with vaccines that were developed in less than a year and are planned to be given to every human being on the planet while we have no clue about the long term consequences.

While there are many many different points that this interview goes into, Dr Malone reveals some very disturbing information when he explains how all the regulators in the world knew that the spike protein did not stay localized and spread throughout the body.

Here are a few clips from the interview that are worth watching.



Here is the interview in full and is worth listening to if one has the time.  (It is great interview but the interrupting gets annoying.  Dr Bret Weinstein needs to manage discussions better in the future.)


More info here and here



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