Jordan Peterson: Cancel Culture is Feminine Bullying


Of course Cancel Culture is female bullying.  Never thought of it before but that is obviously true.  Men bully through physical means but not women.  Women want to destroy your life.  I have had many women who have wanted to destroy my life so I know what I am talking about.   This is exactly what cancelling culture is, women and low T men using the internet to destroy peoples’ reputation.  It is all out war against anyone who makes the slightest deviation from the modern leftist norms of the day, which are also shifting so fast that nobody, not even leftists can keep up.  This is what happens to a civilization that no longer believes in God or any sort of higher power.  Morals and ethics become some kind of weird secular code that shifts with the winds.  At least if we had a philosopher king like Plato wanted, we would be in a much better spot.  Unfortunately, today we a ruled by a bunch of totally insane freaks that care nothing for the people or countries they rule over.  Somehow, now we have a ruling class that despises Western Civilization and pushes down from elite institutions a anti Western morality.  The masses being what they are and what they have always been, do not think for themselves.


Their opinions are created by people that they will never meet.   There are always elite opinion molders that shape the minds of the masses.  As such, today the masses accept this new morality of self loathing as a virtue.

Bernays Quote

Where will this lead?  To be honest it is likely a dark road ahead but there is room from much hope.  The modern leaders of the Western Powers have behaved in mindlessly incompetent and corrupt ways. Millions of people are now aware how corrupt “the system” is  Granted, it is still a minority, but it is strong and unrelenting minorities that shape history.  The masses will always be bamboozled by the entertainment of the day.  Whether it is the Roman games of old or modern sports in modern arenas and on TV.  The masses will always go with flow of the times because they are largely unthinking.  We, as freedom loving people need to convert the minority of thinking people on our side.  We also need to look for weak spots in the elite.  Tucker Carlson is a good example of an individual who is among the elite but no longer believes in elite opinion and has broken ranks.  We need more of these people and always be ready ourselves to inject thoughtful solutions into the intellectual chaos that the Modern West has created.  So I commend Jordan Peterson for standing for Western Civilization against the mob.

(Above is one of my favorite Jordan Peterson interviews.) 

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