Operation Lockstep

Do you feel like you are living in a simulated reality?  Do you feel like this has all been planned?  What would you say if somebody told you that it was all designed to happen just like it has?  That this scamdemic has been planned for a long time by the power elite.  That they even wrote about this stuff?   These are the ravings of crazy people right?  Respectable people don’t believe in this nutty stuff right?  Hmmm but what about documents?  What about the evidence?  Well, luckily for the average citizen he does not have to worry about such things.  He just watches TV and gets his news from Facebook and maybe takes orders from whatever corporate masters he works for.  It is best not to think deeply about such things.  Eat and be merry.  At least that was the old motto.  Give them bread and circuses.  Now it is different, now it is time to make the people suffer. The middle class has to be destroyed.  That is the new plan and the rich are going to get much richer.  Welcome to the new Amerika.  You thought you were free, now you are serf.  That is the game plan.

Something diabolical is afoot.  The public at large will fight with every fiber in their being from being told the truth.  They will even seek to destroy those few who have seen the truth, to silence them, to exclude them from the public discourse and eventually even more severe actions will be taken.  Because the truth is too much, it is a deep burden and people want comforting lies.


But truth does exist.

Operation Lockstep


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