The Designer of The F-15 Explains Just How Stupid F-35 Is

The whole reason for the existence of the F-35 is to spend money.  The Pentagon and U.S. military spending enriches the military-industrial complex and creates “make work” jobs in congressional districts. The Pentagon is one of the worst perpetrators of waste because the neoconservative dominated Right loves the military and will never question anything it does and the Left never questions government waste in general.  Defense industry corporatists get richer, the public gets robbed, and U.S. is stuck with an inferior aircraft that would lose to a 1950s Mig in a dog fight.  Welcome to the modern national security state.






What David Brat Should Have Told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd About the Minimum Wage

By Murray Sabrin

Economics professor David Brat is the latest political sensation after his upset victory in the Seventh Congressional District of Virginia primary against House Majority Leader Eric Cantor last Tuesday night.   On Wednesday, self-identified free market economist Prof. Brat appeared on MSNBC and was asked by reporter Chuck Todd to discuss his view of the federal minimum wage. Professor Brat  said, “I don’t have a well-crafted response on that one.”

Rather than avoiding the question Prof. Brat should’ve stated unequivocally, “I don’t support federal laws which increase unemployment among the most least skilled workers in our society, which is what the minimum wage law does. Therefore, I oppose any hike in the minimum wage, and in fact I would advocate its repeal so low skilled workers can get that first job and learn the skills they need so they can become more productive and hence earn a higher wage.”

Self-described free-market advocates running for political office should confidently state their positions, which undermine the interventionist views so prevalent among the political class and the media.   Unfortunately, Prof. Brat missed an opportunity to articulate his  free-market bona fides.   Let’s see  how he responds to the media and others during the campaign about his free-market positions.

Dr. Murray Sabrin is Professor of Finance at the Anisfield School of Business at Ramapo College of New Jersey. He writes at He recently ran for the Republican nomination for US Senator from New Jersey.

Who Controls the Media?

Massive Corporations control the media in the United Sates.  Modern news agencies are tools of disinformation, not information.  They are designed to shape public opinion to what the corporatist elite want it to be.  The last thing they want to do is rock the boat.  For them, the establishment must be protected at all costs.  This is why we see much periphery concern about issues with little importance but a critical issue of like the Federal Reserve goes unmentioned.   This is why politicians like Ron Paul get mocked and ignored from both MSNBC and Fox News.  Ron Paul’s criticism of the Federal Reserve and his questioning of the American Empire in whole cloth are simply too much for the corporatist elite.  These corrupt elite want to keep the conversation contained into categories that they want.  What should the Federal Reserve interest rate be?  Should our military invade this country or not?  These are questions that they want people to ask because the answer does not matter,  the satus quo will be maintained.    They don’t want people asking whether or not we should be auditing the Federal Reserve or whether we should have a foreign policy of non-intervention that our founding fathers recommended.  They certainly don’t want people to understand that militarism abroad is the quickest way to bring socialism home.  They don’t want people to have any clue that the Federal Reserve is a private bank that has caused every boom and bust in the 20th century and has stolen trillions from the American people through inflation whiling enriching a small group of bankers.  The media elite, the corporate elite, and the political elite are all part of one incestuous club. There only goal is to maintain power.  The idea of left versus right is an illusion.  The truth is that the real fight is liberty versus tyranny.

Gary Taubes on why we get Fat

This last year I have paying much more attention to my health than ever before.  The biggest reason for this is because I have learned that the conventional views on health have turned out to be completely wrong.  Gary Taubes is the author of the book “Good calories, Bad Calories.”  It is an investigative work on nutritional science in the 20th century.  The video below is a brief summery of Gary Taubes overall work.  If you are a little overweight or have lack of energy, it would be a very good idea for you to read “Good Calories, Bad Calories.”  I believe it will be the most important book on nutrition in the 21st century.  It will mark the beginning of the tide being turned against the evil government food pyramid and the disastrous high carb, low fat diet.


Health is critical to liberty.  Taking meaningful real world action requires a physical body in optimal health. Anything less and you will not be performing at your best.  With mountains that the liberty movement has to climb, we can not afford anything less than our physical best.   I think this is already taking root with so many in the liberty movement changing to low carb diets like Judge Napalitano, Lew Rockwell, and Tom Woods.  Let keep this trend going.  Try a Primal diet, Paleo diet, Weston A. Price diet, or my favorite, a Ketogenic diet.  You will eat better than you have ever before and your body will transform into the physical specimen that nature intended.  It will change your life.


“Still Mine”, a movie about property rights

Liberty is not lost overnight.  It is lost in degrees. It fades slowly until one day people wake up realize that the land they own, the fruits of their labor, and the integrity of their person is not truly theirs.  Liberty is also lost in the name of safety and other noble ideas.  In the previews, “Still Mine” shows the determined effort of bureaucrats to stop a man from building on his own land.  This is the only thing that bureaucrats can do, stop action by free acting individuals through threat of force. That is their job, that is all regulation agencies do.  They reduce freedom.  They subjected the naturally free individual to the faceless, soulless bureaucracy.

I, for one, believe in the sacredness of property rights.  Actually, I know that these rights exist.  They are inherent in nature.   No man or government has the right to use force against any individual because they disagree with what that individual is doing with his property.

Below is a short film along the same lines.



NPR statist foolishly tries to take on true liberal Glenn Greenwald

NPR reminds me broadcasting during the age of FDR.  I enjoy listening to it. It is like time traveling through history to the socialist era of New Deal. It is just dripping with statism but at least there are polite about it unlike conservative talk radio.   I enjoyed this exchange because it demonstrated how the media prostates itself before state power.  The NPR reporter reveres the claims made by federal authorities and feels special because she has been allowed to glance at such supposed evidence provided by authorities.  What a perfect tool for the powers at be!  Instead of journalists trying to uncover and expose government crimes, they instead suck up to these bureaucratic parasites to get crumbs of information that is likely disinformation anyway.


The left has a lot to learn from Glenn Greenwald.  If they were smart they would turn off MSNBC foverver and just watch Glenn Greenwald on Youtube.

Alan Watts – Insecure societies and hermits

Insecure societies fear nonconformists.  Insecure societies desperately want everyone to stay the same.  They want everyone to be part of the system because those people who choose to be not part of the system reveal the ruse, the cosmic joke that it is all a game, it is all an illusion.  Truly confident societies revere the outsider and the hermit because they realize that such people are healthy for a society.  They keep the controllers of society in check because they are always there to show the people that there is an other way of living, that you do not have to be controlled by the system.


Words of wisdom form Alan Watts

America and the West desperately needs its outsiders more than ever before.  Who will serve as an example?  Who today is willing to withdraw there consent?  Who has the courage?






The case for Marijuana research on PTSD

Apparently Marijuana can help regulated memory and actually can serve a physiological function.  It can help people break out of unhealthy mental loops and help nudge the brain into a healthy state.  Like anything else, marijuana has the potential for abuse, but it is interesting to think about using marijuana in conjunction with psychological therapy.   Unfortunately, marijuana prohibition has made psychological therapy lawfully impossible and has driven marijuana underground.  In this kind of legal environment, the worst kind of uses of marijuana are exacerbated while its potential benefits and possible constructive uses are withheld from the public.