Pilots EKGs are in the Danger Zone after Vax Rollout

This whole thing is absurd.  There is evidence of damage from these “vaccines” everywhere and our criminal media overs it up.  I have no idea what the masses think.  I have not talked to any normies in a long time.  I wonder how their minds work.  Especially those who took the vax and now all this evidence for damage is coming out.  I suppose most of them are in some state of denial or if they don’t see it on TV they just ignore it and chalk it up to conspiracy theorists.  The longer this has gone on it has become apparent to me that most people are capable of rational though or logical reasoning.  This is likely on purpose.  The whole goal is destroy a population psychologically or present facts in such way a that it confuses people.  When “experts” continually contradicts themselves it creates a condition in the mind of the masses where they give up and give all sovereignty and reasoning to whatever authority is telling them what to do.  There are many factors to this but one of the biggest is that the masses can’t imagine being lied to on such a mass scale.  I admit it was hard for me to accept as well but that was years ago and the evidence is all around us.  Eventually something has to get past the conditioning?  Right?  Well, I honestly don’t know


Pilots take EKGs to make sure they are healthy to fly.  It turns out that the parameters of widened after the roll out of the vax.  This means that pilots that were considered too dangerous to fly before can now fly.  This implies that more pilots will be having heart attacks during flights.  Why lower safety you may ask? Well, if the FAA told people that hundreds of pilots were ground because they have heart problems the whole nation would know that the vax is very dangerous.  Can’t have that so instead FAA just quietly expands the parameters of what is considered healthy.  Very clever, except some people did the research and figured it out.  Will public hear about this?  Not likely, the public is too easily distracted by the modern version of bread and circuses.

Steve Kirsch has done great work on this topic


Here is his full article on the topic

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