What does the future hold? It is hard to tell. The masses have accepted all sorts of abuse from their governments with little too no protest. At some level they even seem to like it. Most people have no critical reasoning ability and are thus defenseless against the whole Covid Hoax.
Carl Jung wrote a book called Present and Future, later renamed as the Undiscovered Self when it was translated into English. Even though the book was written in the 50s, it was very prophetic to our current age. Jung saw back then, as did those other wise souls like George Orwell, that a very totalitarian future was planned for humanity. Jung believed that the only defense was that any given country had a stratum of population that was intelligent and moral enough to stand against the totalitarians. Jung did not give an exact estimate of what percentage was needed but stated that it could be as high as 40% of the population or it could likely be much less. I think today we now know that it is indeed much less. That the level of the population that is both intelligent and contain moral courage is low and is especially low in all positions of power in government to include the local and state level. There is hardly anybody that is willing to stand against tyranny and thus so few see the truth of the hell that is now embracing them.
I have great trouble understanding what the normie thinks because the average normie is usually overweight and fat people have smaller and more damaged brains. I can’t relate to that but something in the normie makes them exceedingly passive and trusting of even the most evil liars and the most obvious lies. Their seems to be no level of discernment at all. It is hard to say exactly what is the cause of the normies slavish impulses but whatever the reason the normie seems to be almost completely ruled by the TV and in the modern age social media as well. What is worse, is that normie thinks he is very important and very intelligent as he repeats all the stupid ideas that he heard on TV or read on Facebook. To be perfectly honest, these people are really horrible and I despise being around them. You can literally tell them anything and as long as the TV said it, they will believe it. On the other hand, somebody like me has no ability to influence the normie at all because I am not on TV and I am not a celebrity. This is really the worst part about democracy, this idea that everybody is important and everybody’s opinion matters. At least in the middle ages the peasants knew their opinions didn’t matter but the modern mass man, who has a life that is much worse than the medieval peasant by most measures thinks he is a far superior being. It almost makes you understand why the globalists want to cull the herd. I joke of course, just cause people are idiots does not mean that I want to kill them. They just need strong leaders that care for their welfare. Well, we are a long way from that with the satanic occupation of the American Government.
Despite all the major set backs for liberty, there is also great cause for hope. This is the final push by the globalists to create their New World Order. They hope to have it complete in ten years. Everybody is to be chipped, tracked, and enslaved to the system by 2030. That is the goal of the globalists. To achieve this goal the totalitarian mask has to come off. They will try to blame a virus or some kind of “cyber pandemic” but it will be harder and harder to conceal their control system. The debt economies of the West are about to implode. When this happens, it will be one of the greatest economic disasters of human history. Most likely it will be by far the greatest. Everything up to this point will pale in comparison to the financial and economic catastrophe ahead. Though this my sound scary, it actually offers great hope. The system as we have it now can not last. The present system is what is enslaving us. This system has been enslaving us long before there ever was a “pandemic”. The scamdemic was merely a way that the globalists tried to get out ahead of the economic house of cards that they created and was destined to fail. This will be both a time of great opportunity and great danger. The fate of the world will be on a knife edge. This will also be a time for great deeds and heroes. A return to man’s primal nature. This is where free humanity will stand and face evil or it will perish and be enslaved. I for one welcome such an opportunity. It is the grey dullness of this current world that the globalists have created that is soul crushing. Alternatively, the time that is coming will give every soul a chance to LIVE.
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