The Great Reset in One Image


I have always liked Dr Mercola.  I have not read him in a few years but he has always been right on about most things.  He was into Ketogenic diet well before it was fashionable and always has good natural health advise.  Of course, when Dr Mercola questioned vaccines, it was a step too far for the establishment.  He was roundly ridiculed by the establishment press.  He was eventually censored from all the respectable social media forums. Despite this, he is still one of the most popular alternative health advocates and I really do love him for that.  Back when I used to watch his interviews I could tell that he was always holding something back.  Anyone who has been into natural health enough seems to come to the conclusion that governments do not want their populations healthy.  Mercola never went into the why about this because after all, he wanted to keep his work focused on health, and I understand that.  Now, with this coming technocratic dark age, Mercola is delving into and publishing about the “conspiracy”. This probably because he feels like he has no choice, we don’t have any other option but to fight this..  I highly respect him for that.  As is becoming obvious to many, we are running out of time and something big is coming.  

Mercola’s full article here 

and another one here

20,711 thoughts on “The Great Reset in One Image

  1. Mrs. Gipson is survived by her kids, Fannie Hutchison of Palestine, Walter Lee Gipson of Temple, Daymond Gipson of Beeville, Tommie Gipson of Houston and Jerry Gipson of Elkhart; brother, Vassie L. Conner of Phelps; 17 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.

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  4. Evelyn is preceded in loss of life by her parents, Anna Ola Godfrey and Clarence James Godfrey; her first husband, Jewel Kenneth Fretz; her second husband, George Robert “Bo” Bohanan; one son, Richard Kenneth Fretz; one brother, Bob Godfrey; and by one sister, Aileen Akir.

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