The Mechanism of Mass Death?

Well, it looks like there will be mass death from the vaccines but maybe we will be lucky and there will only be mass sterilization?  I am just joking, I am sure everything is going to be fine.  Governments the have lied over and over again, have engaged in the largest censorship campaign in human history and have suppressed life saving drugs like Ivermectin because “they” truly care about your welfare.  Obviously now I am joking, things are not fine, but hey, who said life was going to be easy?

What is interesting is that there seems to be at least three mechanisms that people will die from these vaccines.  Autoimmune enhancement, blood clotting, and graphene oxide poisoning.  Now, we have to admit, this seems to be a contradiction or at least strange.  Why would there be all these different opinions on what the death mechanism would be?   Here on Human Trap we try to be as honest as possible.  These vaccines are likely very deadly but why don’t the good guys seem to know exactly what is going on yet?  It should be easy to find out.  Acquire a bunch of vaccines and run a animal trial with rats.  Would that not be easy to do?  Maybe vaccine companies would not allow extra distribution but one think there would be a way to acquire the needed doses?

The masses obviously love this vaccine.  The masses pretty much love anything the government tells them to love because apparently through mass water fluoridation people can no longer use their pineal gland to communicate with their own soul and thus are just walking husks of flesh.  I am not really sure if that is true (well, the calcifying of the pineal gland part is definitely true) but it seems like as good as an explanation as anything else right now.  And you heard from the Human Trap first.



So in the end I suppose the big question is what is going to cause the megadeaths?   Time will tell.


Death by autoimmune enhancement?


Death by Blood Clots?


Death by graphene oxide poisoning?






111,154 thoughts on “The Mechanism of Mass Death?

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