Another shocking interview that is somehow completely suppressed by big tech. Of all the information in this interview what is new and what should be very concerning is that these spike proteins are likely prions. So when the body produces the spike protein from the mRNA “vaccines” is is actually producing prions. So what does these mean?
- Prions destroy brain tissue, mad cow disease is a disease of prions. If the spike protein that the mRNA vaccines are creating are actually creating are actually prions were are potentially looking at the largest mass casualty event in human history.
- 95% of animals used in clinical trials for coronavirus shots over the past 20 years died within two weeks. These period of time equates to 1 1/2 years for humans. So to follow the same timeline, it is likely that we will see a mass causality event anywhere from a year and a year and a half from now.
I truly don’t know what the world will look like if millions if not billions of people become infected with a brain destroying prion disease. As far as I know there is no cure but Dr Fleming, MD PHD JD, seems to think that there are some things that people can do. Watch the video below for more info.
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