By Jake Hopkinson
It is only day 3 of Joe’s long and frightful presidency. We have over 1400 lengthy days to go in this unprecedented time. The countless and fallacious speeches of unity and coming together by Biden and his constituents have already proven completely false. In a socialist society, unity only is reserved for the people who obey and abide by their handlers. Unity does not include Republicans, patriots, Catholics, or servicemen and women. On day 1 of the Biden regime we saw many actions that have undone what brought this republic to be so prominent. Soon after his inauguration that proved there was no legitimate threat even with 26,000 troops creating a wall around the fraudulent politicians, the troops were then dismissed to a parking garage where more then 5000 troops are packed next to each other. So much for Covid precautions they speak of right? A Democrat senator had the audacity to report a solider for not wearing his mask while eating and that they all had to be exiled from the Capitol. This is what a Biden administration thinks of the people to take an oath to defend him and his politicians who constantly smear us and even insinuated white males who do not vote for him are a threat to his safety. The treatment was so bad Gov. Abbot of Texas ordered the 1000 troops he went to DC be sent back to Texas immediately. God Bless Texas. As Davey Crockett said, “ You may go to Hell, and I will go to Texas.” Of course, the appalling treatment of our protectors isn’t the only thing Biden is to blame for. Let’s take a look at the numerous other actions he implemented that will hurt this Country. Unity is not gained by impeaching. Let a lone, an impeachment of someone out of office. An impeachment on the regards that President Trump organized the riots and told his supports to storm the capital. We all know under the rule of law, this would never hold up in a court. We also know trump never incited any violence at all, rather he told his supports to peacefully walk to the Capitol. As the days have transpired since the “insurrection” as the media likes to call it, it has come to light that although there were Trump suppers in the Capitol, it was also a planned organized infiltration by BLM and Antifa. If you do not believe this, please take the time and look up John Sullivan. A BLM leader from Utah who was dressed in Trump gear to blend in and cause havoc. Do you know who was next to this criminal when he was beaching the capital? A photojournalist who works for CNN by the name of Jade Sacker. Of course, none of this will be mentioned on mainstream media. These are the same people who Vice President Harris said will not stop and they are here to stay. It’s no surprise she bailed out rioters in Minneapolis. Yet, President Trump is the one who is being impeached. Here you have a inept politician inciting violence and destruction. Encouraging a group to keep destroying cities and looting small businesses. She is the most radical left wing to sit as Vice President. I’m sure if the proud boys were destroying towns and federal buildings she would charge every single one and continue to rant on her white supremacy notion. This brings up another point. Biden insisted Americans are divided by racism, fear, and demonization. The demented man talks about confronting white supremacy and domestic terrorism. Yet, he has yet to condemn BLM and Antifa who just in the last 7 months have caused millions of dollars in damage, injured over 700 officers and destroyed over 150 government buildings. Who are the real terrorist? We are divided because it’s because of Democrat politicians and the repellent media who do not acknowledge this and despite the continued destruction and flag burning, not one Democrat has condoned this. That is why we are divided. We are divided because republicans respect America, God, and the values this republic was founded on. During all these criminal acts by left wing terrorist groups, left wing inadequate politicians have harassed, persecuted, and have made death threats to republicans. It’s no surprise why so many Patriots were at the capital, and let it be known most of them were peaceful. Then you have Jen Psaki, the loudmouth Ill-mannered press secretary who let us know Biden was going to end the “ Muslim ban” trump imposed. She claimed this was written in a religious animus and xenophobic idea. False. It was a proposal to keep terrorist from infiltrating this country after the Bataclan Massacre in Paris in 2015. Similarly with ending the ban from terrorist factory countries, Biden’s radical immigration agenda to allow millions and millions of illegals to come into this country is absurd. How about we focus on Americans first? This isn’t an America first country anymore though. It’s a China and socialist country first now. I’ll look forward to the Covid numbers increase with the fake paperwork many of them will bring across to this country. Of course, not that it matters. You have seen all cities opening up now to include large metropolises like NYC and DC. Funny, how this happened right after inauguration. Just proves all the economic shut downs were for political gain that lead to the suffering of millions of families and ruined countless small businesses. Nothing defines scumbag more. Biden and his handlers will do anything for their gain. He went to as far as placing a Cesar Chavez statue in his office. A man he has no history with. This was a ploy to let Hispanics thinks he has their own best interest. Well, I hate to inform you Joe, but your voting turnout for Hispanics wasn’t anything to brag about. Not to mention your countless and mindless executive orders will only cause them to lose jobs and precious income. Biden also removed the Winston Churchill statue, previously done by Obama. This man is Obama chapter 3 with severe dementia. He has yet to formulate his own ideas or even explain his ideas before he was inaugurated. His philosophy he is bringing to this country is not his. It’s a continuation of Obama policies and driven by his far left wing handlers. Which is precisely why he was nominated and why they ensured he would win by fraud. He will do they order him to do. He will continue to allow China to own us. He has no backbone. I ponder the next world war he will put us in. However with all this discussed, there is good. We still wake up and sun is shining and we are free. No matter how bad it is at this time, we are better off then most of the world. We are still 80 million strong. We are closer to starting the Patriot Party. All of this is just adding fuel to the fire.
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