Tom Woods Gives Speech to over 100 State Senators about Lockdowns

Tom Woods nails it again: “The deaths from Covid, as tragic as they are, are a drop in the bucket compared to the long term effects of these horrific policies”.

Tom Woods has been one of the great anti-lockdown advocates on the internet, of course you will never hear about him or anyone like him from the mainstream media.  The media has censored any dissenting opinions on this Covid push, probably because the rational for lockdowns and masks are so weak they can not allow any dissent because it would become so obvious how vile these unconstitutional policies about masks and lockdowns are. The ones that stand against the tide of this mass hysteria are the great heroes of our time.  Covid response has become the largest public health fiasco in the history of the world.  The lives lost due to lockdown, the economic devastation, the fraying of public bonds, and the dramatic increase suicide and mental health problems all could have easily been avoided by simply using common sense.  Instead we are looking at the largest government overreach in our lifetimes and we will be lucky if anything can ever go back to normal.  The damage done already has been so immense that it is almost unimaginable but this is likely just the beginning.  Governments are going to push for mandatory untested vaccines that change human DNA, vaccine passports and ID cards, and eventually bio-metric chip that seems very ominous for any that look into it.

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