Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on COVID Worldwide Conspiracy

Of course, the word conspiracy is not used.  Professional people do not use such a word.  And we are all professionals here and everything is under control.  Well, actually, everything is not under control and something is “very very wrong” but we should not think to be deeply about such things, right?

Basically Doctor Peter McCullough goes into great lengths explaining how there are many treatments for Covid but that they are never mentioned and even actively suppressed. Both Doctor Peter McCullough and Tucker are trying to wrap their minds around this and seem to be totally baffled on how such treatments can be ignored.  There is too much in this interview to sum up here and it is worth watching in whole.



The is one thing I have been meaning to mention and it was brought up in this interview. The Lancet, the most prestigious medical journal in the world, published a paper that claimed the hydroxychloroquine is deadly.  This turned out to be completely false. In addition to this medicine being used very successfully for 40 years, the sources for the paper were obviously fraudulent.  For those that might not be familiar with academic writing, this is a huge deal. This simply does not happen, and was obviously published fraudulently on purpose.   It was retracted a couple weeks later but the world wide damage had already been done and the media never covered the retraction.  This one incident alone should set off the alarm bells.  For the most prestigious academic journal in the world to outright lie and potentially lead to millions of deaths from a deadly virus, the term “mind blowing” does not even come close to doing justice to what this information implies.  I have to emphasize again.  This is an academic journal, with editors and peer review.  Most people get rejected for the smallest of errors. To get published at all is an incredible feat and the level of scientific rigor of such a journal is always beyond reproach. Well, not this time apparently.  Right when humanity needed an objective medical opinion to what was to be done, (with what was the thought to be the one of the most dangerous plagues in modern history) what did humanity get from the medical elite?  Lies. What does such a lie imply?  I don’t know if words can do such a crime justice.  Purposeful mass killing of millions.  What is the word for that? I will let the reader figure that out.  More concerning in my mind, what comes next?

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