Tucker Carlson is Going to Have Death Squads Going After Him

I always have liked Tucker Carlson but I don’t know if he is going to be around much longer.  This crazy conspiracy stuff is not supposed to be put on TV.  The masses are supposed to be dumbed down.  They certainly should not know the governments own statistics for vax injuries.  The public should definitely not know that more people have died in three months from the Covid Vax than all people from all flue vax injections combined since 1997.  The people absolutely have not right to this information.  If people knew this information, they might not listen to their wise overlords like the gremlin lord Fauci.  People need to do what they are told.  They should not be given facts or any sorta of actionable information whatsoever.  I don’t know how Tucker Carlson does not understand this, or how a cooperate media outlet like Fox News has not fired him yet.  It must be some sort of occult mockery of the masses that I don’t understand.  So whatever you do, don’t watch the videos below.  Write to Fox News, call your congressman, or riot in the streets with BLM, demand that Tucker is put in prison for genocide.  This vaccine is absolutely safe, if you don’t believe that, you are a racist that deserves to be put in a camp.



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