By Murray Sabrin
Economics professor David Brat is the latest political sensation after his upset victory in the Seventh Congressional District of Virginia primary against House Majority Leader Eric Cantor last Tuesday night. On Wednesday, self-identified free market economist Prof. Brat appeared on MSNBC and was asked by reporter Chuck Todd to discuss his view of the federal minimum wage. Professor Brat said, “I don’t have a well-crafted response on that one.”
Rather than avoiding the question Prof. Brat should’ve stated unequivocally, “I don’t support federal laws which increase unemployment among the most least skilled workers in our society, which is what the minimum wage law does. Therefore, I oppose any hike in the minimum wage, and in fact I would advocate its repeal so low skilled workers can get that first job and learn the skills they need so they can become more productive and hence earn a higher wage.”
Self-described free-market advocates running for political office should confidently state their positions, which undermine the interventionist views so prevalent among the political class and the media. Unfortunately, Prof. Brat missed an opportunity to articulate his free-market bona fides. Let’s see how he responds to the media and others during the campaign about his free-market positions.