What happened to the Left?

I have been told during a discussion about masks that any suspicion of their effectiveness “right ring conspiracy theory.” Actually, the person seemed to think I was sort of right winger and said “tell that to Herman Cain” as a gotcha.  Obviously, I don’t really care about Herman Cain at all and I think I even wrote an article about how bad of a candidate he was back in 2012.  That being said, most people think that all political opinion is what they see on TV and that is the extent of the political spectrum.  This obviously benefits the power elite because they can move both parties where they want with little resistance because they control the discussion. 

I can think of many reasons why the left should be against mask authoritarianism and lockdowns in general but these totalitarian or “fascist” policies go totally unquestioned.  Minorities, the poor, and the third world are hurt much more by lockdowns than the wealthy and or wealthy nations.  White collar workers are much more likely to work from their computer at home while wage workers have to go to work and wear masks all day that are extremely unhealthy.  The poor are also much more vulnerable to the economic impacts of shutdowns and lack of employment.  These arguments seem to fall on deaf ears today, especially the modern left.  It seems that the whole of society seems to be under some sort of mass psychosis and no amount of logos can penetrate. 

The left used have a healthy suspicion power. I always respected them for that.  Today the left is wholly different. They seem to worship power.  Corporate media, big tech, corrupt DC politicians would seem to be groups that the traditional left would distrust but no more.  Luckily, there are still a few independent men of the left still out there.  I consider them torch bearers of a tradition that has long been neglected. 

To have a healthy civilization there must be dialogue.  Today we don’t have that.  We have the worst censorship in the history of the United States.  Today’s censorship likely rivals that of Pravda or East Germany. People of communist contries widely distrusted their media unlike Americans today who think they are getting the truth.  If the media has the trust of the people, it can tell much bigger and audacious lies and in 2020 America, it has been one big lie and manipulation after another.  

While the response across the political spectrum has been disappointing to say the least, there has been a few rays of hope.  There are people who understand how precious human liberty is and how easily it can be taken away.  Throughout history, liberty has been the rare condition.  Most of humanity has lived under absolute tyranny for thousands of years but today’s public lacks such historical perspective and lives completely for the present and likely does not even remember much past the previous election cycle.  The extreme politicization of society has seduced the populace to believe that everyone is either on “our side” or the “other side”.  This is a sickness of the body politic that is purposely pushed by the ruling elite.  The phrase divide and conquer fits perfectly for their operations.  Set the population against each other while they enrich themselves and gain power.  

I the videos below true leftists discuss the horrific implications of the Covid pandemic. 






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