Who Runs The World?

That is the question that everyone that gets deep into this field asks.  Obviously the world is not what it seems.  How has such a small group been able to wield so much power and yet at the same time has been able to avoid scrutiny?  How are the masses so in the dark about the real events in the world?

There has always been an “elite” that have controlled every society since Rome and before.  Some have been more beneficent to their populations than others.  I would argue that many times in Western Civilization that the controlling elite considered it their sacred duty to protect the masses of people.  Some of the founding generation of America were like this, such as Jefferson, who wanted a country of yeoman farmers. Others, such as Hamilton were more concerned with establishing and perpetuating a financial oligarchy.  Both sides have existed throughout the history of the West.  Those that seek to establish tyranny through financial means always do this in a secretive way.  After all, they are not using conquering armies, but financial means to enslave the public.  The public must be slowly goaded into a slumber in such a way that they do not realized that they are being enslaved by the banks and financial interests.

A large portion of American history is a struggle between the financial and banking interests and the public.  This can be seen when Andrew Jackson proudly went to war with the second bank of the United States.  Jackson correctly surmised that central banking would be used to financially enslave the population.  Banking, money, credit, and the financial system in general were topics of discussion throughout all Presidential elections going into the 20th century.  Williams Jennings Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech is one of the most famous speeches in American political history and is almost completely forgotten by the layman today.  Even the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1914 was written in a way to trick the public that the purpose was to reign in the banks, instead it created the worst monster that civilization had ever seen.  After WWI it was common knowledge that financial and banking interests benefited the most from the war and that these interests drove the United States to the European War that the U.S. had no legitimate interest in.  Many of the most prestigious academic scholars supported this view and won over the majority of the public.

After World War II everything changed.  The financial interests that were slowly but steadily reaching its claws throughout the American system finally became so entrenched that they could control the very narrative of the entire system.  For a silent coup to take place, for a subversion of the entire system to happen, certain steps must be taken.  Primarily those steps are the control of the media and control of academia.  After World War II, no longer was there any discussion of financial issues, and how a free society conducts its monetary system.  This was totally unlike all American history before.  To bring up that Gold and Silver as the only real money of free people and that the American Constitution expressly forbids the use of anything else.  To bring up such a topic was to be considered a crank.  After all, Communism was the new enemy (that the American Government funded and abetted even while knowing of the tens of millions of murders) and any deviant discussion from that fight might even be considered subversive.

After the Second World War we see the rise of the American Financial Empire.  To look at America as a country after this is almost missing the point.  America became merely a tool for the financial and banking interests. The banking interests do not gain power through conquering armies but through enslaving through debt.  The financial interests enjoy war because war brings them massive profits.  More debt the better.  Now every country in the world after WWII uses dollars and is trapped in the dollar system.  Any country that tries to get out of the dollar system is swiftly dealt with and destroyed.  This is what happened to Iraq in 2003 and Libya invasion in 2011.  Saddam Hussain wanted to sell oil in Euros and Gadaffi in Gold.  Well, that is simply not allowed under the New World Order banking empire.  The U.S. armed forces are merely the jackboot for the banking cartel.

Now we are witnessing the next stage of the banking and financial cartel.  This is the Covid hoax.  Not only is this hoax designed to cover up their crimes of financial evil but also create a new medical dictatorship to control the masses.  Obviously this is being pushed on the public “for their own protection”.  I should not have to remind the reader that this is always how liberty is lost.  The controllers never say what they are really about.  If the enemy is successful, we could really be entering into a new technocratic dark age but there are many hopefully signs of resistance emerging.  Time is not up on the clock and some of us still have fight left in us.  I, for one, will never take their vax.  I will die first.  The more people who resist the better.

Below is a introductory video of how the financial cartel works.  This video has a Dutch perspective and is produced by Covid Lie.


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